Salvation Army converted to feminism?

SJones writes "The Memphis Tennessee Salvation Army has joined the swelling ranks of feminist non-profits that claim to assist families, but create their own definition to excluse fathers altogether. I sent them money and received a letter of thanks say, "on behalf of .. all the other women and children we serve, we once again say thank you." No mention of serving men at all. When I worked for AutoZone's corporate office in Memphis the Salvation Army convinced the company to donate money for a women-only shelter in which pre-existing space for homeless men was switched to a female-only building. When I asked about this they claimed there are far more homeless women than men. I checked on this claim and found it to be completely false.

I emailed the Salvation Army a reply to their letter saying, in effect, since you quietly discriminate against males while claiming to be a Christian ministry I will never again offer any assistance of any kind to you. Spread the word. Anyone who wants to give to their local Salvation Army needs to check it out first. I checked their main homepage and found only a women's ministry, but no men's ministry. There was a policy statement saying that females are the cornerstones of family and society, with no mention of males having any value at all. I emailed their main office asking for an explanation and warning that I am going to spread the word to men's rights groups about them. So everyone spread the word. And then bombard them with letters or phone calls."

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