Insult woman - go to jail!

Linucs writes "Will it ever stop? From the Guardian: "The law puts anti-gay and sexist comments on an equal footing with racist or anti-semitic insults, allowing French courts to hand down fines of up to €45,000 (£30,000) and jail sentences of up to 12 months for "defamation or incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence on the grounds of a person's sex or sexual orientation"." Aside from saying goodbye to free speech, I cannot help but wonder: what is a "sexist comment" for the Law? "The feminist group Les Chiennes de Garde, or Guard Bitches, added that it hoped the law would lead to a fall in the number of physical attacks on women "by first outlawing verbal violence"." No, this will not outlaw anti-men advertisement and media bias, but thanks for asking. Maybe we could outlaw any form of speech for men, so everybody would just climb trees, eat fruit and get along? Oog oog!"

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