News from Italy: First father's shelter, C/S Injustice

Linucs writes "If you do not speak Italian, good! You will not be able to fully understand these two very painful news items. First: if you are a divorced father, earn less than 650 euros/month, and have to pay for child support, do not have DV precedents, you're lucky: you may access the first father shelter! The article even suggests that these fathers will feel kind of younger, because - you see - it's like a college dorm. Second: a court of appeal just decided that a father has to pay child support for his two daughers. Too bad his daughters have 34 and 32 years: the court said that there's no age limit to "child" support, and he has to pay until his daughters get a job and become "independent". Now fathers have to "demonstrate" that the "children" willingly avoid working. (hey - I told you it was painful)"

Ed's note: You can use the "Translate a Web Page" facility at to translate these articles from Italian to English.

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