Upcoming natural science, gender role broadcast

Ray writes "Here is an upcoming TV show here Series: The Most Extreme, Episode: Battle of the Sexes,

"It's all about who's in control and the males and females of the animal kingdom will use size, speed, strength, and brains to come out on top. Find out which gender will rule the roost in this epic battle of the sexes."

Oct 19, 2004 @12:00 AM on The Animal Planet. Other times and date are listed too so check your local listings.

IMHO, Gender can be a modern social construction to the degree that homo sapiens have the ability to intelligently manipulate their role in their environment and still survive as a speices.

Beyond that I see gender purely as a construction of nature/evolution with the intent of survival of the species as the ultimate goal of the "constructed genders."

Given how gender is being legislated by lawmakers like Sheila Kuehl, and others, to suit gender feminist ideology here , this episode of the The Most Extreme looked interesting."I for one do not think that we will easily manipulate and change millenia of biologically constructed gender roles that are intent on preserving the viabitlity of homo sapiens, no matter how much jack boot idealists would like to impose their viewpoints on our species.

Sheila Kuehl may want to fool Mother Nature with her imposed constructions of gender, but it's not nice to play so foolishly with other human's lives.

I suspect that gender feminists who watch this episode will allege that this show helps prove that all homo sapien males are natural impregnating machines (rapists) intent on power, control, domination, fornication, violence and aggression in an advanced societal hierarchy of homo sapiens that would be better off without such primitive natural encumbrnaces (heterosexual males)." What do you think?

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