Woman Reveals Machiavellianism Via Maxim

Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Truly amazing. Here we have a fascinatingly frank article from a gal at Maxim, supposedly giving advice to younger men on how to hunt older women. In its insights, it reveals appalling shallowness, subterfuge, manipulativeness, condescension towards all males, bitterness towards 'commitmentphobes', an amazing neurosis concerning age (since when is 26 'old'?), and complete and utter disregard for any form of emotional link between two adults. Not only is it disregarded -- it is aggressively encouraged. This woman is specifically hunting for a 'toy' to use and drop like a used Kleenex, and is triumphantly proud of it. Moreover, she makes it clear that she beleives utterly that this is all that males have ever or will be interested in. Oh, and one more thing -- the 'older woman' should always be in charge of every aspect of the situation, because she's smarter and more experienced at everything than you, and don't you forget it. I have no problem with the idea of dating older women, but this person's attitude towards the entire thing left me wanting to take a shower and join a men's drumming circle. Please read it, and let us know what you think."

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