"Girlie Men" comment by Gov. Schwarzenegger

Ray writes "Did Governor Schwarzenegger hurt all men's issues in California, when he made a "sterotypically macho/anti-macho" comment about Democrats that denigrated gays? "Girlie Men" Does Gov. S. have a "macho/chivalrous image/prejudice" that he expects all men to try to live up to? Should men be divided by Gov. S. into categories such as gay, macho, etc. for means of poiliticizing issues? Has Gov. S. crossed that line of political correctness, by uttering this clearly sexist remark about gays as Sheila Kuhel (avid men's rights opponent) says? Has Gov. S. committed sexual harassment and does he now need to be sent to sensitivity training, or are the negative reactions against Gov. S. just one more example of the rampant Heterophobia that grips the State of California?"

amperro writes "Okay, maybe this doesn't directly concern the men's movement, but California State Sen. Sheila Kuehl, a major Paternity Fraud Supporter, got a little hissy when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger used the term "Girlie Men" to describe state legislators in this story

I guess we should all care what Sen. Kuehl thinks."

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