New HBO Series on Women's Suffrage History

Ray writes "Today’s men have issues that have always been there (oppressions they have never dealt with), and issues that have come about as a result of anti-male propaganda being disseminated through out the long, misandirst history of the women’s activist movement. The time is long overdue that men present a cogent voice addressing the issues of oppression in their lives, issues that are no less egregious than those women have faced, just different in their specifics.

There is a new series soon to be aired on HBO about the Women's Suffrage movement that took place around the time of Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency. It is called Ironed Jawed Angels and premieres Feb. 15th, 2004: HBO’s Iron Jawed Angels"

Click "Read More" for further info.Ray continues...

From a historical perspective this should be an interesting series to watch. From a men's activist's perspective this should be a very interesting series to watch, because the trailers show men of that time in a very negative light, violently attacking female suffragettes and opposing them. I suspect such overtly negative portrayals of men will help to further fuel today's vilifying stereotypes of men. I suspect such imagery will help to further fuel the kind of male oppression that is so feverishly being advocated for through Women's Studies Programs on College Campuses, and through Women's Commissions, which are active in our political and government arenas (to name but two hotbeds of radical feminism).

By the way the term "Iron Jawed Angels" comes from the hunger strike the suffragettes staged while in prison. It seems no one had ever picketed the White House before, and they got arrested for that. In one of the trailers they show some women inside a government building unfurling a banner in the presence of Woodrow Wilson. The seamstress skills of those early suffragettes was evidently of significant use to them in their cause.

I am eager to see this series to see what political tactics and strategies the suffragettes employed, but I am equally eager to see what portrayal HBO gives to the suffragette's political ideologies, and how historically accurate that is. I will not presume a liberal Hollywood bias, but will watch carefully for any instance of that, since there is reason to suspect it, based on the track record.

There are a number of well established actresses in this series: Julia Ormond, Angelica Houston, Hillary Swank, Francis O’conner. and others.

There is an old saying which says, “That he/she who forgets history is doomed to repeat it.” I will be watching this series intently to see what mistakes men and women of that time made in dealing with women's activists of that time. There were a number of issues in the women's activism of that time that intertwine into today's more radical feminist movement so I will also be watching, studying this docudrama intently to see how those issues have led to further oppression of men and the further striping away of their rights.

I can only wonder when the day will come when a series will be done showing the oppressions males have faced, just because they’re males. Let us make sure that the history of men’s oppression, in all its forms, is not the legacy we leave to a future generation of disempowered males."

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