He never came forward because he thought no one would believe him

LUEK writes "Here is yet another article about a female batterer.

But what makes this story special is that the prosecuting Assistant District Attorney (a female by the way!) recognizes the social stigma that protects female batterers and further victimizes male victims in these abusive relationships: HE THOUGHT NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE HIM!"

Even if he was believed at a conscious level, the light sentence indicates to me that the judge at some subconscious level at least just couldn't believe a woman could abuse a man. I would be amazed if this had been a man who'd pled no contest to charges of attacking a woman with a hammer, stabbing her a few times with scissors, disfiguring her genitals by biting them, and sending her to the hospital with a life-threatening injury if the sentence would have been the same, 9 months plus counselling. Anyway, the good news is that the DA recognized the stigma and the article not only refers to a female abuser as an abuser it even mentions her name!

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