Not Acting "Like a Man"?

Dittohd writes "Here is an editorial by Michelle Malkin detailing her choices for "Whiners of the Year". Note the segment on Rep. Bill Janklow. Below is the e-mail I sent to her at her address

Dear Ms. Malkin,

In your article, you state, "Rep. Bill Janklow. The Republican congressman from South Dakota is still refusing to accept the consequences of his actions like a man." Does this mean that he is acting like a woman? Are all men the same? Do all men act in one particular way? Should they? Is "acting like a man" good? If so, should women act "like a man" also? Do you consider your comment to be sexist?


Dittohd Austin, Texas"

Whether you agree with the morality of the case in question is not the issue here, the issue here is one of definition. Namely, that we must define ourselves, and not let others tell us what a "man/real man" is, as if they define us, they define our self worth, and our honour and dignity will be forever dependant on others, and we can't have that. So make an unyielding stand, and say "I am a man, and none shall say otherwise" that is all.

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