Does Prostitution Exploit Men?

I'm really just posing a question here which I hope you'll read. But ask yourself, is it the "payee" or the "payer" that comes out on top? Check it out here. As always feel free to pass it around for discussion. Enjoy!Does Prostitution Exploit Men?

Key word "satisfaction". There are allegedly over 280 million porn sites on the internet. Brothels from here to kingdom come, strippers times two, massage parlours, street walkers, escorts, video shops, tittie bars, and college. Just to name a few. Now I'm only half kidding about college but the double standards are evident even on a simple night out.

Even disputes over "Ladies Night" abound. The usual arguement from men's activists opponets is that "Ladies Night" is for guys. It is not. It is for the establishment, so let's keep focused here. Ladies night envites women to get in early or for free or whatever in the marketing genius that *men* will show up and buy loads of beer. It's all money that goes to the establishment. Women will take up this offer perhaps realizing , perhaps not, that the said establishment is using women as bait. Women don't really drink much anyways. Societal norms still have men buying drinks for women to get to know them. These are not things I have a problem with particularly, nobody twisted your arm to buy the hottie a drink, accept perhaps your little friend. In the long run these are things that hold women back in the scheme of things and they always will. Perhaps that's for another debate. What I will point out here is that *both* sexes are being exploited. Both for sex, one for money. (Hmmm kind of reminds me of divorce court.)

People have urges. Men do. Women do too. In fact if you've ever seen a woman in heat you will see just how much her urges take her. A dramatic scenario is watching a female cat in heat. It's pretty extreme. Women aren't to far off, but men, usually, in their younger and more un-experienced days don't realize the significance of this. Oddly, women in their later years are more often the initiators of sex while men the not so interested. This could be why the new cougar craze is fitting in. You know "cougar", it's an older women with a younger man. Think Demi and Ashton, but subtract the blatent publicity stunt of the whole thing.

Does anyone have any idea how much a woman can earn in the sex industry? Basically the sky is the limit given her "talent". But what does a woman provide? Nothing. Is the woman being "exploited"? Not necessarily. Is the man? Yes he is. However, many women are "shipped" (or so we are led to believe) in what is termed the "white slavery trade", and yes, that is exploitation at it's absolute worse. Poor families sell either their sons or daughters for pennies in backroom "romps", and yes, that is the worst kind of exploitation. I'd like to stop it, who wouldn't. But, let's talk about "Claudia" that works the 'Red Light District' in Amsterdam. Is she being exploited? No! She is unbelievably gorgeous. I mean fucking solid top to toe and you won't believe me until you see her with your own eyes. Now, Claudia charges as much as she can. Perhaps $200 American for 15 to 20 minutes and the next guy is in. Keep in mind that the district is rich with tourists and for a girl this hot 20 men is not unusual in one night. Hmmm $4000 American in one night, not bad work and some would say she earned every penny. But was she really exploited? Is her position in life because of her gender exploitation? Give me a frikin break, dude.

There are all kinds of jobs for her to take on. None of which pay that kind of money. What she made in one night could cover many people's tuition for a year. We could argue that they are both being exploited. Very few stand for the idea that *he* is the one being exploited. My stance gets pretty weak when it comes to personal choice. (He has free will right?) But the thing is a woman like Claudia knows that she can cash in on this biological function. This necessity of life. So as it is claimed the first industry was formed. Supply and demand. Sex for goods. (Perhaps another day I will explain why I think it was actually nursing that was the first real proffession for women. Until then.)

Our bodies were formed to biologically reproduce it's that simple. But women like Betty Friedan claim that marriage is an institute of class hiearchy, where sex is a commodity that needs to be seized in the market place. To be witheld until further notice, in ideological terms. And don't even get me started on Catherine MacKinnon, who also has made a class war out of sex extend into the work place, creating a Stalin like state of fear and reportiveness. Either way you look at it, it's about a transfer of wealth in the name of s-e-x. Guess who pays?

If women have a "biological clock" than so do men, I say and prostitution is something that exploits that. We could throw rocks all day long trying to figure out who is really responsible for it, but with women like Claudia, tall, blonde, built, she knew it was easier to lie on her back than it was to go about it the hard way. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not here to preach conservative values and point to the greatness of "marriage", cause quite frankly, in this day and age, prostitution is might really be the safest sex going for many men.

I was for prostitution, I was against prostition and now I'm both for and against prostitution. I'm for it because it's not up to me what two consenting adults do. I'm against it, because my experience with it is that nobody really comes away fullfilled. The women are damaged goods and the men are no better off. It's a coldness that might never be warmed again. Call me a romantic.

However, in the end, women are not exploited solely because they prostitute themselves out for money, it is the men who are exploited. They do the jobs that are either high risk or of great physical strain. It is their labour and toil that does not measure up to the time in exchange for sex. And men usually by necessity have to do it. Sex should not be a commodity bought for and traded with, sex should be something shared for and cultivated with two people in my thinking. But if that's not your bag, and you want to see the wonderful world of prostitution and all that comes with it, don't think for a moment because she's lying on her back that she is the one being exploited, because it's bullshit. Feminists have merely *claimed exploitation* with out backing it up. Repeating it over and over again until people accepted it as truth. Much like I did here with my view. In the end it is something that exploits itself for either way. Natures curse and blessing on us. It doesn't mean we have to stop making the claim that prostitution actually exploits men, nor do we have to thank bars for having ladies night, because neither one is for men, they are both exploiting men when it comes right down to it.

by Dan Lynch

Dan Lynch is a fellow MANN administrator who has studied self-defence for over 22 years, he is also a trained mediator.

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