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Does Prostitution Exploit Men?
posted by D on Sunday October 19, @10:02PM
from the sex dept.
Inequality I'm really just posing a question here which I hope you'll read. But ask yourself, is it the "payee" or the "payer" that comes out on top? Check it out here. As always feel free to pass it around for discussion. Enjoy!

Does Prostitution Exploit Men?

Key word "satisfaction". There are allegedly over 280 million porn sites on the internet. Brothels from here to kingdom come, strippers times two, massage parlours, street walkers, escorts, video shops, tittie bars, and college. Just to name a few. Now I'm only half kidding about college but the double standards are evident even on a simple night out.

Even disputes over "Ladies Night" abound. The usual arguement from men's activists opponets is that "Ladies Night" is for guys. It is not. It is for the establishment, so let's keep focused here. Ladies night envites women to get in early or for free or whatever in the marketing genius that *men* will show up and buy loads of beer. It's all money that goes to the establishment. Women will take up this offer perhaps realizing , perhaps not, that the said establishment is using women as bait. Women don't really drink much anyways. Societal norms still have men buying drinks for women to get to know them. These are not things I have a problem with particularly, nobody twisted your arm to buy the hottie a drink, accept perhaps your little friend. In the long run these are things that hold women back in the scheme of things and they always will. Perhaps that's for another debate. What I will point out here is that *both* sexes are being exploited. Both for sex, one for money. (Hmmm kind of reminds me of divorce court.)

People have urges. Men do. Women do too. In fact if you've ever seen a woman in heat you will see just how much her urges take her. A dramatic scenario is watching a female cat in heat. It's pretty extreme. Women aren't to far off, but men, usually, in their younger and more un-experienced days don't realize the significance of this. Oddly, women in their later years are more often the initiators of sex while men the not so interested. This could be why the new cougar craze is fitting in. You know "cougar", it's an older women with a younger man. Think Demi and Ashton, but subtract the blatent publicity stunt of the whole thing.

Does anyone have any idea how much a woman can earn in the sex industry? Basically the sky is the limit given her "talent". But what does a woman provide? Nothing. Is the woman being "exploited"? Not necessarily. Is the man? Yes he is. However, many women are "shipped" (or so we are led to believe) in what is termed the "white slavery trade", and yes, that is exploitation at it's absolute worse. Poor families sell either their sons or daughters for pennies in backroom "romps", and yes, that is the worst kind of exploitation. I'd like to stop it, who wouldn't. But, let's talk about "Claudia" that works the 'Red Light District' in Amsterdam. Is she being exploited? No! She is unbelievably gorgeous. I mean fucking solid top to toe and you won't believe me until you see her with your own eyes. Now, Claudia charges as much as she can. Perhaps $200 American for 15 to 20 minutes and the next guy is in. Keep in mind that the district is rich with tourists and for a girl this hot 20 men is not unusual in one night. Hmmm $4000 American in one night, not bad work and some would say she earned every penny. But was she really exploited? Is her position in life because of her gender exploitation? Give me a frikin break, dude.

There are all kinds of jobs for her to take on. None of which pay that kind of money. What she made in one night could cover many people's tuition for a year. We could argue that they are both being exploited. Very few stand for the idea that *he* is the one being exploited. My stance gets pretty weak when it comes to personal choice. (He has free will right?) But the thing is a woman like Claudia knows that she can cash in on this biological function. This necessity of life. So as it is claimed the first industry was formed. Supply and demand. Sex for goods. (Perhaps another day I will explain why I think it was actually nursing that was the first real proffession for women. Until then.)

Our bodies were formed to biologically reproduce it's that simple. But women like Betty Friedan claim that marriage is an institute of class hiearchy, where sex is a commodity that needs to be seized in the market place. To be witheld until further notice, in ideological terms. And don't even get me started on Catherine MacKinnon, who also has made a class war out of sex extend into the work place, creating a Stalin like state of fear and reportiveness. Either way you look at it, it's about a transfer of wealth in the name of s-e-x. Guess who pays?

If women have a "biological clock" than so do men, I say and prostitution is something that exploits that. We could throw rocks all day long trying to figure out who is really responsible for it, but with women like Claudia, tall, blonde, built, she knew it was easier to lie on her back than it was to go about it the hard way. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not here to preach conservative values and point to the greatness of "marriage", cause quite frankly, in this day and age, prostitution is might really be the safest sex going for many men.

I was for prostitution, I was against prostition and now I'm both for and against prostitution. I'm for it because it's not up to me what two consenting adults do. I'm against it, because my experience with it is that nobody really comes away fullfilled. The women are damaged goods and the men are no better off. It's a coldness that might never be warmed again. Call me a romantic.

However, in the end, women are not exploited solely because they prostitute themselves out for money, it is the men who are exploited. They do the jobs that are either high risk or of great physical strain. It is their labour and toil that does not measure up to the time in exchange for sex. And men usually by necessity have to do it. Sex should not be a commodity bought for and traded with, sex should be something shared for and cultivated with two people in my thinking. But if that's not your bag, and you want to see the wonderful world of prostitution and all that comes with it, don't think for a moment because she's lying on her back that she is the one being exploited, because it's bullshit. Feminists have merely *claimed exploitation* with out backing it up. Repeating it over and over again until people accepted it as truth. Much like I did here with my view. In the end it is something that exploits itself for either way. Natures curse and blessing on us. It doesn't mean we have to stop making the claim that prostitution actually exploits men, nor do we have to thank bars for having ladies night, because neither one is for men, they are both exploiting men when it comes right down to it.

by Dan Lynch

Dan Lynch is a fellow MANN administrator who has studied self-defence for over 22 years, he is also a trained mediator.

TWO Network Shows Address Paternity Fraud! | Thou shalt speak only as "we" allow  >

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Prostitution.abortion rights. alternative "sex" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday October 19, @11:29PM EST (#1)

I have always wondered how a woman has the right to terminate the viability of an unborn fetus - as a "personal right" to her body, yet a woman does not have the right to use her vagina to make money? Does the idea "keep your laws off my body" not apply here?

Another point I would like to make that people probably do not think about. Prostitution is illegal. This means that the right to offer physical enjoyment to someone’s genitals for money is illegal. Yet, there is a sub-genre within the sex industry where people pay a dominatrix money to abuse their bodies and even perhaps their genitals, yet this is legal.

So our government allows someone to pay to have pain inflicted on them, and does not allow someone to pay and have pleasure bestowed upon them.

I think keeping prostitution illegal empowers women - as many (not all) men supplicate themselves for sex. Having sex available for men without all the “strings attached” could be a good thing.

Think about it.

Sex exploits men (Score:1)
by Renegade on Sunday October 19, @11:34PM EST (#2)
(User #1334 Info)
"(He has free will right?) "

Does he?

Here is my take on the whole "sex industry":

#1. Men have a biological need to seek a mate and reproduce (i.e. have sex).
#2. Society enforces this upon their males. As they grow older, males are constantly told by the media, friends, relatives, co-workers, etc that they "must get a girlfriend". Males are constantly told how great and wonderful sex with a woman is. Males are programmed to either obtain a female companion or obtain the means that will land them a female companion (e.g. a good job, nice clothes, a fast car, etc). Males are frequently berated and taunted for NOT having relations with women.
#3. The media expands on this by constantly reminding men that their goal is to have sex with a woman (e.g. "sex sells"). Advertisements and movies constantly portray that men should be having some form of contact, especially physical contact, with a woman.
#4 Female beauty and desirability is constantly advertised. Everywhere. Point being made: "Look at this young, hot sexy, soft woman. You WANT to be with her. You WANT to make love to her."
#5. Males are never taught to NOT make a female companion a priority. No one ever seems to dissuade a male away from sex with a woman (I am not talking about becoming homosexual, I just mean trying to convince a male that sex with a woman should NOT be the be all and end all of life).
#6. Society prevents access to sex through artifical means. Although there are many adult stores that sell sexual devices, actually admitting to using a fake vagina or an inflatable doll is a big taboo. Men can be ridiculed and berated for using "artifical" means. Some countries or religions purposely restrict acts like masturation. This makes sex with a woman an only option.
#7. Male homosexuality is extremely taboo. Although male homosexuality is "tolerated" at best, it is punishable by physical beatings or even death at worst. Society tries to make sure that males *remain* heterosexual, making sex with a woman an only option. Even something like physical contact through hugging, holding hands, dancing or putting your arms around someone is taboo for males to do this with each other, so they have to go to a woman.
#8. The Sexual Harrassment Industry has developed to the point will women have absolute control over sex. If you dont like it, you are a rapist, molestor, pervert, weirdo, or whatever. Women can place demands because they have the supply.

Women are allowed to go to each other for emotional or physical support. If a man does not have a spouse, a female friend or even a sympathetic sister, he has no one to go to. He could "pay" to get comfort from a female prostitute.
Women can ask for whatever they want for sex since males have been programmed to seek sex with a woman, have little or no options or alternatives. Yes! That is what I call extortion.
How can a woman who voluntarily joins the sex industry be considered exploited when *she* is the one that profits and the man walks away with less money?

Prostitution is a Contract for Sexual Services (Score:1)
by cshaw on Monday October 20, @09:35AM EST (#5)
(User #19 Info) http://home.swbell.net/misters/index.html
Prostitution is a contract for sexual services.
Exploitation exists when no true contract, within the norms of recognized contract law, exists.
Thus, it clearly appears to me that the legalization of prostitution such that the norms of contract law are applied would reduce rather than promote exploitation of both men and women.
As such, the "freedom to contract" with regard to the same would be basic to commonly accepted norms of human rights and liberties and promote human dignity,happiness, and welfare.
C.V. Compton Shaw
Re:Prostitution is a Contract for Sexual Services (Score:1)
by Kirran on Monday October 20, @11:02AM EST (#6)
(User #1338 Info)
Women do not like legalized prostitution because it would essentially mean more competetion for them.

At least with prostitution, you know what you are getting.
Re:Prostitution is a Contract for Sexual Services (Score:1)
by Smoking Drive (f8@tpg.com.au) on Monday October 20, @09:03PM EST (#14)
(User #565 Info)
I'm not sure that contract is a necessary or sufficient condition for the absence of exploitation.

Contracts, other than as the legal fiction the "implied contract", do not exist in most economic transactions. I go to the fruit market and buy a bag of apples. I give Kon the Greek the money and he hands me the apples -- no contract there. Most low value transactions happen this way. Now Kon might be exploiting me... maybe his scales are queer... or I might be exploiting him somehow, but this has nothing to do with the absence of a formal contract.

Those who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
Re:Sex exploits men (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Tuesday October 21, @12:06AM EST (#16)
(User #573 Info)
This list is great. I couldn't force myself to slog through the whole article but this list is concise and perfect.
Paying for sex (Score:1)
by TLE on Monday October 20, @03:11AM EST (#3)
(User #1376 Info)
Sounds like a version of "men as victims" to me. Women maintain great power over men in this culture by sexually suppressing us. Once men can generally have sex when they want, women will have to behave better in relationships. Since all women expect payment for sex, I can't see why direct payment is illegal. Just zone it like in Europe.

By the way, a window girl in Amsterdam charges 35 to 50 Euro for 15 to 20 minutes. They have to pay rent per half day, probably 100 Euros. Girls rarely have guys lined up back to back. They might clear 100 on a slow day, 500 on a good day.
Re:Paying for sex (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Monday October 20, @01:50PM EST (#8)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"By the way, a window girl in Amsterdam charges 35 to 50 Euro for 15 to 20 minutes. They have to pay rent per half day, probably 100 Euros. Girls rarely have guys lined up back to back. They might clear 100 on a slow day, 500 on a good day."

I lived in Amsterdam for two years. Each girl is different, and I was there were guildens were still used. However, Claudia is a real girl and was a ten of Pam Anderson any day. She was charging over 350 guildens and getting it. So were a couple of others. By all rights Claudia was a freak of nature.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re:Paying for sex (Score:1)
by TLE on Monday October 20, @04:42PM EST (#11)
(User #1376 Info)
I don't know about Claudia, but the top window girl for the past five years has been "Nina" on Trompettersteeg. She is the superstar. Before the Euro, the price was 200 guilders for 30 minutes, 400 for a full hour. In dollars that was about $180 per hour, not 15 minutes. Current rate is 100 Euro per 30 minutes, or about $115, or $230 per hour.

I only bring this up because your point seemed to be that men are exploited because prostitutes charge such high rates. So if the rates are not high, are you saying that men are not exploited?

I'm saying if inexpensive sex is available, men will not have to put up with being strung along by women who want to date for months while they make up their minds if they want to get involved.

That must be why European women are not teases like American women. They can't get away with it.
Re:Paying for sex (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Monday October 20, @05:34PM EST (#12)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
<i>I only bring this up because your point seemed to be that men are exploited because prostitutes charge such high rates. So if the rates are not high, are you saying that men are not exploited? </i>

Not necessarily. I'm glad you pointed it out, but my query was also a direct assault on the fact that women are definately not exploited given their choice. Many will tell you this themselves. Men are exploited even if they have to spend a dime. In this age of birth control and option, women are getting sex plus being paid for it, without any extra risk to themselves. Men have to sacrifice.

Claudia worked in de Wallen around 1999.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re: Male Birth Control Pill with Level the Field! (Score:1)
by Roy on Monday October 20, @11:57PM EST (#15)
(User #1393 Info)
If the media coverage is accurate, there is already a proven male birth control pill/implant that has been extensively tested in Asia, Europe, and Latin America....

It will be FDA-approved and on-the-market within 2-3 years, hopefully.

I expect the feminazis to muster a concerted grievance campaign against it however; because it will utterly eliminate one of women's primary tools of sexual tyranny...

Can you imagine the laughter across this once-great nation when the fems are forced to contend with a randy populace of sexually liberated MEN?

Of course, this will be seen as just one more aspect of the evil Patriarchy's conspiracy to oppress the X/Y chromosome tribe... fer sure!

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Paying for sex (Score:1)
by Renegade on Tuesday October 21, @09:14AM EST (#18)
(User #1334 Info)
"In this age of birth control and option, women are getting sex plus being paid for it, without any extra risk to themselves. Men have to sacrifice."

If women do indeed *need* sex as much as men do, what IS it about sex that makes men need it bad enough that they WILL pay for it and go to (legally) dangerous extremes to get it, while women can just lay back (literally) and wait for the sex AND money to roll in?

Re:Paying for sex (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Tuesday October 21, @02:08PM EST (#26)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"If women do indeed *need* sex as much as men do, what IS it about sex that makes men need it bad enough that they WILL pay for it and go to (legally) dangerous extremes to get it, while women can just lay back (literally) and wait for the sex AND money to roll in? "

On a large scale? I would say it's a form of masturbation. Men are willing to give away a great deal of their earnings for sex. Possibly for the reasons mentioned in one poster's list. Self Respect is one. When you rely on a method that is successful it often becomes the only way to achieve it.

It works for women this same way. They have needs and wants, when their needs, such as food, shelter, clothing are obtained by laying on their backs it begins as all they know.

Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Exploited? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday October 20, @03:22AM EST (#4)
I enjoyed and agreed with this piece except for the comment that "the men are no better off" after being with a prostitute. Alot of times men are indeed better off and find it worthwhile. Many of them return to a prostitute they like, sometimes waiting months before returning (not as though it's a sudden addiction). I know a disabled man in New York who has Celiac disease, which makes him physically undesireable. He has a regular sex worker he goes to and he's very happy and satisfied with her. He feels strongly that he never would have had sex without a sex worker. In any case he is certainly better off with one around. I'm not saying there's no element of exploitation in the industry. But overall men are better off with the choice of having sex workers around than they are without that choice. And everyone is better off when the sex workers can operate in a clean, safe, and even unionized workforce instead of being shoved into dangerous and unclean underground conditions.

Just Business... (Score:2)
by frank h on Monday October 20, @12:39PM EST (#7)
(User #141 Info)
While the services provided by a prostitute involve far more than, say, those of a TV repairman, and also bring with them a number of risks of emotional and disease-related exposure, the business side of it remains. As long as both parties agree to the price/services exchange, no one is being exploited. If one party or the other is compelled to offer more in services or pay an unreasonably high price, then there is exploitation.

One could make the argument that, because prostitution is generally illegal, then men are exploited. However, there seems to be enough sex being offered through more obscure exchanges so that men still have the ability to properly bargain in the exchange.

One thing drives this: Women also have a sex drive. And with the advent of such a large variety of birth control methods (virtually all being marketed to women), men are getting their needs met.

The feminists are accusing the pornographers and prostitutes, and men in general, of "exploiting women" for one simple reason: they do not believe they are getting enough money for their services. Raise the price, and I'm sure the complaint will go away. But there is no way to regulate that without making prostitution legal and then enforcing price supports (similar to the price supports that drive the price of milk).

The same thing applies to pornography: additional regulation will be required to artifically force the price upward. And as is quite easily demonstrated with a quick examination of the Internet, there seems to be a large enough number of women willing to take their clothes off in front of a camera whereby this will be impossible.
Re:Just Business... (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Monday October 20, @01:55PM EST (#9)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Feminists are just looking for something to keep them going.

They know deep down they have absolutely nothing. Which is why they make comments about how women live in most places we've never been, and how horrible it is.

Feminists will not stop bitching when they raise the prices, they will bitch more. Some call this extortion.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re: The Real (disguised) Prostitution is Marriage! (Score:1)
by Roy on Monday October 20, @04:04PM EST (#10)
(User #1393 Info)
This ones just too obvious to exound upon, except to say, gents, get out your calculators and figure this ratio:

every dollar ever spent on maintaining your marriage : divided by : number of times your wife has serviced your needs

Betcha the Amsterdam window hotties are a WHOLE lot more economical!

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Let's see... (Score:2)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Monday October 20, @07:14PM EST (#13)
(User #661 Info)
Let's put them side by side...

Typical Date:

$20 -$30 dollars for flowers
Dinner: $75 +
Movie: $25 - $35
Whole evening is used up
May or may not get sex
Have to put up with her shit and inanity
I might have to buy her something on impulse or she sulks and I get no sex.

So, about $120 to $150


Anywhere from $30 for a quick blowjob to about $150 for a good one or two hour romp
Evening not used up
It's all business
I can have it when I want.
I just fork over the cash when I'm through.
And I don't have to pretend to be nice to some dumb bitch and "care" about her job, her car, her ex, her dog, her neighbor, her mother...
I have to use a condom. Generally I use two.
I might not get my first choice, but the sex is a sure thing.

And - hey - a hooker doesn't call me up in the middle of the night, beg money off of me, show up drunk on my doorstep, stalk me...

Oh yeah. I feel fucking exploited.

* Putting the SMACKDOWN on Feminazis since 1989! *
Re:Let's see... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday October 21, @08:10AM EST (#17)
"And I don't have to pretend to be nice to some dumb bitch and "care" about her job, her car, her ex, her dog, her neighbor, her mother..."

Can I just say that I respect your opinion and where you are coming from. Can I also say that any woman (and some men) coming into this site for the first time to support men's rights will most likely turn around and leave after reading comments like this. Just something to think about. Perhaps we need a personal board for letting loose, where newbies won't see? Jen
Re:Let's see... (Score:2)
by frank h on Tuesday October 21, @09:40AM EST (#19)
(User #141 Info)
Yeah, I've sent people to this site and two or three have come back to me and said "Those people are crazy!"

I mean, I understand the emotion, but somehow we need to have a bigger tent where the men (or women) who are only moderately outraged can come and not be frightened by some of the raw emotion that's exhibited here.
Re:Let's see... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday October 21, @10:11AM EST (#20)
"Those people are crazy!"
                          All great pioneers are described as "crazy" by the general populace. It was the same for the great pioneers in the fields of exploration, the sciences, art, philosophy as well the pioneers of political and social movements.

Re:Let's see... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday October 21, @10:25AM EST (#21)
"All great pioneers are described as "crazy" by the general populace. It was the same for the great pioneers in the fields of exploration, the sciences, art, philosophy as well the pioneers of political and social movements."

Be that as it may, I think that to get the greatest amount of impact from this site it must be user friendly. While those comments were valid opinions of one person, they were not a representation of the issues or ideals, and would unnessesarily color the men's movement as misogynist extremists, which I do not think we are. Since we are already accused that, why prove it?
  I really think having a separate forum that is password protected (if that is possible)where we can rant and rave may be a good thing. This would also weed out trolls from that area, as you would have to be approved as a long time poster to be invited in. Jen
Re:Let's see... (Score:2)
by frank h on Tuesday October 21, @10:54AM EST (#22)
(User #141 Info)
Part of the problem with this, Jen, would be the amount of time that would need to be dedicated to moderating. The passionate among us will always show up and occasionally share something that others might recoil from. Those things will need to be moderated actively. The regulars might, for the most part, be relied on to take the more inflammatory messages to the private area. Even so, active moderation is labor-intensive, so given that this is a volunteer-run site, it would be difficult to achieve reliably.

I don't get a vote in how to design the site, but even so, I'm not sure I would recommend changes. For a newbie, the main page allows access first to the news articles and essays that are submitted. One can get to the comments by making the right click(s), but the comments aren't IN-YOUR-FACE right off as you enter the site.

Some of us are willing, under the right circumstances, to share an email address. Might I suggest that those looking for a more extended and effectively self-moderated exchange use email?
Don't ya just hate a snippy Feminist site? (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Tuesday October 21, @11:13AM EST (#23)
(User #1387 Info)
Actually guys I am with Jen on this one. Most of you know how I write. I can be analytical or use my "good-ol-boy" twang. What a lot of us hate is when we go to "feminist sites" we hate the 'snippy' and 'superior' attitude we read. It just chafes our asses. Jen makes a valid point showing how we are being no better. Now, let no one say I live in a glass house and don't throw stones. Hell, I got me a rock throwing machine gun sometimes, lol. I mean, we all KNOW Gonzo and how he writes. Am I saying we should "censor" him or "pick on him" or such? FUCK NO. But, Jen's point and one I concur with is that we often say we are not like the Feminazis. We contend that their empathy is as fake as their facts. We do want more people to take what we say seriously and to consider what is said here to be useful, logical, factual, and inclusive of anyone who is here with an open mind. And, guys, notice it took one of our (wonderful) female supporters to remind us of this. Let's keep out eye on the ball. Oh, and the next time I go off on a rant ... lol, I KNOW y'all are gonna give me no end of grief after preaching here! Fair enough. I deserve a bit of it. It's all good.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:How about this?.. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday October 21, @11:46AM EST (#24)
You know what? I really have not thanked the powers that be for running this site. You are right in it must take a lot of time and I really appreciate that.

For an alternative which would not require any additional work, why don't I look into starting a yahoo group which can companion this site. I would be willing to moderate(right word?) the group myself if no one else wants to. Would anyone be interested? For those of you not familiar, yahoo groups sends messages through an e-mail network of members and is only accessable to those members. You also can enter the site and read from there, if you do not want your e-mail out there.

I will look it up, and let me know if anyone is interested. Jen
Re:Don't ya just hate a snippy Feminist site? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday October 21, @11:55AM EST (#25)
Please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mensactivism/

If the name is a problem as far as association, I can change it. If anyone would like to write a better description, feel free to e-mail it to the list. Jen
Re:Let's see... (Score:1)
by Ragtime (ragtimeNOSPAM@PLEASEmensrights.ca) on Tuesday October 21, @02:48PM EST (#27)
(User #288 Info)
Jen: I respect many of the things you write here, but I must say I disagree with you on this one. Strongly.

I (and I believe we collectively) have had enough of PC censorship, being told to 'tone-down' statements and ideas for fear offending someone's sensibilities.

It leads to the creation of a false environment where poeple are not exposed to the truth, but only to sanitized niceties. This is what our media does -- just presents one side of a story -- so that's all people see. Like Goebbels said: "...if the media prints only one side of a question, the public will accept it and will not consider any alternative opinions."

Yes, I agree, some of the views expressed here lean toward the extreme. Some of them will 'offend' some people. Fine. So be it. It's real life.

If you disagree with someone's statement, if you believe their comment is over-the-top, then you have the right to say so, and post a counter-argument. And readers will see that, too.

Remember, the people who come here, so long as they actually *read* the postings, will see that there is a wide range of opinion -- some moderate, some not.

That being said, I agree that there is a need for a place where folks who are just starting on the road to enlightenment can get the 'gentle introduction' to the issues that concern us. This board, however, is not that place.

If you feel the need for an alternate, more moderate place, then go create one (you may find people here who would help you). Don't take the one that already exists and try to change it into the one you want.

With all due respect, Jen (and I do have considerable respect for you and your postings), your approach is very much what we see all to often as a 'girl' one: that is, move in on what the boys have created, make them change it to suit *you*, and then tell them they're welcome to go be boys somewhere else.

I happen to like Gonzo's postings. They're inspiring, irreverent, and often very funny, in a no-bullshit, take-no-prisoners kind of way. They also speak unvarnished truth. This place would be poorer without them.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Counter view - Gonzo's Posts (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Tuesday October 21, @04:05PM EST (#28)
(User #1387 Info)
      Ok I see what you are saying. I see where you are coming from. Personally I like Gonzo's posts ... lol .. A LOT. I think he is unashamedly up front with everything he says. He's honest and there is no duplicity in what he says. I even E-mailed him to find out if he and I could converse. Gonzo, if you read this, please don't take what I said wrong. You are very outspoken and were a good example. Don't change a thing bro. =)
          I would agree with Jen. I don't think she is trying to 'girl' us up. This board is a living extension of it's members and we can even agree to disagree. But, ya know, that's a lot better than not being honest with each other. I am stating only MY opinion on this, and others will diagree. Again, cool. I am just asking for all of us to consider that when we post here we reflect on not only our group, but Men's Acitism (both capitalized and not). Am I angry at some of the S%*T the Feminazi's do? Fuck guys I was falsely accused of rape at in the mid '90's. Blew holes in my life. Took me more than 1/2 a decade to recover. I will NEVER have a college degree, I WAS going to be an airline pilot, but am now stuck at being an economic second hand citizen. I am doing well NOW. But its been a freaking decade. I lost 10 years of "progress" in my life. So, you will se **ME** rant on subjects too. Please dont, sincerely please, dont think am for one instant being 'holier than thou'. Trust me, aint in me. We in the men's movement pride ourselves on not being like the shrill, lying, and gender-hating Feminazis. I think that is something to build on. Thanks for taking the time to hear me out on this.
      And once again, Gonzo, don't change a thing bro. =)
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
If the trials are bogus so are the convictions. (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Tuesday October 21, @04:17PM EST (#29)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
LSBeene wrote: <i>"Fuck guys I was falsely accused of rape at in the mid '90's. Blew holes in my life. Took me more than 1/2 a decade to recover. I will NEVER have a college degree, I WAS going to be an airline pilot, but am now stuck at being an economic second hand citizen. I am doing well NOW. But its been a freaking decade. I lost 10 years of "progress" in my life."</i>

Men should be fighting for reperations and total expongements of these bullshit trials and convictions.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re:Let's see... (Score:2)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Tuesday October 21, @08:12PM EST (#31)
(User #661 Info)
Been a long time since I wrote a novella for here. Let's hope it doesn't get too long.

One thing I am just fucking sick to death of is having to mince words and "couch in terms" for fear of offending feminine sensibilities. I do it all day long to keep a job. Tiresome and tedious doesn't even begin to describe it. Where I can tell a man "You're fucking break is over, get your ass back on the line" the mere mention of the words "fuck" and "ass" will have me up on charges of soliciting anal sex from a woman. So I make "suggestions" - and promptly scurry to my office to document the offense.

Yeah, I could fire any woman who work for me on a whim, and they'd never collect unemployment.

So, do I hate women? For the umpteenth time, no. By and large I mistrust women in general, a mistrust that isn't unjustified. As a gender they weil considerable power tht they will never be called to account for using in a legal sense. Anyone who insists that men do too is plain fucking living in a dream world. I loathe feminists, and despise femboys.

I won't mince words though. I'll go away. Without argument or protest for that matter. The internet is a fucking huge place.

So how much of my attitude is real?

Heh. Enough to keep them honest.

By and large, I wouldn't mind a return to the days of chivalry, and men being men, and women being damn thankful they are. I've resigned myself that except in isolated meleius, it ain't going to happen in my lifetime. But I can sure as hell make women aware of all they have lost - AND URGE MY BROTHERS TO MAKE THEM PAY THAT PRICE DAILY. At least until they wake up and realize that the dykes and manhaters at the NOW have been selling them a bill of goods for years upon years.

It used to be that men had a place to go to. A men's club. The lodge. The garage. The barber shop. Seen one of them lately? Oh yeah, all manner of coed and women's areas, but no place - not a fuckin' one! - where men can be men and speak like men, and speak as men in the company of other men. All from the sublime to the ridiculous. Now, discuss philosophy, and you're patriarchal. Speak on faith and morals and you're an intolerant oppressor. Tell a blone joke and you're a harasser. Tell a cunt joke and you're a rapist.

I have two words for all of it:


I've done my time in marriage hell. I have served my country, raised the next generation, and I will be DAMNED, now that I am beyond the reach of the goddamn, motherfucking fascist family court if I am going to be silent. I will call them fucking Nazis, and the women who use them useless parasites and a blight on humanity, and a waste of good oxygen - and if not for the fact that their kids were fathered by a MALE - and many may be males themselves - I'd as soon see the whole sorry lot of them starving under a bridge as lift one finger, drop one dime, or waste one second in concern and "caring."

Worthless. Utterly fucking worthless. A complete waste. I wouldn't even spend the time to cross the street and fucking PISS on a single welfare mother if she was on fire.

If anyone don't like it - well, I'll happily refund the money you spent on my opinion. Drop me a line with your son-of-a-bitching PayPal account number, and I'll return every penny.

You know, we, as Men, have been browbeaten into swallowing anger and rage. That's fucking pure and unadulterated bullshit. I'm mad as hell. I'm mad as hell I was suckered into marriage by a woman who only wanted me for a breeder. I'm mad as hell I was taken to the cleaners. I'm mad as hell I spent a fortune over a dozen years just to be a titular father. I'm mad as hell I went to jail twice - FUCKING TWICE - over non-existant arrearages, just because the ex-wife said it, and nobody checked on it before they hauled me into court.

Think about it - arrested at work, held for 6 days, and it's only when one gets in front of a judge that someone says "Ooopsy!" And Ex wife, grinning like a cheshire cat - isn't even given a stern look.

What a crock of shit.

No what pisses me off - just PISSES me off to the point where I just want to kick and break things - I'm not an isolated case! I'm not an exception, things like this happen EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.

And nobody gives a fuck. Everyone wants to "study" it, and look all fucking concerned, and speechify, but GOD FUCKING FORBID we put Pat Ireland's cunt-lapping panties in a knot. Or whichever dyke slut is running that gang if whores these days.

I have mine. I finally got my kids, got my ex off the tit, and am not sharing. Married again? HAH! NO! Not just no, HELL NO! No, not just Hell NO, HELL-FUCKING-NO!

I learned my lesson. Day I let anything even smelling like a domestic court even cath me on radar. let alone think it might have jurisdiction over me is the day ya'll had best have me diagnosed with Alzheimer's and declared non compos mentis.

Know why women - feminists in particular - don't want us to be mad? To express it? To think it's okay to be just a teeny bit pissy?

They fear it. Say it for me, my brothers. They are scared, shaking in their boots and pissing down their legs scared. Women get mad, they demonstrate until men change things for them. Men get mad, and shit changes and anyone who gets in the way gets trampled. Women's anger is about bitching. Men's anger is about getting shit done, and done so nobody has to go in and redo it anytime soon.

Oh yeah, baby. I want some mad and angry men. I want people going "Oh shit!" and diving for cover. I want politicians cowering in their offices fretting about whether they have gone too far and making frantic phone calls about rolling the bullcrap back before they get tar and feathers all over their Armani suits.

I want these snivelling judges stopping to think that they have houses, and the cops guarding them are men too - and had damn well better be, becaiuse if thave women guarding them they might as well have Cub Scouts doing it for all they good it will do.

One of these days some cocksucker, somewhere - some castrating bull dyke somehow - is going to place the last straw on the camel's back. And when they do, Katie Bar The Door! You are going to hear a shout of "HAVOC!" and the dogs of war will be let slipped.

And when it does, I am going to be laughing my motherfucking ass off. If it comes to recalls, I will be passing out fliers and working the polls. If it's about boycotts, I will be posting the sites to egg it on. I will be preaching the word for men to demand a rtrial, to not waive a speedy trial, and to plead not guilty and break the court system. I will be urging men to exercise jury nullification. And if there's a little civil disorder - hey - it's what they get.

It ain't revenge. It's about exacting the fiddler's due to the last fucking penny. and that's about making sure the next time some dumb cunt of a future Betty Freidan pipes up, her sister's tear her limb from limb before we have to do this crap again.

Hey, if we can roll back this pheminazi shit without a shot, fine by me. If we can negotiate and demonstrate our way to justice, bully for it! I'm behind it a hundred percent. I've done war. It SUCKS. Last resort.

But take it off the table? No siree bob. You first, girls.

Life is not so dear, nor peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of slavery and chains.

And know what - and I don't give a fuck how un-PC it is - those words could NEVER in a million years have been uttered by a woman.

You think about that. And reflect, sil vous plait, what it is to have a pair. Not false pheminist bravado, real honest to God, in your face, suck my dick if you don't like it or be a man and slap me down if you dare MANHOOD.

* Putting the SMACKDOWN on Feminazis since 1989! *
Re: Sir Gonzo... The Bard Affirms (Score:1)
by Roy on Tuesday October 21, @10:22PM EST (#34)
(User #1393 Info)
Here's a guy who understood a thing or two about justifiable rage --

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dread!
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility;
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd RAGE;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect.

      - William Shakespeare: Henry V

I say, rave on brother!

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
I love a good reply in Olde English (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Tuesday October 21, @11:11PM EST (#35)
(User #1387 Info)
Nice one. I love that set of lines. Just tossing that in.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re: Nicholsen quote? (Score:1)
by Roy on Wednesday October 22, @12:27AM EST (#38)
(User #1393 Info)
Hey L.S.,

Where's that Jack N. quote from?

He's such an eloquent bastard...

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Roy: your answer (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday October 22, @04:02AM EST (#41)
(User #1387 Info)
In the movie "AS GOOD AS IT GETS" staring Jack and Helen Hunt. Jack Nicholson plays a socially introverted writer of (no shit) WOMEN's ROMANCE novels. He is a socially handicapped introvert who is a best selling women's romance novellist. When going to meet with his editor he meets this buxom beauty who is his editor's receptionist. She runs up to him and breathlessly asks him:
    "How do you understand women and write them so well" -- practically drooling on him in adoration of his understanding of the female mind. She is breathless (watch and see, it's funny!) on the expected reply of sage like wisdom.
Jack Replies:
" I think of a man ... then I take away reason and accountability."
      The breathless and buxom receptionist deflates on the spot. It's worth watching the movie for this 20 second scene. And, as you can tell, I never forgot it.
      Hope it tickled your fancy Roy.
By the way: My name is Steven. LSBeene is short for my initials: Larry Steven Beene II
My dad is LSB sr and always went by Steven. So I was never called Larry until I got into the military, which I am still a part of (PROUDLY SERVRING ... HOO-AHH). SO..... I am STEVEN
  Thus: LSBeene.
Just an FYI. Some people prefer their anon status here, but I am an open activist. I cannot be so at work for Gov't reasons and the fact the military has become the PC Armored Stroller Battalion with all the "sensitivity training" we have. But, everyone knows. I got my first article published last week. It had to be done anonymously, due to my job being apolitical, but if you E-mail me I will refer you to where it is online.

Thanks for asking Roy.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re: L.S. (Steven) ... I Can Only Imagine... (Score:1)
by Roy on Thursday October 23, @07:28PM EST (#44)
(User #1393 Info)
.... the delight you've had in our contemporary P.C.-correct military!

After you've learned to maintain your A.K.-47 (oops... intrepid M/16) just to survive in real sandstorm combat, then you have to make sure your combat-ready finesse is not compromised by any insensitivity on your part towards the girlie-grunt faction.

My unexpert advice would be that you keep writing and refining your obvious skills as a social observer/commentator... 'cause there ain't gonna be no "power girls" in camouflage and night-vision goggles rescuing your ass anytime soon!

Peace, indeed.

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
nah the '-16 is a good weapon (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday October 23, @10:54PM EST (#45)
(User #1387 Info)
Despite what TV, movies, and inept soldiers do .. the M-16 and it's derivatives are good weapons. I have used them in the desert at NTC (National Training Center - 30 miles north of Death Valley - NO SHIT DESERT) and it worked fine. I used it at Gagetown Canada (Canadian military base - about the size of freaking Massachusetts) and that place has FINE sand and it worked there too. If you don't maintaint your weapon ... well, that is bad. Like we all read about the REAL hero in Jessica Lynch's story (PFC Miller), if you don't maintain the weapon, it screws ya too.
          Today's military is so socially engineered it's a joke. Look, some may disagree, but I don't mind women in the military at all --- as long as she does the same about of work. I won't give you the 101 reasons that's not happening, but well let's put it this way: during the Jessica Lynch affair ... notice with no "high tech" advantage, our "socialized" military couldn't hold it's own. Except for a few soldiers (and without disparaging the GREAT female soldiers that ARE in the military - most women are not hard wired for direct combat ) our female soldiers folded like daisies. I wouldn't want most of them backing me up in combat. Would you?

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Let's see... (Score:1)
by seldomseenseana on Tuesday October 21, @06:17PM EST (#30)
(User #261 Info) http://inmyhumbleopinion.homestead.com/
"And I don't have to pretend to be nice to some dumb bitch and "care" about her job, her car, her ex, her dog, her neighbor, her mother..."

Please, please, please never ever do *anything* with a woman who *isn't* a paid worker aware of your contempt. Thanks.

Re:Let's see... (Score:2)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Tuesday October 21, @08:29PM EST (#32)
(User #661 Info)
Please, please, please never ever do *anything* with a woman who *isn't* a paid worker aware of your contempt. Thanks

Care to hazard a guess where I got my contempt?

Got a vasectomy many many moons ago. Some time after that, I was involved with a woman, who turned up PREGNANT. After affirming my sperm count was zilch, I let her believe I was going to "suck it up" and "be a man" and "stand by her."

You should have seen her face when I refused to sign an acknowldgement of paternity. What was even more priceless was when I let her lawyer go on about paternity, and then dropped the bomb that if she was pregnant, and I was the only possible father, they missed the star in the east FUCKING AGAIN.

FYI, there's not woman one I have sex with that isn't a hundred percent fully informed that I don't believe in monogomy, relationships, commitment, marriage, or in being owned and branded. More often than not, this is in excruciating detail, and hammered home many many times before I even - how shall I put it - Slide for second base? Let alone go for the home run?

Without exception - except for a few who are completely cool with it - relieved, even - every one of these dumb bitches that later snivel and whine think I'm bullshitting, or that they are something special, or that they can change me - despite heaps of evidence to the contrary.

I cannot even begin to count the times I have dumped some dumbass because I plain got sick of screwing her - and her friends were lined up ready for their crack at me.

Buddy-O - I am the decent guy's best friend. Either I get these manipulative bitches so flustered and angry they swear off men; or put a chip on their shoulder so large that even the densest dweeb can't miss it from a quarter of a mile away, or when they do find one of ya'll they hold on for dear life. Any way you slice it, you win.

Know what? Any woman you might call "decent" won't have a damn thing to do with me - which is, by-the-by, just the way I like it - so never fear.

And know what? I don't WANT "relationship." And for some reason if an armchair shrink wants to sayt I'm "afraid" of a relationship - yeah. Your point being? Don't want one, don't gotta have one, got burned already, learned my lesson, never again - see a pattern here? Why should I want to change? I like it - plenty of friends, plenty of money, my space my own, and at least two other guy's share of sex - give me one reason why I should give it up? To have some old bat to will my money to when I am dead and gone? To roll the dice again in a rigged game?

Fuck that.

You know, you want to enact change, if more men developed my attitude, we'd have the pheminista's suing for peace under any terms within a decade - or the women who were left after THEY killed the pheminazis for us.

Think about it.

* Putting the SMACKDOWN on Feminazis since 1989! *
On Second thought (Score:2)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Tuesday October 21, @08:42PM EST (#33)
(User #661 Info)
Ya know, Dan-O here asked a legitimate question, which I think I answered citing chapter and verse, no?

Harsh? :) Well, I gotta be me...

I mean, if you don't like what I say, fine. As I said, you post your PayPal account and I'll see to it that every penny you paid for my opinion is deposited within the week - hell, by Friday you should be getting that fat check mailed to you for exactly $0.00 I gar-ON-tee it.

But it's a fact - it is as cheap - if not cheaper - to have a decent hooker than it is to have a date with the average woman; on top of that, you're assured sex, and sex with someone who is good at it, with none of the excess baggage. Plus you still get to have most the night for your own disposal after the transaction is complete.

Am I wrong? Show me, then. You can argue with me, son, but you can't argue with the figures! It's economics, fundamental in nature. Dollars and cents - not to mention, sense.

If that's exploitation, exploit me. Exploit us all! Maybe the women might wake up and decide to make their product more attractive if they had more such competition, and to be frank, some of these women who are professional daters would benefit from just being honest whores - at least then they wouldn't be spending the whole evening for a free dinner, and could just keep the money.


* Putting the SMACKDOWN on Feminazis since 1989! *
I gotta ask man, it's killing me (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Tuesday October 21, @11:22PM EST (#36)
(User #1387 Info)
(this is said TOTALLY tongue in cheek)
Holy shit Gonzo, how many key boards have you gone through banging away at this??
Does the word 'stroke' have meaning for ya?
1 word --- 2 syllabels
PRO-ZAC ... c'mon ... say it with me ....
I can't stop laughing at the thought of that chick's face who screwed around and thought YOU were gonna pay for her shag. I mean, ya got a picture? Can I have a copy. I know, I know, LMAO... anyone ever seen that painting by that dude : MUNCH ... 'THE CRY'?
Its the one with the alien looking dude who is holding his head in a perpetual silent scream. I just can't stop laughing. Maybe it's the stress of the day bleeding off, but I just cant. I had to retype whole words over and over.
2 points for Gonz ..
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re: Hey Sir Gonzo.... A Gal's Gotta Eat! (Score:1)
by Roy on Wednesday October 22, @01:43AM EST (#39)
(User #1393 Info)
Sorry.. but that's the typical liberated woman's reply to the question from one of her feminist girlfriends -- "Honey, why are you going out with THAT guy?"

It's all about caloric intake, apparently.

Then again, they're supposed to be watching their figures....

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Let's see... (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Tuesday October 21, @11:23PM EST (#37)
(User #665 Info)
>Typical Date:
>$20 -$30 dollars for flowers
>Dinner: $75 +
>Movie: $25 - $35
>Whole evening is used up
>May or may not get sex
>Have to put up with her shit and inanity
>I might have to buy her something on impulse or >she sulks and I get no sex.
>So, about $120 to $150

Wow, people pay a lot for dates. Maybe it's a non-student thing. Typical date for moi and mon boyfriend [say early in the relationship]:
Pizza and soda: $8 or Chinese: $15 [if it's a special occasion, the last time we did that was Valentines]
Rent a movie: $2 or rent a video game: $4
uhm... birth control costs about $12 a month, if you wanna figure that into there. *grin*
everything is split, [though I pay for chemical BC and sometimes condoms, but he buys them more], because income fluctuates for us. Dunno, never understood people who work at the grocery store expecting other people who work there to take to expensive-ass restaurant AND a movie and not go dutch. silliness.
Re:Let's see... (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday October 22, @02:24AM EST (#40)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Good response , Cresent.

Finding love after being burned by the system may be difficult. Many will refuse to even consider this an option.

Maybe that's when you know you have someone special, money is not a factor in the relationship.

I was amazed by this cuban girl who told me she missed her homeland. She said the people here were to cold. That she wanted to go back to the warmth of her family and friends, who were dirt poor but very loving.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re:Let's see... (Score:2)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Wednesday October 22, @06:28AM EST (#42)
(User #661 Info)
Well, Luna, just wait for 45. The older you get, the higher the price goes up.

Women of my age group - unless they get dolled up, it ain't a date, and then you hear "We never go out! You never take me anywhere! We never go on dates!"

And where the hell are you getting Pizza for $8? Or are you buying by the slice? Send me coupons...

* Putting the SMACKDOWN on Feminazis since 1989! *
Men pay for sex its that simple. (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on Wednesday October 22, @09:10PM EST (#43)
(User #1200 Info)
It is my opinion at the age of 47 and being in my second marriage that our gender trades goods (money) for sex. Either in a piece rate basis i.e. Prostitution, escort service, massage parlor etc. or a Full lifetime commitment. With the piece rate basis you get what you pay for. There is no emotional commitment only a financial one. Mind you I am a Father of 5 and Grandfather to 3 Grandsons. My personal experience is that I have made the traditional decision marriage and family. I have friends who are divorced and refuse to remarry, they find there are enough desperate Women wanting sex that they can get what they want without marriage. Either way Women expect Goods if you expect to get sex. The tables can only be turned when enough of us say we won't play that game anymore. Or better yet opt out for foreign Women who would appreciate us more than the spoiled JAPS (Jewish American Princesses) who are what American Women have become. Personally if my second marriage fails I'm heading for Asia or Eastern Europe. American Women are unreasonable and their demands are unrealistic for resources and perks. A loyal Husband, Good Father does not mean shit in our culture anymore.
That is the harsh reality that I have come to face. I hope that My Sons and Grandsons do not have the same miserable experiences with American Women that I have had.

Khan Krum The Bulgar
Re: Nice to See Our Criminal Element Represented (Score:1)
by Roy on Friday October 24, @04:16PM EST (#46)
(User #1393 Info)
Hey Krum, Krum...

Just what have you purloined to have acquired your moniker?

Ooops... me thought you were Krum Krum the BURGLAR!

Sorry. Will read more closely...

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
A social double-standard gainst men (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday November 07, @09:38AM EST (#47)
As far as men being exploited in the act of being with a prostitute , it depends( in some cases YES and in some cases NOT NECESSARY). I have often heard the term -: "A woman gave a man some pussy" [no I'm not trying to be vulgar, but to simply make a point]. A woman DOES NOT give a man anything during any sex act--PERIOD. Remember , it is the penis that is inserted into the vagina and not vice versa. Also, it is the many who introduces his semen into the woman upon ejaculation. Furthermore, it is the man who impregnates the woman and not vice versa, so a woman does not give a many anything during the sex act ( except maybe an STD ).Anyone who knows anything about biology knows that the male germ is dominant so the term that a man is only a sperm donor is a bunch of nonsense. In reality, it is the woman that is the egg donor. Women use sex as a weapon to get what they want by refusing sex with their male partner . This can be a sense of punishment or bribery or spitefulness. If a woman is a consenting adult who charges a man for sex favors, and the man is a consenting adult who willingly pays for the sexual favors from her then we do not have a crime because their is NO victim. No one has been harmed or violated and the act is mutual with the mutual accdeptance and approval of both partners. Since the actis mutual it can therefore be considered an exploitation of the man since he is actually paying the woman for the pleasures of her body , but he gets no payment from her for the pleasures of his body by her. This is a social and personal double-standard. In other words, the man has an orgasm from enjoying the sex of the woman and pays her a monetary fee for his pleasure, but he receives NO monetary fee from her for having been pleasured or receiving an orgasm from him. Both have shared their respectives bodies with each other but only HE pays. Whats wrong with this picture ? Many in our society consider sexual promiscuity to be IMORRAL , yet according to the dictionary , the term morality MEANS- " The relative right or wrong of an action " or " Based on the principles of right conduct rather than on law or custom". Many people say that prostitution is wrong because of their religious indoctrinations or their belief that it may contribute to the high spread of diseases. First, theologians consider it immoral because they believe it to be harmful to the marital institution and a man is actually more prone to getting an STD from unprotected sex with a nymphomaniac whore in a night club during a one-night stand by a woman who sleeps with multiple partners for free than with a hooker who practices safe sex routinely. Don't forget the definition of the term "exploit" mean- " to take advantage of a person or group of people for the purpose of monetary gain ". During the sex act regarding a man paying a prostitute for sex it is clearly the man being taken advantage of monetarily and it is certainly the woman who is making the monetary gain. So based on the definition,go figure who is actually being EXPLOITED. Skip
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