Schlessinger Devalues Males to Speck of Sperm

warble writes "As usual we find this conservative female appealing to chauvinism and blaming the male when he objects to her bigotry. I've never cared much for Schlessinger, but now I know that I dislike her because she is an anti-male bigot. In this article, "Sperm donor or the father?" we find her devaluing a the natural father of a child to a speck of fluid while elevating the mother to near god-like stature. If Schlessinger were not a bigot then we would find her considering the mother to be nothing more than an egg donor. Instead Schlessinger promotes permitting the mother superior rights by permitting the mother to randomly choose any male to be the father while dehumanizing the natural father to a speck of fluid. Clearly, there is no doubt that if the mother went on welfare, had the male named as the father and assigned paternity, obtained oppressive child support obligations, and the male fell behind due to unemployment that Schlessinger would label him a deadbeat dad and spew her hate. What is also interesting is that Schlessinger spends so much time explaining and excusing her blow-up when the male objects to her hate speech. Naturally, Schlessinger believes the male is at fault."

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