Sean Hannity exposes double standard

Mark writes "Sean Hannity, host of the nation's 2nd most listened to talk radio show, discussed at length today the blatant double standard in the way rape accusers are treated in comparison to the accused. This was in regard to the Kobe Bryant situation. He acknowleged that while women's lives can in fact be ruined by rapes (a point that a female caller kept screaming at him), men's lives can be ruined by false accusations of rape. The majority of the callers overall (probably 60% or so) agreed with him, while about 30% or so of the women agreed. To anyone who is familiar with Hannity, this is definitely significant. He has been known to side with women in nearly every case split along gender lines. He is of the old school "men are naturally bad and women are naturally pure" train of thought. I've heard him tell his female callers to refuse to go out with any guy who doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. But, this appears to signal a potential change. At the very least, it signals an awareness. The topic will also be on tonight's Hannity & Colmes (9pm EST, FoxNews). We can contact him to thank him at"

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