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Sean Hannity exposes double standard
posted by Adam on Thursday July 24, @05:10PM
from the A-change-of-heart? dept.
False Accusations Mark writes "Sean Hannity, host of the nation's 2nd most listened to talk radio show, discussed at length today the blatant double standard in the way rape accusers are treated in comparison to the accused. This was in regard to the Kobe Bryant situation. He acknowleged that while women's lives can in fact be ruined by rapes (a point that a female caller kept screaming at him), men's lives can be ruined by false accusations of rape. The majority of the callers overall (probably 60% or so) agreed with him, while about 30% or so of the women agreed. To anyone who is familiar with Hannity, this is definitely significant. He has been known to side with women in nearly every case split along gender lines. He is of the old school "men are naturally bad and women are naturally pure" train of thought. I've heard him tell his female callers to refuse to go out with any guy who doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. But, this appears to signal a potential change. At the very least, it signals an awareness. The topic will also be on tonight's Hannity & Colmes (9pm EST, FoxNews). We can contact him to thank him at hannity@foxnews.com"

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Hannity is a hypocrite (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday July 24, @07:40PM EST (#1)
Why would anyone be happy with Hannity on the side of men's rights?

Hannity and his ilk are the reason men have no Constitutional protections. Hannity is the biggest socialist proponent on this planet - socialism of the fascist kind.

Every time I hear Hannity invoke the Constitution I get the urge to throw up.

The American military is the best in the world because it is made up of though professional hombres. But egotistical creeps like him think it is all because of them.

Re:Hannity is a hypocrite (Score:1)
by A.J. on Friday July 25, @11:47AM EST (#3)
(User #134 Info)
Hannity is the biggest socialist proponent on this planet

I’ve got to admit this is the first time I’ve heard Sean Hannity accused of being a socialist. Are you sure you’re thinking of the right person?

I’m not a devoted viewer of his show and can’t claim to know his views on everything but I’ve seen him enough to have a pretty strong impression. IMO he’s a traditional conservative and usually sides with traditional (and sometimes new age) chivalry except when it involves massive social programs. I’ve seen him hammer NOW (a real socialist organization) pretty hard.

Taking a position that challenges chivalry that's unassociated with government handouts and pandering is not what I would have expected and IS significant IMO.

Re:Hannity is a hypocrite (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday July 25, @03:40PM EST (#4)
Just like there are anarchists on the left (no property rights) and anarchists on the right (radical Libertarians), there are left socialists (communists, social democrats, etc) and there are right socialists (fascists a.k.a. Monopoly Capitalists). Hannity supports the current administration and is behind the current president 100 percent. Government spending under the current administration has skyrocketed and is out of control. Do you think government spending isn't socialism? If not, what is? Let's do a little math: Fed spending 2.75 TD + State spending 1.1 TD + City and County spending 1 TD (?) = 4.85 trillion dollars.GPD is 10.5 TD but GPD has a lot of junk numbers (much like an Enron balance sheet) so I like to use national income to compare it against and national income is roughly 7.5 trillion dollars. Do you still think our little bitty government isn't socialist?

Hannity supported Patriot Act I and is lobbying for Patriot Act II. Is this what you mean by "conservative"?

As far as men's rights are concerned, Republicans introduced No-Fault justice (Regan), instituted debtor's prison (Dole), passed legislation to make it impossible to reduce IMPUTED income (Bradley) and shifted welfare from the public to the deadbeats (the contract on America gang).

N.O.W. passed VAWA and sex harassment laws.

Which of the two is the lesser evil?

Re:Hannity is a hypocrite (Score:1)
by A.J. on Saturday July 26, @01:02PM EST (#8)
(User #134 Info)
Regarding socialism, when discussing men’s issues and the damage the government does to us my first thought is of involuntary redistribution of wealth from men to women via government programs. I agree with your concern about overall government spending and it can be seen as socialism. I’m not sure how it relates to the original post though. Since this discussion board addresses men’s issues, my assumption was that your comments about Hannity had to do with his views on gender issues.

The debate over whether liberals or conservatives (or whatever name you want to give to differing views) do more damage to men can go on indefinitely. When it comes to gender issues they differ mostly in their methods of screwing men. Hannity usually sides with the method used by those that regard themselves as conservatives. But whether you or I agree with him on most issues or not, the fact remains that he’s very influential, and IMO an influential person’s willingness to challenge this chivalrous double standard is a very good thing.

Re:Hannity is a hypocrite (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 26, @02:12PM EST (#9)
Yes, I think you are right, I did go off a tangent.

IMO the policy should be anonymity for both accusers and accused. And PROVEN false accusers should be punished just as harshly as PROVEN perpetrators. But it would not surprise me to see Hannity attack above mentioned policy based on HIS right to free speech - i.e. HIS right to make buckets of money from media hysterics.

Read Between The Lines (Score:2)
by Luek on Friday July 25, @08:37AM EST (#2)
(User #358 Info)

Sean IS a patronizing HIMBO(male version of a BIMBO) misandrist. This is the major reason I no longer consider his opinions. But again, perhaps this is a sign that the frozen log jam of archaic femitwit reasoning in his brain is beginning to break up? Maybe he is the canary in the mindshaft? His taking a more (though tiny!)liberal view of men's rights may be an indicator that things are beginning to move in a more progressive direction.
Hammering Hannity...? (Score:1)
by a_soul_stained_dark on Friday July 25, @10:52PM EST (#5)
(User #1328 Info)
I don't agree with the guy much of the time, but I'll give him credit for attacking the chemical castration of boys (through the fad "disease" ADD). I think he's just one of those men who's been brainwashed from an early age to follow the femicentric social viewpoint...but that every now and then, he sticks his head out of the shell and calls it for how it is. Too bad there's way too many men out there who still fall into the same trap and way of thinking.
Chivalry Toward the 'Weak' (Score:1)
by Hawth on Saturday July 26, @01:09AM EST (#6)
(User #197 Info)
Maybe guys like Sean Hannity would be less chivalrous ad nauseum to women if they stopped seeing women as underdogs and acknowledged that they have real power in society. That seems to be the primary basis of the old fashioned view; sympathize with the powerless because 1) they are powerless, and 2) being powerless, they can't hurt you, so there's no risk in giving them lip service. Meanwhile, kick the 'powerful' in the rear end as many times as possible to let them know: "We're watching you, buddy."

But women are not the powerless quasi-minority that Hannity's ilk seems to think they are. Not only do they have the power to act on the chauvanism that chivalrous sentiments can create in their minds, but men - generally speaking - are becoming ever more vulnerable to these attacks as we, too, internalize the misandry that's all around us. Anti-male comments out of a woman's mouth anger me - but it's like a knife in my chest every time I hear a man (especially a young man - in my age bracket) say something like, "Yeah, ya know, us guys, we're really all just scum of the earth ya know," usually with a little casual chuckle to punctuate.
Re:Chivalry Toward the 'Weak' (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday July 26, @06:52AM EST (#7)
You are right, it's sad to here how worthless many young men feel about themselves.

Just recently on a forum the issue of prostate cancer came up. I mentioned that very little funding goes into prostate cancer research. Here is the first response I recieved:

"ehhhh...maybe...its because that men are gullible idiotic morons (ignore the redundancy :P), who dont say anything about the issue, how prostate cancer doesnt get much attention while compared to breast cancer. Hehe...Im a man (feels himself below...doesnt feel right...w/e though :P), and i do have to agree to the fact that prostate cancer isnt getting much deserved attention...but like i said maybe its not getting any because noone is bringing the issue to some influential organizations or person's attention...donno...

This reply saddened me from the typing it seems that he is a young guy. I'm just waiting now for the feminazis to show up as they inevitably do and laugh and deride men because they are dying.
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