CBS "60 Minutes" talks about Title IX

CJ writes "

The "Lace Curtain" (feminist tilted media bias) seems to be ripping at some of its seams, but only a little... "60 Minutes" did a story on Title IX. The report pointed out the gains women have made in sports since it was passed, and about the impact this has had on men's athletic programs - basically non-revenue generating men's sport programs have been eliminated on many campuses to meet gender quotas. Of course feminist groups are organized to oppose any reform to Title IX and their viewpoints were a big part of the news story. Title IX was created to stop gender bias, now it is used as a tool to eliminate men's sports despite student interest and participation levels - just to maintain gender quotas, and it is enforced by feminists interested ONLY in the well being of females. Lets support the cause and contact “60 Minutes” with good words for their effort…"

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