
Thundercloud. writes "I recently saw a preview for the TV news show "the PULSE".
They are going to do a segment on that "contriversial" comercial for some beer company, (I think it was) that depicted two women ripping each other's clothes off in a fight in a fountain.
The question asked was; "Is this ad sexist towards women?"
It may be interesting to watch. I personally want to hear someone ask; "Why the flack over this ONE commercial that may bash women, but not a peep about the HUNDREDS of ads we see every year bashing, belittleing and humiliating MEN?" This is FOX, so Maybe, Just maybe, someone will INDEED ask that question.
I'm not sure of the exact time, but I think it is on at 9:00 pm. (8:00 pm. central) on Thursday nights.
Let's see what happens...!


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