Martha Burke, still at it...!

Thundercloud. writes "I was just watching the NBC evening news.
They ran a story on the "contraversy" of Augusta national's "men only" policy.
I have to say it was classic far-left, anti-male media bias. They gave Martha (the jerk) Burke plenty of air time to screech like the harpie-feminazi that she is. But the guy who runs Augusta was given perhaps a 3 second blurb to defend his position.
They DID show men counter protesting the feminazi protesters, But they made absolutely certain that they showed the member of the KKK that also showed up at the men's counter rally. This was done, of course, to make it appear that men's activists are SYNONYMOUS with the likes of the Klan!
I find it interesting that the media never asks the question, that if Burke is truely for gender equity, why she and the fem-squad never take to task things like the WNBA, that has no male players. Or why is it that there are at least 500 ALL FEMALE universities in the U.S.A. but NO all men's universities, and why that is the case.
Oh, no. The media would never dare ask such things. If they did Martha (the jerk) Burke's and all feminazi arguments would be rendered completely MOOT! And we can't have that. Not in misandrist America...,


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