Trident Gum castration campaign

SJones writes "Trident Gum has been running an ad featuring two men being castrated by a squirrel which runs up their pant leg and bites their testicles while they scream. Trident's CONTACT link on their web page is not working so they will have to be contacted by other means to complain. But please do complain. Meanwhile, there is a web site that rates ads and has the Trident ad, which you can click on and watch before voting your opinion. The link to the site with the ad is here and so far has rated the ad highly. But only 14 people, including myself, have voted. Only a few of us can bring the rating down closer to where it belongs for using gender-specific sexual violence to sell gum. Please vote and remember this web site next time an ad is run featuring sexual abuse of males to sell a product (and you can be sure there will be a next time, unfortunately.)"

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