Male Suicide: Genetic Defect or Desperate Act?

Dan Lynch writes ""There is no bottom to stupid when it comes to government inaction" someone mailed me today. Read on: " ‘New think’ thought of the day, published first in the Montreal Gazette – Men commit suicide because they are genetically defective (the Gazette always reports women commit suicide from desperate acts).
Once again the Montreal Gazette Newspaper, continues to call any issue regarding men a PEOPLE ISSUE (Women’s issues are reported as women’s issues).
It is the same sexist propaganda from the Gazette when it comes to suicides. Because suicide is 80% men, the Gazette reports it as a people issue.
Men are the victims of 75% of violence in Canada, 43% (growing) of spousal abuse victims and ¾ of suicides. Over 90% of the homeless in Canada are men.
Heritage Canada gives 100% of all gender specific funding to women and 100% of gender exclusive resources to the over 500 gender exclusive shelters to women.
The Canadian and Quebec governments refuse to fund a single gender exclusive penny to anything to do with men’s issues (health, suicide, etc). Millions to women, nothing to men.
Desperate men / Zero resources = desperate acts.
Yet these researchers as you report, obviously without a clue, are looking for ‘a genetic link’ and a new study. Study What???
How about the Gazette Newspaper starts asking why there is no emergency funding for men from our Governments.
Today and each and every day 3 men in Quebec will commit suicide.
There is no bottom to stupid when it comes to government inaction and newspaper silence!""

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