MANN Chat: Misandry in Super Bowl Commercials?

I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (2/5),
starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="">usual location. The
topic for this chat will be "Men in Commercials: What Shall We Do About
the Misandry?"  The National Organization for Women Foundation
(NOWF) has published its href="">assessment
of the television commercials that aired during Super Bowl XXVII.
 NOWF's comments on the commercials are interesting because they
indicate some ground on which men and radical feminists might agree.
 Quite troubling, though, is NOWF's clear approval of some
commercials that may stereotype men or otherwise portray men in a
negative light.  What do you think of this development?  Join
us tonight at MANN chat to have your say.  It will help if you style="font-weight: bold;">read the href="">NOWF
report before attending the
chat.  Hope to see you there!

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:

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