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MANN Chat: Misandry in Super Bowl Commercials?
posted by Steve on Wednesday February 05, @02:14AM
from the media dept.
The Media I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (2/5), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The topic for this chat will be "Men in Commercials: What Shall We Do About the Misandry?"  The National Organization for Women Foundation (NOWF) has published its assessment of the television commercials that aired during Super Bowl XXVII.  NOWF's comments on the commercials are interesting because they indicate some ground on which men and radical feminists might agree.  Quite troubling, though, is NOWF's clear approval of some commercials that may stereotype men or otherwise portray men in a negative light.  What do you think of this development?  Join us tonight at MANN chat to have your say.  It will help if you read the NOWF report before attending the chat.  Hope to see you there!

Why women are single? | Feminist Response to Circumcision Lawsuit  >

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NOWF article highlights their one-sided views (Score:1)
by Tony (MensRights@attbi.com) on Wednesday February 05, @05:06AM EST (#1)
(User #363 Info)
After listing an array of problems with the Super Bowl commercials such as "women being the butt of many jokes" and "No female sports stars" these feminist monitors go on to show their monocular view of gender issues. Accourding the these feminist monitors the Sierra Mist — Dog and man cool off at fire hydrant commerical was "was cute; creatively done, without offending anyone." [interesting how they consider comparing men to dogs is not offensive.] The FedEx — "Cast Away" spoof was a good commerical because it was "Good to see a woman be on top of things, showing the man that he should have been smart enough to open the package." Anheuser-Busch — Strongman contest "Once again, women get to be window dressing, showing skin and reacting to men. Sexist and exploitative." [I guess the men weren't being looked at by any women.] As a whole I find the "research" {note: this is not research by any definition.] shown in this article at best one sided. While they may have points about specific issues are they honestly shocked that men are the primary target audience for these commericals? I also question their definition of famous female star athletes. Can anyone name a famous female athlete outside tennis? (The WNBA imo is just glorified college basketball. While these women are athletes they would not last one game against any male team.)
Re:NOWF article highlights their one-sided views (Score:1)
by DaveK67 on Wednesday February 05, @07:54AM EST (#2)
(User #1111 Info)
You don't see them publishing reports about "number of male actors in Oprah commercials" do you? This "report" is total BS... once again they're free to discriminate as much as they feel like on "their" turf (how about the ENTIRETY of daytime television) but Dog forbid companies show MALE oriented commercials during one of the few male oriented programs on TV.
Re:NOWF article highlights their one-sided views (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday February 05, @05:20PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Good points Dave. Thats why I am more on the reactionary scale. I like to dessimate their research more so than do my own.

They make an assertion of sexist views towards women I ask "Did you apply a method towards men?"

They make an assertion of the violence against women I ask "Did you apply the same method against men?"

90% of their research can be debunked right on the spot. Thats how they work, one sided media sound bites. Why do you think they are so secret about their methodologies these days? Because people are beginning to take them to task and asking them to actually prove it.

Unfortunately its not happening enough. And with the constant pounding of these stats and reports they eventually are believed by the masses of ignorant people. Those ignorant people than demand Witch Hunt mentalities.

So , so much for evolution. The Femioso and their mob tactics rule.
Take a stand! (Score:1)
by Tony (MensRights@attbi.com) on Wednesday February 05, @07:26PM EST (#4)
(User #363 Info)
Here is an idea. Is there a site around that specifically addresses misandric commercials? An interesting "research" project would be to look at commercials on "O" and "Lifetime" and critique them for their content and post the results online. (I have 2 open accounts on attbi.com if anyone has the web skills and is interested.)
Re:Take a stand! (Score:1)
by DaveK67 on Thursday February 06, @09:09AM EST (#5)
(User #1111 Info)
That's a good idea Tony. Currently I'm in the middle stages of a project to develop a back end database for this sort of information. My goal is to create a data store where facts and figures can be listed in an easily searchable form. Ideally part of the referential component will be a "rebuttal" capability where a person can see refuting evidence for feminist lies. So perhaps one entry is "Feminists claim Superbowl commercials are sexist" and there would be a number of rebuttal entries that list anti-male content of female programming. Then in the future when someone is looking for supporting evidence for an argument... it'll be at their fingertips.

I find that often I hear a sexist comment "Men are violent" and I KNOW that there are a number of studies rebutting this statement but don't have them memorized... this sort of thing would be a Godsend for me.

Anyway... I've got the Server set up (SQL Server 2000 on a Windows.NET Advanced Server box at home) and the web server is also running... all I need to do now is create the schema and build a front end. (not to say that's not most of the job :))
Re:Take a stand! (Score:1)
by tparker on Thursday February 06, @03:04PM EST (#6)
(User #65 Info)
Hopefully, you can get data from here to add to your database - I do the same thing but don't use my own web server.
Re:Take a stand! (Score:1)
by DaveK67 on Thursday February 06, @04:50PM EST (#7)
(User #1111 Info)
Very cool... yup I was thinking along those lines but I want to provide it as a searchable database... so you enter keywords and get a list of records. Then if you're a registered user you can add new articles as well as rebutting and rating articles. The database will allow me to do things like cross reference peoples articles and ratings with their professed stand on issues and their activities. For instance, a feminist trying to submarine the system by registering then rating articles negatively if they're anti-feminist would quickly show up as a fake. And in any event... if a feminst DID rebutt an article... her rebuttal would be open to critique also.

The trick is making sure my schema can accomidate all the different kinds of data out there... and provide it in a "easy to use" searchable form (not such a simple problem :))
Re:Take a stand! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday February 07, @05:32PM EST (#10)
Thanks for the excellent work!!!
Re:NOWF article highlights their one-sided views (Score:1)
by Martian Bachelor on Thursday February 06, @05:44PM EST (#8)
(User #105 Info) http://Science.MartianBachelor.com
> how about the ENTIRETY of daytime television...

Actually, a better equivalent might be the ads during the Miss America or Miss USA contests -- what Farrell calls "the super bowl of beauty".

One could probably take the basic NOW report and just do a sex-reversal on it...

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/* Not All Men Are Fools -- Some Are Martian Bachelors
Re:NOWF article highlights their one-sided views (Score:1)
by Acksiom on Thursday February 06, @08:24PM EST (#9)
(User #139 Info)
Actually, one could do that with the Superbowl itself. . .no need to look elsewhere.

Because I happened to be around to watch the commercials this year (rare for me), and apparently NOW's trained monkeys completely missed all the sexism against men that was present throughout.

Forex: they yap about all the violent content, but in their arrant hypocrisy completely fail to notice -- let alone mention -- that virtually all the violence is directed solely against men .

Really. . .who needs the beauty pageants as examples, when every day of television is an unending pageant of sexist violence against men.

Non Illegitimi Carborundum, and KOT!
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