Illinios Domestic Violence Essay Contest

chicago joe writes "This is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper has given us a golden opportunity to be heard. To raise awareness and education about domestic violence, the newspaper is running an essay contest to hear men and women discuss personal stories concerning DV, and more importantly, present ideas on how to diminish it. The winners of the essay contest must be from Illinios and will be honored at a women's forum at the end of the month. While I know we are not interested in winning any contest, the opportunity to e-mail a major newspaper and flood them with statistics and research concerning abused men is an opportunity that should not be passed up." See the Read More section for some strategic tips chicago joe suggests, as well as where to e-mail your essay/information.My basic strategy for my e-mail will be this:

1. Be as professional as possible. Angry letters won't promote much.

2. Provide them with enough information and links to get their attention.

3. Convince them that domestic violence should be viewed as a gender-blind, individualistic human problem, not a gender war.

4. Ask them, if they are seriously concerned about diminishing domestic violence, could they please educate and bring awareness to this side of the issue within their publication this month, or sometime in the near future.

Let's not pass up this opportunity. The Chicago Sun-Times e-mail address for this contest is:

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