What to do About DV Education Programs at Work?

Napnip writes, "I'm writing this hoping to get a bit of advice. In about a week, my place of work will be having a United Way fundraising program. There will be speakers from various agencies to speak with the employees. During my shift, our speaker is supposed to be someone from a local battered women's shelter. No doubt she will be presenting such "facts" as a woman is battered every 15 seconds, etc, while ignoring the other side of the data which states that a man is also battered every 15 seconds. I've already printed out a lot of information and will be carrying this to the meeting with me. Question: Should I confront her about the data? Obviously, I don't plan to be obnoxious about it (as I value my job!), but I would really love to ask her why she ignores the other half of the data (which I'm sure she will)." This is an excellent question to pose to MANN readers. What would you do? Note that I'm not asking what should someone do, but what would you do, especially if you value your job?

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