DNA Testing of Men Aged 12-40 to Find Rapist in Scotland

Anonymous User writes "Am I the only one to be disturbed by this story? Testing of boys as young as 12? Is there any better way to prepare children for the notion that just by being born male, they are simply rapists-in-waiting? Aside from the implications for the children, what about the adults? If I refuse because I know I didn't do it and resent the implication, doesn't that put me under a cloud of suspicion? Or does everyone take the view that if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to fear?" This is going TOO FAR. Men should be in open revolt for something like this. "Detectives are asking every male aged between 12 and 40 and living within 300 metres of the scene of the assault to take part in the screening." I've been told that this is a huge story on Scotland right now. Please, Scottish activists, don't let this happen!Source: Scotland Today [UK newspaper]

Title: DNA tests underway to identify man who raped teenager

Author: Unknown

Date: January 24, 2002

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