Sean Hannity exposes double standard

Mark writes "Sean Hannity, host of the nation's 2nd most listened to talk radio show, discussed at length today the blatant double standard in the way rape accusers are treated in comparison to the accused. This was in regard to the Kobe Bryant situation. He acknowleged that while women's lives can in fact be ruined by rapes (a point that a female caller kept screaming at him), men's lives can be ruined by false accusations of rape. The majority of the callers overall (probably 60% or so) agreed with him, while about 30% or so of the women agreed. To anyone who is familiar with Hannity, this is definitely significant. He has been known to side with women in nearly every case split along gender lines. He is of the old school "men are naturally bad and women are naturally pure" train of thought. I've heard him tell his female callers to refuse to go out with any guy who doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. But, this appears to signal a potential change. At the very least, it signals an awareness. The topic will also be on tonight's Hannity & Colmes (9pm EST, FoxNews). We can contact him to thank him at"

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Race, sex, and age drive speeding

CJ writes "This study reveals that minorities and men are least likely to receive warnings as opposed to tickets for speeding in a car. That there is a pattern of differential treatment between men and women is clear and it adds up to an estimated cost of $25 million a year in traffic fines and higher insurance premiums - just in MA alone. It is safe to assume that any interpretive interaction with a police officer probably yields harsher results for men, this is especially so in alleged domestic violence matters where men are always assumed guilty. The fact that intentional discrimination violates the constitution's equal protection guarantee seems to have little meaning when men are victimized by our own government.


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Men, Marriage, and 'Finding your Nuts'

Anon User writes "Glenn Sacks discussed men, marriage and how men can be "married and happy" with men's counselor Wayne Levine, M.A., director of the West Coast Men's Center on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles on Sunday, July 20.

Levine stressed the importance of men "finding their nuts"--their "nonnegotiable, unalterable terms" in their marriages, and criticized traditional marriage counseling as being bad for men. To listen to the show archive, go to His Side"

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Men Barred From Outdoors--For Equality

The mayor of a Spanish town has barred men (1, 2) from the outdoors on Thursday nights. Any man caught outside during the all-male curfew will be fined, and the money will be given to "groups that deal with domestic violence and equality between the sexes."

This sort of thing has been done elsewhere, I think in Bogota, Columbia, and the feminists in Boulder, Colorado, have proposed barring men from the outdoors on a regular basis.

Remember how blacks used to be barred from the outdoors unless they were accompanied by an owner?

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A Call to Activists, Journalists and Protesters

Warble has recently brought it to my attention that men are going to jail for refusing to pay child support to children that are not theirs. Resisting the tyranny of the state. I urge writers from men's news daily, journalists or activists alike to see what can be done about this. Is it possible to get interviews from some of the men who have gone to jail? For an investigative reporter this is a good story because a special note should be made of these men. Im sure there is more on this topic that I have overlooked. At the very least a mention on men's news daily. If anyone has a link on this issue I can use please send it to the admin email. It is the type of news that mainstream steers from, but it is news.

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Society's Wake-Up Call To Men's Health

locksley2k writes "The Long Island newspaper, Newsday, ran this article today acknowledging the exsistence of the health care crsis for men in this country.

Of course the author had to make a comment on the tired argument of who's the weaker sex question and a snide remark that concludes men are dying for the same reason they don't ask for directions.
However the problem is being recognized and that's what counts.Then again part of the problem is us, if men in general show more intrest in their own health the rest will follow."

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Fred on Marriage

Here's Fred's take on marrying in the US today. I suspect he'd say something similar about marriage in much of the rest of the English speaking world. (Note the exception of Singapore.)

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Calling Pager is DV in New Jersey

warble writes ""In a 5-0 decision, the court said even a fit father with joint custody and liberal visitation rights does not have an automatic right to know the whereabouts of his child....Cynthia Sacharow accused him [her husband] of domestic violence because he repeatedly called her pager. She said he was harassing and stalking her, acts considered domestic violence under New Jersey law...." Gees. This basically says it all. A father can be fit, reputable, have visitation rights and it can be lost if he calls an x-wife's pager too many times in an attempt to visit a child. To qualify all a woman must do in New Jersey is call the police and report to a domestic violence (DV) shelter. If anybody still doubts that DV shelters are actually family destructions units they must be out-of-their-friggin minds!"

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Posing a Question to Men's Activists

Do men have to wage a Marxist Class(gender) War in order to get fair treatment? Hitler's brand of marxist class war consisted of bloated statistics, vile political cartoons, insinuating and biased "scientific research" studies among other things. Pretty much like many of the feminist research models we see today. I am asking, is it necessary for men's rights groups to 'lie', to inflate statistics, to create a manufactured reality and to drive home dramatic overtones that paralize society with distrust and division in order to advance our agenda, just in order to be heard and considered? Its a 'at what length will we go to acheive our goal' sort of thought. Will we retain respect and dignaty with our objectives? A special thanks to Wendy McElroy, Trudy Schuett, Dianna Thompson and Christina Hoff Sommers for thier relentless efforts for the co-operative love of both sexes.

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Bush Drops the Ball on Title IX Reform

Chuck Jones writes "The Bush Education Department last Friday affirmed the use of destructive gender quotas in enforcing Title IX in school athletics. These quotas result in eliminating thousands of opportunities for male wrestlers, swimmers, etc., Recently on a 60 Minutes special, a male athlete who loved wrestling all his life but was suddenly told that he couldn't play because he was male, said "I pray that I have daughters because that's the only way they'll have any opportunities to play."

Please follow the URL to take action today and show your disapproval of this cave-in to the quota-advocate gender feminists.

URL: here"

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Double Standards

Mangesh writes "Indian Supreme Court has ruled that different retirement age for male and female flight attendants in Air India does not violate the Indian constitution. Currently, the retirement age is 58 and 50 respectively. This was challenged on the ground that it is based on gender discrimination and therefore violates article 14 of the constitution. Feminists have demanded a review of the verdict. You can find a sample article at here. The law on DV in India discriminates against men but feminists have never taken up the issue. If a man subjects his wife to cruelty, he can go to jail for upto 3 years, and cruelty is defined in the most general manner as "any wilful act which is likely to drive her to kill herself or causes or is likely to cause grave danger to her life, limb or health (whether physical or mental)". A woman subjecting her husband to cruelty is not a crime at all!"

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NCFM-DC Press conference covered in news

mcc99 writes "See: The Washington Times they got our name not quite right - but if you search on the name given in Google, you'll find us!"

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"Judging Amy" supports paternity fraud

amperro writes "July 8 CBS ran an episode of "Judging Amy" about a woman suing her husband for more child support, and then reveals that he isn't the real father! Then Judge Amy Gray threatens to put HIM (not her!) in jail! Frankly, if we are to win the war on paternity fraud, we need to call for the prosecution and imprisonment of the mothers, rather than just relief from child support orders."

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Divorce Great For Men?

Dittohd writes "Do you all buy this?

Looks like just another feminist-created phony survey that claims just the opposite of what the truth really is.

What does everybody here think? How many here know divorced men who feel they gained financially after the divorce?"

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Feminism Today

Here's another good essay on the societal train wreck known as feminism.

Granted, there are some points in the essay that trouble me. First of all, the author, George Rolph, seems to buy into the fallacy that women were far more oppressed than men in the past. He also seems to feel a need to be some type of feminist, judging by his apparent comfort with what he believes feminism's earliest ideals were--"removing from society those things which discriminate against the female gender in particular and both genders in general." That sounds rather like the statement from "Animal Farm," "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."

Still, it's a damn good read.

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