ACLU appeals to only-women-are-battered myth

mcc99 writes "The ACLU has, like Amnesty International, been overtaken by feminists. Like AI they try to keep it quiet but it comes out every now and then unequivolcally in what they choose for their causes. Thus an organization that started off as being good and noble and a necessary corrective has become a force for feminist indoctrination and promulgation of women's-interests-only-need-be-considered thinking. ACLU won't touch men's issues with a 20' pole but will happily promulgate feminist myths of all kinds. Like AI it champions a number of gender-non-specific causes and then when it finds a feminist one, it goes all-out advertising it and pushing it. They try to avoid getting noticed for their bias but alas they cannot help but be scrutinized.

ACLU's latest offense can be seen in their recent action item at: e.cfm?ID=9955&c=249

Get this in the second talking-point item:

"Many victims' organizations oppose the amendment. Victims' rights groups like the National Network to End Domestic Violence, Citizens for the Fair Treatment of Victims and the National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women oppose the amendment because they are concerned that battered women -- who are often arrested and charged with assaulting their batterers -- would lose the right to a fair trial and presumed innocence. Other victims' groups are concerned that giving victims the 'right to a trial free from unreasonable delay" will force hasty prosecutions that result in the wrong person being convicted.'"

Their feedback form URL is:

Let them know what you think of their tactics to demonize men at the same time they seek to guarantee presumed innocence - not like men charghed in DV or other he said-she said cases are presumed innocent, anyway, is it?"

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