Sexism in nature

Miletus Prime writes "Here is a great story I found by The Onion on sexism It is only funny because we know he is joking but the same absurdity is expressed by feminists who want and expect to be taken seriously."

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Advertising and Gender

tparker writes "The Gender Ads Project attempts to categorize advertisments in various ways to indicate how they relate to gender. The have over 1600 ads categorized, and accept email comments (and maybe new ads?) Maybe the site could use some more examples of misandrist ads, since they seem to be focused misogyny at the moment."

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Top 10 most dangerous jobs in America

Jen writes "Top 10 most dangerous jobs in America

"Loggers and fishermen faced the most daunting odds of dying at work in 2002, but the highways remained the most dangerous place for American workers...."

"....But highway accidents were the biggest overall killer in 2002, accounting for a quarter of all worker deaths. Falls killed 13%. Men were still, by far, the most likely to be killed on the job. Ninety-two percent of all workplace fatalities were male."

"Among the 441 women who died on the job, though, the chief cause of death was homicide. "

Ok, I would like to know why that last bit had to be stuck on there. It's like they are saying "Even though way more men die, it is men's fault for the women dying, and that is more important. " Grrr."

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The Good and the bad

Julian Abbott writes "First article to inspire you chaps and to get writing. "David Elliott and Brad Thompson said men were finding it increasingly hard to have books accepted by mainstream publishers. As a result there are too few "good reads" for men and boys".

Second article gives an opportunity to comment on the article of women working longer hours. Remember all the whining from the fem brigade about men not helping around the house? Well this article states that men work on average 11 hours longer per week, that adds up to a whole lot of housework."

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We did It guys!

Trudy W Schuett writes "We did it guys! THX to the many e-mails and phone calls from dedicated activists, the AZ 'Public has publicly admitted that men need help too!!!

Men also domestic-abuse victims

Plight often overlooked, not reported, author says

Susie Steckner
The Arizona Republic
Oct. 14, 2003 12:00 AM

Author Philip Cook calls it the hidden side of domestic violence: male victims, overlooked, ignored and underserved.
Full text at: icles/1014dv-men14.html"

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It's good to be a man

John C writes "It's good to be a man by Paul S. Boynton - Can there be any doubt than men are in the midst of the most important transitions in their history? Are there men who don't feel, on some level, this new beginning? For me there is a strong sense of impending joy, as men, individually and collectively, begin to make startling discoveries about what it means to be a man. Some of the most important discoveries revolve around our incredible potential for goodness. Surprise! Things aren't always as they seem. Things aren't always as we've been taught. We are finally discovering that it is good to be a man.
Story Here!"

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The New Meaning of "Rape"

In light of the cases against Kobe Bryant and an (in this article) unnamed football player, whose guilt or innocence have not yet been judged in court, Barbara Amiel examines the new meaning of "rape" under a matriarchy.

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Head to head: Embryo court case!

John C writes "Head to head: Embryo court case
I know the blessings that children are, and I can understand the anguish of those people who cannot have children.
"But we mustn't lose sight of the importance of the children having a father, or both parents, in their life.
I think we're thinking about the rights of the mothers to have children and not too much about the rights of the children.
Full Story

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FluMist's sexist ad depicts father as inept

mens_issues writes "FluMist has a sexist new ad which depicts a mother in bed with the flu while her husband gets their two kids ready for school. The husband lets the kids dress in light clothing while the radio predicts heavy snow. After the kids have their breakfast, the kitchen is a mess and he doesn't know what to do. Mothers then get the message that this scenario can be avoided by taking FluMist.

The site for FluMist is



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Harvard student columnist discusses Paternity Fraud

amperro writes "I found
this article It is refreshing to know that the word is getting out about paternity fraud, even at Harvard! Still, we are not making progress quickly enough. Maybe men's groups all over the country should band together and persuade the media to blitz the airwaves with the paternity fraud issue."

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Censored by Feminists

I was rudely banned from babble's board. They claim to be domocratic and open to debate. I for one never said anything rude or vile and merely presented facts that were contradictory to their brain-washed ideologies. Yu can see for yourselves what I wrote here. If you feel like engaging them in debate try to be open and polite using fact and principle. 90% of the men's movement will be in confronting the falsehoods and laying down a standard for fairness. I'm not asking you to troll I'm asking you to take a stand either on the internet or in your community. It will be a tactfull and principled battle but most of you are well equiped. All you really need is a good and honest heart.

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Oops, she did it again!

Matt writes "Way funny. and.reut/index.html

In short, Kendel Ehrlich, wife of the state's Gov. Robert Ehrlich, suggested she'd like to shoot Britney Spears - saying this at a DV conference.

Sugar 'n Spice..."

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Tom Pierce

"Having been put through 3 years of hell in a Georgia Family Court system which repeatedly reminded me that only mothers can raise children, I’ve decided to put my computer/internet skills to work. The site is at and while it don’t look too pretty right now it is fully database driven. I’m currently seeking advice/comments etc., on shaping the content of this site. I have not yet taken any steps on advertising the link on Google, etc., but am hoping your site would be so kind to direct some traffic there to help shape the community a bit before advertising further."

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The sexist death penalty, sexual abuse, and homoph

P. George writes " A gay man named Eddie Hartman was(?) put to death by the state of North Carolina last Friday. The prosecuter used people's prejudices against homosexual men in particular to bias the jury against him. This situation may be able to bring to light the sexist and useless death penalty that mainly targets men, and also the homophobia that seems to mostly target men more so than lesbians. It also shows the ignored but very real sexual abuse/assault that does happen to some boys.

Click Here

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Men Flex Political Muscle in California

As you know Steve Imparl works with male depression. His great attitude is greatly appreciated at Men's Activism News Network. A major function of MANN is simply the activism. From time to time Steve will be sharing with us his views on Male Depression and its relation to us. Here is his latest journel in regards to California's recall vote. Read here and enjoy :).

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