A Double Standard for Sex Offenders

Psychologist Katherine Peterson of the Kentucky Department of Corrections has looked into double standards regarding the reporting and punishing of female vs. male sex offenders. Here is a brief report.

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Men's Movement Fires Back with own 'Pledge Against

"I pledge to work against ALL domestic violence, whether committed by a male or a female...I pledge to raise my voice when I see a man using his strength to abuse a woman, or when I see a woman using the police to abuse a man.....

For full pledge, go to http://mensnewsdaily.com/archive/s/sacks/03/sacks1 02203.htm

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What You Don't Know About Honor Killings

What you don't know about honor killings. Read on and Enjoy!

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A Brief History of Collaborative Family Law

JohnC. writes "A Brief History of Collaborative Family Law
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world & indeed it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Meade, 1970 -
Lawyer Stuart Webb of Minneapolis, Minnesota is generally credited with being the founder of collaborative family law. In 1990, after 15 years' experience practicing "traditional" family law, Mr. Webb decided to do something about the frustration and stress he and his clients were experiencing. He decided to "unilaterally disarm".


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Republicans Continue Male Persecution

Quote Ashcroft Attorny General:"Domestic violence is wrong and destroys the lives of far too many women and children. I’m challenging men across America to take the pledge against domestic violence. We must work together to eliminate the horrific cycle of violence," said Attorney General John Ashcroft. "This public service announcement demonstrates the Bush Administration’s unceasing commitment to keep families safe, hold offenders accountable, and bring communities together in our ongoing efforts to end domestic violence."

They will be spending 20 million dollars to make men look like evil bastards. Even if the comercials on the front look all warm and fuzzy with everyone working together, we know all to well the ugliness of the bureaucracy behind it all. Here is the link I promised.

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CJ writes ""Not only have we Americans lost the powerful influence of real men, we also have universally accepted the counterfeit. Ray Romano, star of the award-winning CBS comedy sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, is the quintessential man of modern America. This is manhood, as represented by the social engineers, to all of America's children." This article outlines the plight of true American manhood which is under attack by modern culture, alternative lifestyles and feminism.
Put your "seatbelts on" - this is a great article...

http://www.newswithviews.com/EmanuelMcLittle/mclit tle7.htm"

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Why Aren't Males Watching TV? DUH!!

CPM writes "Why oh why won't men watch our shows? Because they're fucking pissed that's why! I love how one theory is that most of their Nielson samplers(men) have been deployed to Iraq. That's funny, I always hear that it is "men and women" who are serving as if to get equal billing. If this is so, then it is also "men and women" Nielson people who are not home to watch TV. Crappy misandrist programming/advertising has nothing to do with it...!

Few Viewers and Network Execs Scratch Their Heads"

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Anyone else tired of this crap?!


ABC 7 Oct 21 09:00pm Add to My Calendar
Series/Drama, 60 Mins.

"Keeping Abreast"

A serial killer targets women from an upscale bar; Jones attempts to protect a boy from his violent father. Adult Situations.

Cast: Dennis Franz, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Gordon Clapp, Bill Brochtrup, Henry Simmons, Charlotte Ross, Garcelle Beauvais, Esai Morales, Jacqueline Obradors, Austin Majors, Kim Delaney, Chandra West, Andre Jamal Kinney, Philipp Karner , Michael Reilly Burke, Albie Selznick, Joseph Will, Julie St. Claire, Billy Kay, Molly Hagan.
Director(s): Jesse Bochco .
Producer(s): Steven Bochco, Mark Tinker, Bill Clark.
Writer(s): Bill Clark, Matt Olmstead.

Original Airdate: October 21, 2003.

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The Rising: Tanks on the streets of London. F4J

Raymond Cuttill writes "A tank is to lead over a thousand fathers in a march in London tomorrow (Wednesday 22 October) to demand a legal right to see their kids. The fathers, who say they have been discriminated against by the Family Courts, are members of Fathers 4 Justice (F4J), a radical campaign group that has stormed into the headlines thanks to a series of high profile protests, including 200 Father Christmases in one protest and Men In Black sit-in in another. Being video for the Men’s Hour"

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AZ Shelter, Utility Charged With Fraud

Trudy W Schuett writes "An AZ women’s shelter and a public utility has been charged with soliciting funds from the public in a fraudulent manner.

Please Read More.......

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Wash. Post covers bris ceremony

Matt writes "In the 10/18 Wash Post:


This is a toughie- the challenge here is to call into question the practice without seeming to attack the faith of those doing it. If this can be done, since it is likely to get coverage vs. "routine" circumcision, bringing the issue up in a letter to the editor in this context could serve the cause of getting awareness of male genital integrity issues increased-- but it's a tightrope-walk, no doubt. No objection can be seen to be an attack on the religious context in which it applies, or risk distraction from the issue or worse yet, a further entrenchment of the practice in the name of religious self-defense."

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Buy some mushrooms....help cure prostate cancer

napnip writes "It seems like everyday I see an ad by this or that company stating that it contributes to breast cancer research and awareness, yet I have never seen a company mention prostate cancer, until today! I bought a package of fresh To-Jo mushrooms from my local grocery store, and it has a logo on the package stating that the company is a "Blue Ribbon Partner" in the fight against prostate cancer! I went to their website, and it has some more info: http://www.mushroominfo.com/ If only more companies would do this. Let's write them and thank them!"

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Thou shalt speak only as "we" allow

donaldcameron1 writes "Nebraska
man ordered to speak English to his daughter or face limited visits

Canadian Press
Tuesday, October 14, 2003

"PAPILLION, Neb. (AP) - A Hispanic man who spoke to his
five-year-old daughter in Spanish has been ordered to use primarily English
around the girl as a condition of his visitation rights.

I wrote a letter to the Governor expressing my concerns and urge readers to contact this governor to express their concerns or outrage over this kind of stupidity.

  the Governor
Go to
Governor's Website
or you can send an e-mail to the newspaper of record The Papillion Times

Thanks for taking the time to read this."

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Does Prostitution Exploit Men?

I'm really just posing a question here which I hope you'll read. But ask yourself, is it the "payee" or the "payer" that comes out on top? Check it out here. As always feel free to pass it around for discussion. Enjoy!

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TWO Network Shows Address Paternity Fraud!

amperro writes "On Sunday (10/12)ABC's "The Practice" ran the first of a two-parter concerning a man whose wife was cheating on him. She reveals to him that his children were in fact fathered by another man.
On Tuesday (10/14)CBS's "The Guardian" ran an episode about a couple suing a fertility clinic because the wife's eggs were fertilized with another man's sperm. Later it is revealed she had an affair and the clinic was not at fault.
Why doesn't Congress have the guts that Hollywood seems to be showing when addressing this issue?"

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