Forbes article covers worker injuries... sort of.

Read this article in Forbes on-line, off-linked from the AOL AIM news pop-up. The article is glaring in its omissions. My letter to the editor is below (comments to Forbes can be submitted here).

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AP News Wire Bias in Wage Reporting

The_Beedle writes "The Associated Press ran a report last Friday on the gender wage gap in which they claim that women earn less than men for the same work. Once again the crucial factor in earnings, the number of years an individual has been performing their job, is left out.

For comments AP spoke exclusively to women. They mention education, but fail to mention that women now receive more degrees than men. And for the finale the economist they quote equates single-parenthood with motherhood and argues that employers should be forced to pay more for less productive workers."

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California's History of Politically Correct Group Attacks

Anonymous User writes "Here's a convoluted piece of writing, Politically Correct, Pseudoscientific Ideologies Targeting Groups of People in the Golden State that compares and contrasts California's past practices with present day practices in regards to the Golden State's "unique ways" of dealing with issues of "societally deficient" human beings, human sexuality, and "gender." Apparently, today's males have not been the first group of people to be systematically stigmitized, demonized, and persecuted by "Golden State" politics and pseudoscientific hokum. The details presented in this article, reveal a fascinating past and present for the "Golden State" that is a truth hiding in plain sight, yet seldom mentioned. Gee, I wonder why?"

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Ray Blumhorst Cited in ChicagoTribune Article

Roy writes "Frequent poster to MANN Ray Blumhorst was quoted in a "Commentary" piece by Kathleen Parker (6.2.02) - "Blindsided by Political Correctiness..." an essay regarding the damages done to feminism by the recent Abu Ghraib scandals.

Ray's quote: "What happened in Abu Ghraib is no isolated incident, no abberation," wrote Ray Blumhorst... I have little doubt that all of the females implicated at Abu Ghraib will have little trouble finding jobs in the multi-billion-dollar VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) domestic violence industry, just as soon as American, gender feminist justice rationalizes away all their misbehavior."

Link to full article here"

Registration required.

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Domestic Violence Batters Men

Ray Blumhorst writes "Domestic violence information is honestly reported here, Women who batter, and the men who fear them Male victims of domestic violence really need to be written about in main stream media, but rarely are. Robert L. Jamieson shows journalistic integrity by objectively reporting the events in this story, without all the usual domestic violence industry misinformation and lies we so frequently see in media coverage of domestic violence stories."

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Colombian police arrest woman for stealing unborn

Ragtime writes "Colombian baby 'stolen from womb' -- Colombian police say they have arrested a woman for stealing an unborn baby from its mother's womb."

What was the motive? I wonder.

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Eleven-Year-Old Girl Slashes Classmate's Throat

CPM writes "Story here "The killing appeared especially shocking because of the age of the children involved and the fact that both were girls. "
The age of the killer can legitimately be referred to as "shocking", but there is nothing shocking about a female killer. The shocking part is that it made the news and that she was actually identified as female. There are many stories I see where a violent female is referred to as a: coworker, friend, acquiantence, classmate, or other gender neutral term. Many times even after reading the entire article, the gender of the perp is still not divulged - which is a near guarantee that it is female. They also had to throw in a couple mentions of young boy killers to show that young killers are supposed to be male."

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Spot the double standards! (there's several)

Anonymous User writes "article 1

A Parma woman who carried on a two-year sexual affair with a boy who was 13 when it began dodged prison Wednesday when a judge sentenced her to probation on felony sex charges.

Dawn Bacon, a 34-year-old mother of three, pleaded guilty earlier to 20 counts of unlawful sexual contact with a minor. She will serve six months of electronically monitored home confinement and must continue psychotherapy...

Another story in the same vein article 2

Jennifer Joel Wilder, 33, was charged with sexual battery on May 14. She is free on $10,000 bond.

Authorities said Wilder was a science teacher at East Central High School. They said the teenager was not in any of her classes."

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Cartoon Strip on MND Portrays Violence Against Men

Luek writes "If you go to the Men's News Daily site regularly you will notice the cartoon strip Day By Day written by someone called Chris Muir. This strip has recently given in to the concept that violence against men by females is okay and humorous. The current one, as of 4 June, has a male character called Zed getting slapped by a female character because he sent a picture of her breasts, I think it was, over the internet.

I sent Mr. Muir this e-mail protesting his condoning of violence against men by females as okay and funny." See the Read More section for the e-mail.

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The Estrogen Is Choking The Environment....

CrimsonArrow writes "... But do not take my word for it, just read about the 'March for Women's Lives' rally from Frontpage Magazine written by Anthony Gankarski. As Ashley Judd puts it: "This is what feminism looks like.""

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Peterson vs. Harris

frank h writes "According to this article, Scott Peterson's double murder trial begins today. For me, there's no question: if he's guilty, he deserves his punishment. Put aside, for a moment, the notion that he's being tried for one kind of murder that women commit every day in this country. Consider, instead, the harsh treatment he'll receive at the hands of the media and compare that with the sympathetic way in which Clara Harris was treated during her murder trial. Ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you a true and clear demonstration of anti-male bias in the media."

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UK Telegraph warns men to avoid divorce in Britain

Can you believe a man's future earnings will be open to confiscation should he and his wife split? This is anticipated in Britain. Read it here.*

Interesting is the commentary contrasting things in GB with here in the US, New York in particular.

Stay single. Just stay single. For the love of God, man, STAY SINGLE!!

* Registration required. Go ahead, it's free and only takes a second.

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No more "Ladies Night" in New Jersey

Steve Krakauer writes "Check out this story about New Jersey's court ruling banning Ladies Night promotions at bars and clubs after a man took a club to court claiming gender bias.

I guess equal rights means paying equal for drinks and cover also...

It makes sense."

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Women's Right/Gynaeocracy is The Supreme Law

Anonymous User writes " U.S. National - AP

Judge: Bush Abortion Ban Unconstitutional

3 minutes ago Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!

By DAVID KRAVETS, Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO - In a ruling with coast-to-coast effect, a federal judge declared the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act unconstitutional Tuesday, saying it infringes on a woman's right to choose.

U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton's ruling came in one of three lawsuits challenging the legislation President Bush (news - web sites) signed last year.

She agreed with abortion rights activists that a woman's right to choose is paramount, and that it is therefore "irrelevant" whether a fetus suffers pain, as abortion foes contend. The

article quotes:

"a woman's right to choose is paramount, and that it is therefore "irrelevant" whether a fetus suffers pain"

Matriarchy or Gynaeocracy is the Supreme Law and death and suffering then become "irrelevant.""

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The Empire Strikes Back

Hunchback writes "How does the femborg fight back when the true face of domestic violence is being exposed? It latches on to a handful of sensational, well publicized cases; one of its reps sponsors a bill to create an "advisory board"; eventually the "findings" of the board funnel even more public funds into selected feminist-controlled coffers. This article depicts the birth of a dark star. The campaign was executed quietly, announced publicly only when the result was a fait accompli. Notice the background of the bill's sponsor and the proposed make-up of the board. Letters to the editor might forestall this measure from becoming a national model. Letters to the editor should be no more than 70 words and submitted immediately."

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