Misandric Kleenex Commercial

mens_issues writes "A Kleenex commercial shows a young man walking along the side of a muddy dirt road. An attractive young woman speeds by in a sports car, which splashes him with muddy water. She stops, and he looks at her like she’s a goddess. Without a word she throws a box of Kleenex at his chest and speeds off.

Contact Kleenex at here (Note: I had to turn off my pop-up blocker to get the site to work).


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Medical profession losing stature

thatold55 writes "In an interesting article, Britain's Professor Carol Black suggests that as the medical field becomes ever more dominated by women, the profession runs the risk of suffering the same loss of stature as in the field of education."

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Discrimination against men by Los Angeles County

Ray Blumhorst writes "This news story Budget woes, jail crowding let many female inmates out early
, points out that, "Male inmates serve anywhere from 10 percent to 100 percent of their sentences, depending on the seriousness of their offense..." and one legal expert points out that this policy will be difficult to challenge, "Legal experts said it would be difficult to challenge the sheriff's policy on the grounds that it discriminates against men.

"It's not a cut-and-dried equal- protection violation,' said Carrie Hempel, a clinical professor of law at USC. "The standard for equal protection for prisoners is much lower than for someone who's not incarcerated.'"

That's right, criminals lose constitutional rights when they are sentenced, and here I thought they were losing their rights just for having been born male. What do you think?"

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A Different Perspective on Polygamy

A.J. writes "This article is about young men and boys that are thrown out of the nation's largest polygamous community. Most opponents of polygamy characterize it as slavery for women and power for men but conveniently ignore the near equal birth rates for males and females. What happens to all the “excess” males? Many are simply banished for alleged “sins”. A quote from the article: “The worst sin, though - the one for which most are banned - is simply becoming a mature young man in a society where older married men are seeking younger brides.”"

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Sit down before you read this article

apetr writes "The title says it all, A Men-ual ROBIN BAKAY'S GUIDE TO MEN. She is some kind of sports caster. I've already emailed and told her she is a female chauvanist pig. Enjoy it here."

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MSN: Vatican paper criticizes radical feminism

The Vatican's letter is reported here. I would be curious to read it myself though I suspect it may not go quite far enough in that it probably does not explicitly condemn feminism as the hate movement it is. It's been my experience that large religious institutions fear women in many ways and so despite many such groups' restrictions on females being admitted into such things as the religious orders (which I personally think is wrong for them to do), they tend to pander to them in other ways, such as promulgating the myth of feminine moral supriority and fostering mother-obsession and denigration of the father while at the same time paying lip-service to "family values". Well, anyway...

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Misandric Leanin' Tree card

mens_issues writes "Leanin' Tree greeting card spotted today:

Men have often been compared to dogs, pigs and jackasses.

But I just don’t think that’s fair.

Why pick on dogs, pigs and jackasses?

(The card had a picture on the front of three men that looked like each animal. Har har har.)

Leanin' Tree

Note: I couldn't find this on the leanintree.com website, but I did find another one (Top 20 reasons why chocolate is better than men):



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Are educated women interested in blue collar men?

apetr writes "This article seems to describe something that I've noticed more and more, and that is women complaing they are too "educated" for some men. I don't ever recall the reverse being true. That men who are educated complaining about not being able to find an educated women. I think it is because these women are arrogant and priveledged and they are still looking for someone to "take care of them" and obviously do not know true equality. "Then there was Judy, a twice-divorced and once-widowed lawyer and mother of grown children. She sometimes felt a little too experienced and too sophisticated for the men in the conservative Bible Belt city where she lived" Here is the full article."

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The First Rejected Change This! Manifesto

Trudy W Schuett writes "You may have heard about Seth Godin's experiment in social change.
My submission on domestic violence was rejected for whatever reasons; and so it appears at the DLJ in its entirety. For downloadable versions in Word and plain text formats, please go here.

This is a long piece, about 5000 words, but I did my best to cover all the bases."

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Breaking Through Thick Skulls Down Under

There may be some problems with the government proposals that are being bandied about south of the equator, but there's no doubt that men's rights activists have gotten the attention of polititians down under.

In this article, we see that New Zealand's Minister of Youth Affairs, John Tamihere, seems to be taking men's issues to heart.

Here we see that fathers' rights advocates in Australia have gotten the attention of the government, though the politicos seem to be trying to get away with tossing men a bare bone from women's/mothers' table of plenty. As Men's Rights Agency director, Sue Price, expressed, "the proposed changes would do little to help divorced fathers get more access to their children... She was worried staff at family centres might be biased against fathers." At least we've got their attention. We'll see what happens next.

Then there's this piece, which includes statements from Sue Price as well as Nigel Spence from the Association of Children's Welfare Agencies.

What gets me is that the politicos in Australia are insisting that "responsibility" be equally shared, but not time with the children. Hmmmmm. Responsibility for men without associated rights... Why does this sound familiar?

At least we're getting their attention, even if some of them are apparently trying to get away with what any thinking person should know won't succeed.

As a side point I've gotta say, Sue Price sounds mighty kewl to me.

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Hollywood Chases Young Men Online

Well well, it looks like the withholding strategy is something worth considering with
the news article
makes. To quote "While the major movie studios spent just 1.3 percent of their
$6.76 billion advertising budget online in 2003, the portion will balloon rapidly in
coming years, industry executives say. Hollywood doesn't have a choice. Young men and
other desirable audiences are not watching television, and they are relying less on
newspapers to find reviews and movie times, according to industry research
" You hear that? withholding has been used against the nearest man for long enough, it's about time he made it work for him.

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Zeta-Jones death threats from female stalker

Colin writes "Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones has received a string of abusive letters and phone calls containing death threats from a stalker - guess what? The stalker is a woman. I thought only men did things like that. The story is here"

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MSN: "Activities that Attract Men"

More of the same, right here from MSN. Article's author is a man, too, but as we know, men are often men's worst enemies!

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Man Wins Lottery 2 days After Divorce

Dittohd writes "All I've got to say is this guy better spend his winnings as fast as he can, before his ex can get the word, get all the advice she's going to get from all her girlfriends, and then sue him in court, saying that she should get half because he bought the ticket with "their" money while they were still married. Ha! ha!"

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MANN Mail Server Problems

E-mail to admin@mensactivism.org is piped through some mailing list sofware that has been giving us problems for the past week. There are quite a few messages in the queue that have not yet been delivered, and it may take until the weekend for me to find time to fix the problem. The messages have not been lost but they are not accessible at this time. Your patience is appreciated.

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