Military service - don’t ask women and tell men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gay rights advocates are pushing hard on the Obama administration to allow gays to serve openly in the U.S. armed forces. Enter the law of unintended consequences. Allowing gays to serve openly will ultimately mean that should military conscription i.e. the draft be reinstated, gays would be marched off to boot camp along with their straight counterparts - but what about women? We have abolished many of the policies that once excluded women from combat positions yet still don’t require them register for Selective Service. Women get to fly fighters and command warships but only if they want to; how can that be considered equal treatment in the 21st century?
Much has changed since this decision in Rostker v. Goldberg was handed down in 1981. As I’ve noted earlier, women are serving in a wide variety of combat and combat-support roles that were unavailable to them nearly thirty years ago. Section 451(e) of the Military Selective Service Act states, “The Congress further declares that adequate provision for national security requires maximum effort in the fields of scientific research and development, and the fullest possible utilization of the Nation's technological, scientific, and other critical manpower resources.” As of June 6, 2009 the Department of Defense reports that 121 women have been killed in action and another 624 wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Given the extraordinarily valuable contributions of women to our national security, it is hard to imagine how any reasonable person could argue against their inclusion in the draft.

Although we are fighting in two wars, we are not in a state of national emergency that would require a draft. Machiavelli said it best, "It is a common defect in man not to make any provision in the calm against the tempest." Waiting until a crisis requiring the draft occurs is irresponsible and inexcusable. Recent congressional griping about “emergency” economic legislation being pushed through without time for a proper debate is proof positive that now is the time to settle this issue. It is the time for America to answer one simple question, “How can we have equal opportunity without equal responsibility”? I'm sure that is one question Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) can both agree on.'

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...and more then 5000 men. Interesting tidbit about our soldiers. During the Vietnam war, soldiers were given a periodic rest from combat by spending some time doing safe jobs -- such as clerical work. That isn't the case in Iraq because female soldiers hold these non combat positions. Now male soldiers are at the front line for a longer period of time compared to the Vietnam war.

Another thought. When referring to soldiers its considered politically incorrect NOT to say 'the men and women who have died serving our country'. I like to compare that to domestic violence. By far more men are victims of domestic violence then women are casualties in war. With that said, how many times has anyone heard the MSM include men when speaking of domestic violence victims?

By the way, I hate using the term 'victim'. I leave that word for feminists. I just couldn't think of anything better. I never consider men victims but I do believe men are disrespected.

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