Youth Suicide On The Rise

And more news from IHF: this UK Telegraph article looks at the suicide rates for British college students and found a disturbing rise in the rate over the past several years. Thankfully, the article acknowledges the prevalence of male suicide, stating that the male suicide rate is about three times higher than women. Yet the two examples of suicides they mention were of young women. We have the data, but when are people going to realize: men aren't killing themselves because they've made their patriarchal societies so great for themselves - they have valid problems and issues and they need to be addressed.

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Paternity Leave In The UK

IHF submitted this story from the UK Telegraph. It's on fathers in Britain asking for paternity leave, and includes statistics supporting the need for paternity leave. The bottom line: men want paternity leave and many will make use of it. So why continue the discrimination? Here is a slightly older link to a story on the proposed government plan for paternity leave, which would allow two week's paid leave for fathers immediately after the child is born.

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Gender Issues In The Election

Adam H submitted this link to an LA Times article on gender preferences in the US presidential election. It's an interesting analysis of voting dynamics in this election and what influences them. Note: The Men's Activism News Network does not officially endorse any presidential candidates.

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The Struggles Of Single Dads

I think this article from The Denver Post will speak to a lot of single dads out there. It talks about the lack of recognition that many women do walk out on families, and the lack of organizations to lobby for single father's needs. It also speaks of the chaos that is created when many of these women come back a few years later and regain custody of the children, destroying what stability was rebuilt by the father after the abandonment.

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Commentary On Steinem's Wedding Bells

An anonymous reader sent in this link to Kathleen Parker's latest column, where she shares some thoughts on the recent marriage of Gloria Steinem. Her conclusions on Steinem's philosophy: "Choice is always good, as long as it's a woman's." I couldn't have summed it up better myself.

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More On The Effects Of Divorce On Children

The National Post printed a story on new research on the effects of divorce on children in their adult lives, and the findings are again disturbing. A greater likelihood to divorce and to use drugs are only two of the findings, and the psychological effects also last into adulthood, making it harder for adults of divorced parents to form intimate relationships. Details on how the study was done suggests that this is going to have a profound effect on the way sociologists view divorce.

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Betsy Hart Takes On The Wage Gap

Betsy Hart from Jewish World Review wrote this essay on the recent news that Al Gore is going to give women "equal pay for equal work", which as most of us know already exists. Her debunking of the wage gap myth is quite simple, and shows just how political and irrational the topic is. Anyone interested in researching this topic further might also be interested in some resources I collected together at this web site.

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The Women's Vote And Society

Aceman writes "This is a superb article on how women vote and some of the gender differences in voting and best of all it's written by a woman. it's a week or two old but it's well worth reading." This is a very thought provoking article - check it out!

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Colorado News Media Ignores DV Against Men

Dr. Charles Corry has done an investigation of Colorado's leading newspaper, The Denver Post, and found some very biased reporting on domestic violence. Dr. Corry runs the DV Against Men - CO web site, and recently became a site sponsor. Read on to take a look at his findings and see an example of how to bring a media outlet to task for ignoring critical men's issues.

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Aussie Interview With CHS

Robert Cunningham also wrote in to let me know of this link, which is a transcript of a news show which featured an interview with Christina Hoff-Sommers (you've seen the name often enough, I can abbreviate it CHS, right?). It's good to see this issue is getting international attention, and mention was made that the Australian Parliament was looking into the crisis boys are in when it comes to education.

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Feminist Logic: Gloria Steinem Gets Married

Yup, this is for real. Gloria "a a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle" Steinem has married at the ripe age of 66. The irony of this is incredible. Yahoo! News has the Reuters story here. Considering all the inconsistencies and irrationality of feminst theory, this can't be too much of a surprise.

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Effective Article On Divorce Reform

Robert Cunningham submitted this link to an article by Jed Abraham in The Washington Times. It's very well written and articulate, and Abraham examines why it is that joint custody has such a positive effect on the well-being of children and reduces the divorce rate. It's an extremely effective article that isn't excessively confrontational, and I think it's something that I would give to a person to demonstrate the pluses of joint custody. Check it out.

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Reader Debunks "Shortchanged Girl" Studies

Marc Angelucci writes "Mike Spiniola published this letter to the editor in the Denver Post. I just flew to Denver from Los Angeles for a couple weeks to work on a state growth initiative and I read this at a bus stop. Put a smile on my day."

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Mother Kills Baby Son; No Jail Time Required

Australia's Daily Telegraph printed a shocking story: A mother killed her 15 month old son because she was depressed that her strict family forced her to give the child up for adoption since she was single. The judge felt the circumstances were so extereme that he is not requiring her to do any jail time. Read the article and see just how extereme these circumstances are - she was simply depressed! She also stabbed the baby 5 times. This outcome would not happen to a man in a similar situation.

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Catholic Bishops Steeped In DV Politics

I think this may be my first story under the religion topic: The Irish Times printed this story about a proposal to edit scripture to recognize the reality of domestic violence. The "reality", of course, is what is being debated. There is apparently one sentence that acknowledges that women can be violent toward men, but the rest of the proposal is full of feminist-inspired doctrine on DV. The article itself is pro-male and sympathetic to male survivors of DV.

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