I Refuse To Be Pigeonholed

Garth writes "This intelligent article discusses how, these days, superficial things (skin colour, sex, sexual orientation) are used to measure how "worthy" your opinions are, and how this approach in fact works towards conformity rather than diversity."

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Suzy Whaley - A Winner even when a Loser

Rob writes "Like another female golfer, Anneka Sorenstam, this story paints Suzy Whaley as a crusader for women and a winner even when a loser. There are a number of issues with this type of reporting. Firstly, her male golf partners were "exemplary" because they allowed her onto the green first to take the applause. Mindless chivalry? She played "for women and their daughters" and "carried herself with the dignity...of champions". Leaving aside the fact she qualified by "beating" men (she was allowed to play from the Ladies tees in the qualifying tournament), she ended up about 146th out of 150. Hardly a winner! I'm firmly for equality, but this incessant focus and reporting slant that women are taking on and "beating" men is pointless and surely just riles the men. In addition, how do the jobbing pros on the PGA Tour feel about a place being taken in the Open by a qualifier who did not have to meet their qualifying criteria?"

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1st Men's Issues Study opening in Oregon

HombreVIII writes "Many of us have lamented about the lack of men's issues sections in our local bookstores, but for Gordon Clay a men's issues section isn't good enough. Gordon is the owner of the new Men's Issues Study, a library soon to be opened in southern Oregon. After having toured 26 US states with thousands of men's issues books, cassettes, and videos in his Browser Bookmobile, Mr. Clay has created a new home for them by personally funding the construction of a suitable building to house them out of his own savings. The building was completed on July 19th and the shelves are expected to be fully stocked in August."

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Media trend - Sympathetic regard for violent women

CJ writes "A typical trend in the media that deserves attention is how females who commit acts of violence often get sympathetic regard and complete consideration concerning what may have lead to these actions. Here is a story about a woman who did an armed carjacking, a 33-mile chase, rammed several police cars and struck a state trooper and the article is sympathetic and inquires for reasons why it happened. The report goes on to bring up custody issues (rare case where a couple lost custody), and how someone feared she was fleeing an “abusive spouse,” I would like to add that another car chase occurred around the same time that involved a male, and both got media attention, but there has been no follow up about what happened in a sympathetic light for his case. If a man had done this, he would be charged criminally – no matter what, end of story."

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MSN.com: What's a home-maker worth?

Matt writes "MSN is at it again with: this

Actually, accoring to our old friend Jed Abraham (author of "From Courtship to the Courtroom"), being a homemaker is worth half of whatever it is your husband made when you were being a home-maker (male home-makers don't get similar consideration).
Some more from MSN:
here as well
What's the lesson here for the gals? Divorce the sucker while you still can~
Get this, too:
and here as well
This beaut finishes with:
"Also on the bright side, discovering that a second income really doesn't contribute much financially can free a spouse to learn new skills, go back to school, pursue an unprofitable dream career or launch a home-based business that may pay little during the first few years. If you're going to work for free, after all, you might as well enjoy it."

I.e., let your husband finance your get-set-to-divorce plans so after you take him for half he's worth, get the kids, get his $ flowing in alimony and C/S, you can still go get a job, too! Wooo!!! *Thuch* a deal!"

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Australia considering quotas for government boards

HombreVIII writes "From the article .... The poor turnout has prompted calls for quotas of up to 50 per cent, to set an example to industry.
"I don't think that (figure) is a bad thing," SA Water chief executive and board member Anne Howe said.

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Oh My God.

The Gonzo Kid writes "The story speaks for itself. Click here" Now this is a bit of a weird one, don't know quite what to make of it.

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NCFM suing battered women's shelters

HombreVIII writes "Three cheers to Angelucci and the National Coalition of Free Men, who have decided to represent Eldon Ray Blumhorst in a suit against battered women's shelters for discrimination.
From the article -
"According to the complaint, Eldon Ray Blumhorst's civil rights were violated when he called each of the Los Angeles County shelters last December telling them he "needed shelter from domestic violence perpetrated against him" and none of the shelters took him in."

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His Side: Bush Caves in to Feminists on Title IX

Anon User writes "Largely due to Title IX, over 350 men's collegiate athletic teams have been cut over the past two decades. Glenn will discuss the feminist assault on men's collegiate athletics and the recent Bush cave-in on Title IX reform with Charlotte Hays, senior editor of the Independent Women’s Forum, and Leo Kocher, Board President of the College Sports Council, on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, July 27. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to His Side

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No Man Could Do this!

Dittohd writes "Tuesday night on Dateline, they did a story about a child who during his first year or two, developed severe and frequent epileptic seizures. Many each day. Doctors tried different drugs and the seizures weren't diminishing. Frustrated, the father did some heavy research and found out about a specific diet (low carb) known about at least 50 years ago to diminish or stop seizures in children) but no doubt isn't readily known or utilized because it doesn't utilize drugs. He took his child to the actual doctor (retired now) who discovered the effects of this diet on child epilepsy. Turns out this diet has a 50%-70% success rate. In this case, it stopped the seizures completely until the child grew out of the problem at 7 years of age.

To make a long story short, Hollywood found out about this and did/is doing a movie about this case. Guess who's playing the father. Meryl Streep! MERYL STREEP!!!!! MERYL STREEP!!!!

Are we fighting a losing battle???? I still can't believe the chutzpuh!"

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The Mommy Dearest to the Max

Luek writes "

This is a story about hideous monster called Theresa Cross.

She murdered her 'first husband' when she was 18 and got away with it by playing the abuse excuse card in court. This was in the early 1960's! She then killed two of her daughters and plea bargained. Before she killed her two siblings she ruled her brood for years with a venomous brutality that would make Ghenghis Khan blush.

Theresa Cross is epitomizes the denial society is in when it comes to female domestic violence. For years this cretin carried on a reign of terror against her family that would never have been tolerated if she were a man."

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Tom Leykis makes a stand

A double post here: Matt writes "Discussed here, Note how the article

"'This is a violation of privacy, and in that way, it is very much, psychologically, like a rape,' said Patricia Saunders, director of the Graham Windham Manhattan Mental Health Center in New York."

OK, so openly accusing a man of a crime for which he is presumed innocent (supposedly) until proven guilty (as if he isn't assumed guilty by "virtue" of the mere accusation) is not a violation of his privacy-- but revealing the name of the accuser is, and if she is female and is charging him with rape, she is thus being raped again.
But what is happening to him is just fine.

I continue to be surprised, but really, why should I be?"

Hunsvotti writes "On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, radio host Tom Leykis revealed the name of the woman who has accused Kobe Bryant of rape on his nationally-syndicated radio show. Since then, there have been well over 100 media reports covering the revelation. Tom Leykis' e-mail has been flooded with hundreds of letters, many (all?) of which are displayed here. The e-mails ranged from staunch support to incredulous outrage. One woman taglined her e-mail with "Grow up you stupid bastard ......oh and watch out." Another woman wrote "...However, I do feel it unjust for a woman to accuse someone (anyone) of rape, then hide and request anonymity." The saddest part was the men who derided him for outing the accuser. Don't they realize how vulnerable they are to false accusations? Whether or not Kobe Bryant raped this girl is irrelevant - you can't drag the accused through the mud before they've even had a trial, while vehemently insisting that the accuser should have full anonymity."

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Sean Hannity exposes double standard

Mark writes "Sean Hannity, host of the nation's 2nd most listened to talk radio show, discussed at length today the blatant double standard in the way rape accusers are treated in comparison to the accused. This was in regard to the Kobe Bryant situation. He acknowleged that while women's lives can in fact be ruined by rapes (a point that a female caller kept screaming at him), men's lives can be ruined by false accusations of rape. The majority of the callers overall (probably 60% or so) agreed with him, while about 30% or so of the women agreed. To anyone who is familiar with Hannity, this is definitely significant. He has been known to side with women in nearly every case split along gender lines. He is of the old school "men are naturally bad and women are naturally pure" train of thought. I've heard him tell his female callers to refuse to go out with any guy who doesn't pay for EVERYTHING. But, this appears to signal a potential change. At the very least, it signals an awareness. The topic will also be on tonight's Hannity & Colmes (9pm EST, FoxNews). We can contact him to thank him at hannity@foxnews.com"

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Race, sex, and age drive speeding

CJ writes "This study reveals that minorities and men are least likely to receive warnings as opposed to tickets for speeding in a car. That there is a pattern of differential treatment between men and women is clear and it adds up to an estimated cost of $25 million a year in traffic fines and higher insurance premiums - just in MA alone. It is safe to assume that any interpretive interaction with a police officer probably yields harsher results for men, this is especially so in alleged domestic violence matters where men are always assumed guilty. The fact that intentional discrimination violates the constitution's equal protection guarantee seems to have little meaning when men are victimized by our own government.


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Men, Marriage, and 'Finding your Nuts'

Anon User writes "Glenn Sacks discussed men, marriage and how men can be "married and happy" with men's counselor Wayne Levine, M.A., director of the West Coast Men's Center on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles on Sunday, July 20.

Levine stressed the importance of men "finding their nuts"--their "nonnegotiable, unalterable terms" in their marriages, and criticized traditional marriage counseling as being bad for men. To listen to the show archive, go to His Side"

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