Advocates fear due process

CJ writes "The woman accusing NBA star Kobe Bryant of rape will be forced to testify Wednesday about her sex life a move some experts (who are these experts?)fear could discourage other women from reporting sexual assaults, so the feminist media outlets are already crying foul and are concerned that due process might get restored in cases of alleged rape. Women are indoctrinated from early childhood to report any issue that hints of assault, so to say that someone’s history is irrelevant is ludicrous as everywoman knows that she can ruin a man on mere allegation alone today. When one has a rape allegation against them, the media broadcasts his face and name to the world before a verdict is met while the "victim" hides behind a veil of secrecy. The victim advocacy that exists in today’s courts jeopardize any semblance of a fair trial, plain and simple. The media outlets never give someone acquitted of charges much attention. With DNA testing, many men are freed from jail every year, and I bet if a look at the false accuser’s life were admissible in the court room, many innocent men would not have their lives ruined to satisfy feminist jurisprudence and the feminist media spin doctors.


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