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by Boy Genteel on 10:35 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#1)
Dann: "Howard, you're not gonna let her back in here are you?"
"Oh no, no, no. She's in jail where she belongs."
Good. Too often with a story like this, the man immediately forgives her so that they can "live happily ever after." I'm glad this story is being treated with some sense of gravity. Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by RandomMan on 11:39 PM May 17th, 2006 EST (#2)
Boy Genteel, I'd have seen this as just another "violent woman directs rage at partner's genitals" story as well, if it weren't for the fact that the police, the prosecutor and even the media are treating it quite seriously instead of the usual arrangement, i.e. arresting him and offering her book deals and appearances on Oprah instead of the infinitely appropriate psych assessments and prosecution.
It's an immeasurable tragedy that so many boys have had to be raped, and so many men have had to suffer abuse and shame for so long (and probably will have to for a while longer), but at last there are a few cracks in the "system", and there is finally some acknowledgement that crimes against men and boys are being committed, that they aren't "asking for it" or "deserving of it" or "pussies", and that they need treatment, protection when a teacher or an intimate partner is involved, and that prosecution needs to happen when it's appropriate.
There's a long way to go, but progress does seem to be being made, thanks to the efforts of people like Marc A. and NCFM.
It's strange: I used to focus only on trying to "deprogram" men who had been brainwashed into the feminist view of reality, but I'm having a surprising amount of success with women in their "feminist" years, i.e. aged 20-50 and those 55+ that were part of the angry, patricidal start of radical feminism these days. That's very, very new, and I've been doing this for decades, ever since misandry became fashionable. They seem to agree with most of the ideas I present, which are based largely on those we all discuss here, accept most of the goals we around here seem to share (equal choice for men, equality in all legal and governmental matters, equal DV resources, a more equitable distribution of custody rights, support obligations and healthcare, an end to feminist myth-making and popular man-bashing, etc.) and understand that MRAs aren't interested in reversing women's legal equality, or some similar nonsense. They seem to "get" the idea that if they want to preserve their own right to equality, they have to respect that same right for men, too, otherwise men will eventually inherit the "right" to strip them of their humanity down the road, according to the self-proclaimed women's movement's own twisted rationale. Most women today that understand what it's about flatly reject the "women's movement".
If this keeps up, I'm going to have to become cautiously optimistic one of these days...
by Boy Genteel on 02:38 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#10)
"They seem to agree with most of the ideas I present, which are based largely on those we all discuss here, accept most of the goals we around here seem to share (equal choice for men, equality in all legal and governmental matters, equal DV resources, a more equitable distribution of custody rights, support obligations and healthcare, an end to feminist myth-making and popular man-bashing, etc.) and understand that MRAs aren't interested in reversing women's legal equality, or some similar nonsense."
Feminists and feminism are not the enemies, themselves. Misandry is. There are plenty of anti-feminist "traditionalist" women who feel that their precious gender roles give them the right to abuse men, or that violence against men, even as extreme and horrifying as this, is perfectly acceptable. Many feminists are on our side with regard to equal treatment on DV issues.
Boy Genteel Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Luek on 01:16 AM May 18th, 2006 EST (#3)
I also thought this horrible story was reported at least 90% responsibly by the media.
I guess genital mutilation has lost its "snicker" appeal for the masses of asses out there.
I have to do it so here goes....I doubt if the legal system would be so fixated with getting a psychological evaluation if the attacker had been a man and he sexually mutilated a woman for suspected infidelity. They would not care less if he had a mental problem or not. They would be getting his prison cell ready. Men are condemned and punished while women are diagnosed and treated in these types of cases.
But still it is a good sign that this story was treated as it should have been by the media.
by Davidadelong on 09:33 AM May 18th, 2006 EST (#4)
Just yesterday while having a conversation with two Women one of them didn't like what I had to say and she slapped my arm. I looked at her and told her that she had assaulted me and that I don't tolerate that from anyone; and further more I told her that if I were to do the same to her (before I could finish she laughed and said sexual harrassment). I told her that I was not trainable by the "hand". She came back and said something about a rolled up newspaper, I told her that she would not like to try that either. Since the other Woman that was there was a friend of mine I had a potential witness. I told the Woman that I was not a wimp, that her slap stung me, and that she had breached civil protocal. She apologized and refrained from trying to bully me further. If we do not stand for the small things we will never be able to change the big ones.
by RandomMan on 11:05 AM May 18th, 2006 EST (#5)
I've been assulted by women who felt they could do so with impunity, and I was in a brief relationship with a woman prone to violence (I didn't know it at the time, but she was mentally ill, I later learned). In the latter case, I had spoken to the woman repeatedly about her behavior and been laughed off. When things have progressed to that point, shaming them by bringing it up in front of others as you terminate the relationship in public, clearly stating your reasons, to their great embarrassment, is very, very effective. Embarrassment is a powerful motivator. I won't have anything more to do with physically aggressive people, and I consider it a public service to warn the community about such women. I never find it necessary to be intimidating myself (aside from which, them physically assaulting me wasn't "domestic violence", but my threatening them with retaliation if they don't stop "is", where I live, because it's policy that only men can be abusive).
The fact that my ex-assailant could have had me arrested because of the "fear" I could read in her eyes (of being embarrassed), even though she was the aggressor and I was the "victim" of a few actual assaults, and I had no such recourse available to me, didn't stop me. You're right Davidadelong, we have to stand up for ourselves, but never resort to violence unless it is the only way to stop an attack in progress.
by Luek on 02:15 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#9)
She apologized and refrained from trying to bully me further.
Good for you but if this happened at work you should have filed a harrassement complaint against her even if she apologized. Notice your female friend did not confront the other woman about her felonious behavior. It is not in the culture for women to confront other women when the victim is a man evidently.
Also, if the assault happened again after you made it known you were not a masochist or a punching bag you should have slapped the crap out of her and let the chips fall where they may. And as for that baloney saying the arch-feminazis are propagating that a man should never hit a woman no matter what, that is what slaves were taught. Just substitute "woman" with "master" and "man" with "slave."
by Hunchback on 08:10 AM May 19th, 2006 EST (#18)
This is the media becoming aware that their is a men's movement. Without the organizations, albeit small, that are budding up, the media would have been perfectly comfortable with the male-bashing status quo. Our credibility is in direct proportion to our size and visibility.
by Thundercloud on 11:38 AM May 18th, 2006 EST (#6)
I wasn't shocked at what this woman did. Horrific as the crime is, crimes like it hves become all too common these days.
However I was shocked at the media's reporting of this crime.
I remember when the Bobbit crime accured. I still can see the reporters (both male and female) with mischeivious grins on their faces as one Anchor chuckled; "Our next story (refering to thwe bobbit incident) has men across America crossing their legs." A female reporter snickered and said; "Yeah, watch out, guys, we're not takin' it any more."
I was shocked that such an act of bararism against a human being was being played for laughs and was treated as humorous as someone slipping on a bannana peel.
That was, of course, back in the 90's.
Flash forward to 2006.
When the media reported on this latest act of genital mutilation, there was not one note of "comedy", no snickers, no chuckles, no grins and no "watch out you lousy males" message attatched to it. In fact when the Anchor of the afternoon news camwe on the air to report it he started the report with these words; "We have a VERY disturbing story to report, this afternoon..." And he said it in all siriousness. The female Anchor didn't crack a smile or make any anti-male comments. And most of all there was not one cintilla of the "he had it coming" attitude that the media has previously shown in reporting these types of stories. I WAS SHOCKED.
The crime didn't shock me. But the way the media reported it certainly did. I have NEVER seen the media even a little sympathetic towards a man who has been abused by a woman. This is the first time I have ever witnessed this.
Much of the time I wonder if what we do as MRAs is having any effect at all, but this incident gives me some hope. Maybe, slowly, steadily, we are making progress. I probably will feel this way untill, once again, I see AMERICA'S FUNNIEST VIDEOS do their latest montage of men being hit in the groin...
"Hoka hey!"
by Thundercloud on 12:38 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#7)
Sorry about the spelling and word formation on my last post. I forgot to proof read and do 'spell check'.
Guess I was too eager to hit the 'Submit' button.
"Hoka hey!"
by RandomMan on 11:47 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#15)
Hey, you spell better than I do, TC!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw some encouraging signs in the fact that there was a different tone to the reporting on this incident. Frankly I was a bit nervous when I submitted the item that people might think I was imagining things...
It didn't stop me from ranting and foaming at the mouth a bit below when someone pointed out a sexist reporter's laughter at the genital mutilation, but I'm definitely with you on this TC, it's a good sign that some small parts of society are finally beginning to realize that if we dehumanize men (or any other group for that matter), we dehumanize all of us.
by Return of the King on 01:56 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#8)
If the sexes were reversed, a picture of the man in handcuffs would have been shown, and the "victim" would never have their face published liek in this one
So, this isn't really a fair article after all...
by n.j. on 09:05 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#11)
 | 06899.htm
Check this out.. someone really needs to get this author a clue.
by Boy Genteel on 09:12 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#12)
My letters to the editor have been published in this paper more than any other. Just you wait.
P.S. -- Feel free to join me. Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by Boy Genteel on 09:20 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#13)
To write the paper:
To write the author:
Time's a-wasting. Hop to it.
Here's what the idiot wrote:
By DANA DiFILIPPO 215-854-5934
WITH THEIR wedding anniversary less than two weeks away, Howard Randolph was thinking romance. He hoped to take his wife, Monica, out for an intimate dinner and maybe an oldies-but-goodies show to celebrate 11 years of matrimony.
But yesterday, his mind was more on divorce and jail for his wife after she almost became Philadelphia's own Lorena Bobbitt.
Monica Randolph didn't need a kitchen knife. She took matters into her own hands.
The Nicetown man said he had been sleeping peacefully in the couple's bed Tuesday night when his wife pounced on him without warning, grabbed his groin, dug her manicured fingernails in and flayed him, leaving his gore-slicked gonads dangling much lower than normal.
"She didn't use no weapon - this was just sheer brute strength and fingernails. She grabbed me by my [scrotum] and ripped it apart with her bare hands," Randolph said yesterday from his hospital bed at Albert Einstein Medical Center, where he was in stable condition with stitched and bandaged genitals.
Randolph, 52, said the 10:30 p.m. attack jolted him agonizingly awake, but his consciousness didn't faze his single-minded wife, who, he said, continued to yank on his privates.
"She would not let go; I had to hit her to get her off me. My hand's all swollen from hitting her," he said, adding that the attack ended only after he fled the house, locked her in and limped to a corner pay phone to call police.
A neighbor who heard the commotion also called police, who took Monica Randolph into custody and charged her with aggravated assault and related offenses.
Talk about a strict violation of the penal code.
Howard Randolph said his wife tore "everything out of the sac and all the skin away."
Just the thought triggers most men to hunch over and wince, but Randolph said he felt "fine" yesterday thanks to the morphine that doctors administered.
Monica Randolph told arresting officers that she had attacked her husband because he was cheating on her. But her husband denied having any affairs. He remains mystified as to his wife's motive and demanded that she receive a stiff punishment.
He didn't see the attack coming. He said he went to bed about 8 p.m. and hadn't argued with his wife.
"She'll probably blame her mental illness," he said. "She's bipolar, and she doesn't take her meds."
But he says this is the third time she's physically assaulted him, and he's had enough. In 2003, she threw a metal chair at him while he was recovering from heart surgery, he said.
The couple met 13 years ago in Mount Airy, he said. They have no children together, although he has three grown children from a previous marriage.
"I used to think the good times outweighed the bad times, but something like this, you can't get over," he said. "I'm going to prosecute."
The attack was harrowing for Randolph, he said, even though he's witnessed the worst in people as a Vietnam vet.
"Most of us veterans just want some peace in our lives," he said, adding that he served a year in Vietnam as a Navy firefighter on an aircraft carrier and remains on disability with post-traumatic stress disorder.
He hopes for a speedy recovery. Doctors told him he should regain full use of his genitals but could contract an infection from germs on his wife's fingernails, he said.
"It was an act of cowardice. I could see if it was done to a rapist, but not a husband who was just trying to get some sleep," he said. "I'm just stunned. Of all people, why would a woman do this to her husband?"
News of the genital mangling aroused a mixture of horrified gasps and guilty giggles in the Randolphs' neighborhood, where few knew the couple who had moved into the brick rowhouse on Pulaski Avenue near Bouvier Street in April.
Meanwhile, neighbors were left to speculate on explanations for the attack.
"She got to be crazy," said Dionne Martin, 18, who basked in the spring sunshine on friend Rochelle Odd's porch steps.
Odd, 21, agreed: "That woman was crazy, but I'm on her side. I don't think no guy deserves to have his balls ripped off. But she's got to be deep in love - that's what would make a woman do this. If they was together all those years and he cheated on her, she wanted him to feel what she was feeling. There's a lesson to be learned here: Don't cheat on your woman."
Lorena Bobbitt, of Virginia, gained international notoriety in 1993 after she cut her husband's penis off, fled and chucked it out her car window.
She claimed that years of beatings, rapes and emotional abuse at the hands of her husband, John, led to temporary insanity. She was acquitted but served five weeks in a mental institution. The couple divorced.
Authorities found John Wayne Bobbitt's dismembered member on the roadside, and doctors reattached it. He was acquitted of marital rape and went on to star in a pornographic movie.
Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
by RandomMan on 10:06 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#14)
THAT's more like what we're used to.
I'm sure the sick bitch who wrote that piece will be equally "bubbly" when describing a woman who's had her breasts sliced off, or her vulva ripped apart (manually, of course), or ovaries cut out with kitchen implements, because her mentally ill husband discovers she is cheating on him. I'm sure he'll walk after 5 weeks of treatment, too.
We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose. I don't wish violence on any man or woman (unlike most women, it would seem), but I'll be very interested to see how the feminists in the press that find the torture and mutilation of men so titillating react when it's a woman being sliced up and a man taking a walk.
by RandomMan on 11:49 PM May 18th, 2006 EST (#16)
Sorry to descend into anger on this one guys. I'm sure it's obvious by now that I don't want to see anyone, male or female, get hurt. I get angry as hell at such nonsense because it's insulting to everyone when women like this reporter dehumanize people the way she just did. How does she expect men to treat women in a culture that finds her hatred and objectification of men "acceptable" (largely thanks to people like her)? Should they treat them as disposable hate objects, the same way she views men? She should be ashamed of herself for being part of the problem so her employer can sell ad space.
by Hunchback on 08:06 AM May 19th, 2006 EST (#17)
I agree, this is the type of article we're used to, snickering with thinly veiled man-bashing. But what I found particularly disturbing is the reaction of one of the two, presumably non-feminist, young women:
"She got to be crazy," said Dionne Martin, 18, who basked in the spring sunshine on friend Rochelle Odd's porch steps.
Odd, 21, agreed: "That woman was crazy, but I'm on her side. I don't think no guy deserves to have his balls ripped off. But she's got to be deep in love - that's what would make a woman do this. If they was together all those years and he cheated on her, she wanted him to feel what she was feeling. There's a lesson to be learned here: Don't cheat on your woman."
This is an example of the Sisterhood, a phenomenon that pre-dated and, indeed, energizes feminism: the reflexive tendency of ordinary women to take the side of other women over men regardless of facts, fairness, or any other factors, often supporting strange women over their own male kith and kin. I would wager that dear Rochelle would be the first to tell you that there is never a reason to hit a woman regardless of what she's done.
This trait of women to "protect their own" (i.e., females) has been given sanction by feminism, and the feminasties have codified it into law; but the raw material for this double standard and inability to perform gender role reversal has been in the human culture for thousands of years.
(True, in a world that for millenia has been ruled by physical strength, women banding together has had practical value; but in a world of technology and rule of law, this is a hateful anachronism.)
My brothers, when feminism is finally destroyed, disinfected by the light of truth, this feminine mindset will be our next hurdle. It will have to be addressed in the way our daughters are raised.
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