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by Thundercloud on 03:07 PM May 4th, 2006 EST (#1)
Germaine, you and women like you, have to learn one of the biggest lessons in civilization; If nothing is what you do, then nothing is what you get.
Learn that lesson and you and your sisters will have taken the first step in a long journey to recovery from the illness known as feminism.
"Hoka hey!"
by khankrumthebulgar on 07:32 PM May 4th, 2006 EST (#2)
Does anybody still take this Pedophile serious? Women find shopping as work? This Bitch has seriously lost her mind. What a crock of shit. Excuse me this is so Bat Shit insane as to be laughable. Get the Men in the White Coats and a Straight Jacket for this wack job. Give me a stinking break. Yeah its so much work spending Hubby's Money. Boo hoo cry me a River.
Germaine I have some nice sweet Hemlock Tea for you. How about a big glass of it? She has gone round the bend a few too many times.
by Roy on 09:00 PM May 4th, 2006 EST (#3)
Agreed khankrumthebulgar!
Anything that keeps Germaine's focus distracted from shooting photos of pre-pubescent boys is cool by me. (Can you imagine any man anywhere being able to publish a book of pre-pubescent girls represented as "celebrating ancient Greek eros?" Ms. Greer not only got away with it – “The Beautiful Boy” -- but she followed the publication with a lucrative lecture circuit at Women's Studies programs in the U.S. and U.K.)
But here's the aerial buttocks-skyward "money shot" for Germaine -- she's very hairy and it explains why she may have a legitimate fetish for smooth-skinned hairless boys.
(WARNING --- have a barf bag handy!) alia-had-been-colonised-by-any.html
by Roy on 09:12 PM May 4th, 2006 EST (#4)
Some weird deal seems to keep this URL from coming up unless you copy it, exit MANN, and paste the URL into your address field --
It still comes up at -- alia-had-been-colonised-by-any.html
(If you can't get there easily, it's just a silly B/W photo of a young Germaine on her back with her legs over her head with her entire genitalia on full horrific display...)
Not worth the bandwidth if it takes more than 30-seconds...
by zenpriest on 07:16 AM May 5th, 2006 EST (#5)
Women find shopping as work? This Bitch has seriously lost her mind. What a crock of shit. Excuse me this is so Bat Shit insane as to be laughable. Get the Men in the White Coats and a Straight Jacket for this wack job. Give me a stinking break. Yeah its so much work spending Hubby's Money. Boo hoo cry me a River.
Actually, if one can look beyond the irritation which this kind of drivel produces, it provides a bit of insight into the thought processes of women which explains a lot of their behavior - particularly their complaints about men not doing as much "work" as they do in relationships and around the house.
What most women blame on "patriarchy" boils down to nothing more than their unwillingness to let go of their own neuroses. They make choices about how to spend their time or allocate their other resources, but refuse to take responsibility for making those choices and blame everything on men.
The reality is that the lives of western women today are so easy (and boring) that they have to invent drama as a means of psychological self-defense and self-justification. If they don't get their attention-whore needs by being the center of male attention by looking as they normally do, they blame on men the hours they spend every day smearing shit on their faces trying to fool men into believing that they are not dried up old hags.
Once a man understands what women really mean by all their complaining, it becomes a lot easier to not take it seriously - neither to try to make them happy (which is impossible) nor to allow them to drag us into their own internal misery.
Happiness and freedom are choices. If women refuse to choose them, that doesn't mean we can't.
by Roy on 05:23 PM May 5th, 2006 EST (#6)
(Zenpriest) -- "If they don't get their attention-whore needs by being the center of male attention by looking as they normally do, they blame on men the hours they spend every day smearing shit on their faces trying to fool men into believing that they are not dried up old hags."
I have long been attempting to understand why men could be so naively captivated by a species that bases its entire identity on dissimulation, artifice, deceit, and masquerade.
I like clowns in a circus as well as the next fellow...
But as a wife, a life partner, a "soul" mate?
A mother to my children?
If you, as a man, got up every morning and the very first consuming thought you had was -- "How can I conceal everything that's true about me, put on camouflage, and manipulate my way to some meager appreciation by people who I view as objects... ?
Wouldn't you do the honorable thing, and kill yourself?
Here's the rub:
Many men pretend to be what they are not.
Women have taken this to another level.
They are pretending to be what they are.
by zenpriest on 09:07 PM May 5th, 2006 EST (#7)
Here's the rub:
Many men pretend to be what they are not.
Women have taken this to another level.
They are pretending to be what they are.
Such was not always the case, even in my lifetime. The scant dozen years between us were the time when everything changed. Those changes took a while to manifest, but with the rise of TV came the triumph of form over substance.
Today, most people remind me of Zelig - they are what they think people want them to be, nothing more.
Men at least seem to have a persistent identity. When women cease to pretend, it seems that they cease to be --- anything.
by Roy on 12:19 AM May 6th, 2006 EST (#8)
Really Zen?
You can actually recall a time when there were real, feminine, American women?
"Girls next door?"
Could you please describe (from your idealistic memory ;-0 ) a couple of them? (Precise descriptions of the recalled exhibits...)
I have never met one. (Non-feminazi American female.)
Do they actually have the ability to have a conversation about anything other than their own needs?
Have you actually seen one of these elusive creatures lately?
by bull on 01:26 PM May 7th, 2006 EST (#9)
Germaine Greer has been nothing less than an attention whore her whole life. She used her body for that ends before it wrinkled and drooped; she just had to show her snatch to accompany her interview in the January 1972 edition of Playboy! The feminist movement provided a path for her to rise along the lines of her primary agenda; me, me, me. Then when her body deteriorated beyond being an effective manipulative tool, she stooped to produce a book starring nude boys; attention received/bodies borrowed! The very fact that a narcissistic pedophile has been idolized by the radical feminist movement speaks volumes about their values, beliefs, and ethics. She would probably be validated by writings such as this; bad attention is attention none-the-less!
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