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by Thundercloud on 02:20 PM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#1)
*Whew* A long read but worth it and full of facts vs. feminist fiction (or science fiction may be a better term).
The thing that got me was the phrase; "an unrecognised culture of discrimination against males."(???)
HUH?? What do they mean "UNRECOGNISED"? We (MRA's) have only been shouting about it at the top of our lungs for 20 plus years. Man, they need to get the wax out of their ears, or SOMEthing.
At any rate, they are right, in the article, the feminists, through the "education establishment", HAVE been trying to brainwash, not just females, but males as well that men are "inferior", "oppressive", "Evil" and sub-human. ...sound like another "organization" that wanted to anhialate a certain group of people, that we know of?
In case any feminists are reading this, I'll spell it out for you, I'm referring to the Nazis against the Jewish people. That's just to clear it up. I know how inept at abstract thinking feminists are. Well, actually they're pretty inept at thinking, all together.
"Hoka hey!"
Aparently more like 111 years.
by bull on 04:26 PM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#2)
I’m a college student and will be receiving my BHS this semester with a goal of being a substance abuse counselor. As a Humans Services Major, I have been exposed to countless courses that deal with issues such as domestic violence, conflict resolution, and anger management. Across the board, the textbooks and professors have presented a man-bad/woman victim agenda. My minority opinion (Human Services being dominated by females) arguing in defense of men often fell on deaf ears, or, an attempt was made to belittle me for even suggesting such a thing. That didn’t stop me from voicing it though! Even the “Men and Masculinity” course that I took was feminized. The textbook (an assembly of 41 essays) was by-and-large authored by feminists who presented a one-sided feminized perspective. Impressionable young minds buy-into this propaganda; however, I’m no spring chicken! Not that this matters much; all the humanities, both in our educational institutions and in the working world, are dominated by feminist think! I’m a small twig trying to float in a giant cesspool!
I notice you are finished, good for you.
For other students who may be reading this, just remember that you may be jeopardizing your grades by voicing your opinions to instructors. As a nursing student a few years back, I had issues with that.
Just a warning to be careful.
by bull on 07:29 PM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#12)
I concur with the “be careful” part. Presumably, college is an institution where people can freely and safely argue opposing points of view. The important thing here is to argue on principle (keep the personalities out of it), back your rhetoric up with empirical research (have it handy), expect nothing, and keep a smile on your face.
by mens_issues on 08:54 PM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#3)
Overall an insightful website. I am sick of male bashing in society, having endured an anti-male environment at University back in the 1980s. I wish this and other male-friendly websites had been around then.
I wondered, however, about your statement that the sexes were basically the same (I think the figure 4% difference between the genders was used). My concern there is that this is the premise that gender feminists use to say that gender is merely a social construct (yet then they go on to say that males are evil and females superior, yet victims). Perhaps you are looking at the difference between mean IQ for males and females, which would not vary by much. However, when you look at the standard deviation between males and females in terms of IQ you will find that there is a greater spread i.e. more male geniuses than females geniuses, and more male morons than female morons. It may be this greater variablilty in males that spills over into other areas as well, for example, this might explain why there are more male criminals AND male heroes at the other end of the spectrum (or bell-shaped curve).
I had to laugh at your mention of "The Patriarchy," which seems to be a secret society of elderly men that meet in clandestine places to scheme how to oppress women for the benefit of men. I always wondered why it doesn't seem to be working for a lot of men. In fact, I created a Yahoo group called "The Patriarchy" that you may find amusing, as it is a sendup of the feminist concept of "The Patriarchy."
Here is the web address:
I also have a Yahoo group called Men's Issues Online:
Thanks for creating this website, and I wish you luck in your campaign against anti-male bias at Universities.
by khankrumthebulgar on 10:48 AM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#4)
Recently one of the Feminist Lawyers who worked and Marched with Gloria Steinem declared "Men are the New Donkeys in America". She says Men are being preyed upon and treated as Subhuman. She is now actively fighting the Paternity Fraud issue on behalf of Men. The Chorus of Voices attacking the FemNags is increasing. And as it increases the pressures on them will cause their house of Cards to implode.
He will probably be ignored by the Media. He is a real danger to the FemNags.
by bull on 03:37 PM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#7)
Sex differences in effect size (d statistic), when played out over time, become significant. Take the tangible example of driving a golf ball; women, on average, drive a golf ball 75% the distance of men. The average drive for men is nearly 200 yards so I’ll use that as a nice round figure. After the first drive, the man would be 50 yards ahead of the woman. Now let’s have them tie off from where they landed. After their second drive, the man’s ahead 100 yards; after 10 drives, 500 yards and on and on…
Of course, radical feminists will boast that some Amazon women with a five-o’clock shadow drove a golf ball farther than an average man I’m sure; however, we are talking about what really matters here, averages. Would the police force be as affective if it were staffed 50% by average women? How about the Marines, the Fire Department or other professions that demand the upper body strength and assertiveness more evident in men on average?
It never ceases to amaze me how the radical feminists take the exception and try to play it off as the rule. The real problem is that most of them are sheepish (never had an original thought) and sincerely believe the bullshit that has been implanted in their heads by a few chronically malcontent ringleaders. I would pity them if it weren’t for the destructive forces they have unleashed that have chipped away at what’s left of decent society.
by Roy on 04:14 PM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#8)
I can't quite decide whether it's Doug's New Age granola dementia or his uber-politik fascism that offends me more.
(Quote) -- "And finally, I am opposed to social and political activism or lobbying by any special interest group because history makes it clear that these practices lead to exploitation, anarchy, and ultimate dissolution of civilization."
On second thought, I believe those who care about Doug might want to stage an intervention.
Electro-shock might be the first recourse.
I am biting my tongue right now ( and slicing off my fingers...) to refrain from describing your I.Q. in obscene language.
It would have something to do with excrement being the essential quality of cerebral matter.
How much more do MRA's have to accept before they draw a line that says --- "unless you can make sense.... TAKE THE EXIT PRESENTED TO YOU IN THE NEXT POST?"
by Thundercloud on 02:59 PM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#6)
Am I wrong? Or didn't the schools in Nazi Germany try the same thing?
"Hoka hey!"
by MR on 05:03 PM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#9)
Every college with a taxpayer funded, women's studies program deserves such a lawsuit. I really, really hope they all get sued.
Taxpayer funded women's studies programs are the spawning grounds of the misandrist malaise that plagues America and much of the Western world.
by Roy on 11:11 PM May 3rd, 2006 EST (#13)
It would be wrong to beat a dead horse....
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