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by Roy on 03:53 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#1)
I've long had an uncomfortable feeling that RADAR is one college kid in his dorm room posting on meth while producing no actual results.
Stating that RADAR has "reached" 10 million because of a mention on Hannity only strengthens my suspicion.
Specifically --
What mechanisms does RADAR have in place to verify its impact?
Does RADAR have any data at all to document that people respond to RADAR's advocacy?
Has RADAR produced a single credible statement of having actual membership, assets, or legal standing of any kind?
Ya'll are frat boyz.... right? (Or maybe a women's study coven all grrrlllzzzz making a play? ... that would be too perfect!)
East Coast preppies?
Trust-fund babies?
Come clean.....
and stop the bullshit please!
The only thing RADAR has accomplished is self-publicity for RADAR.
You're a marketing major at a second-tier state university, right?
by Marc A. on 05:18 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#2)
RADAR may overstate things, but they're doing good work, alot more than many people are doing. They are organizing advocates from various groups to lobby Congress behind the scenes and to send news releases, etc. It will take lots of work from groups like RADAR and their affiliates to make any real change. I respect groups like RADAR for doing what they do with so little resources. They put in lots of volunteer work and then get criticized when the walls of Jericho don't crumble all at once. They also have good policy material that is useful for other advocates. People who put in volunteer work inside the walls of the legislature should be thanked, not attacked, regardless of results. That's where policy is being made, and that's where our work needs to focus more than anywhere else. I've seen too much criticism of the doers, usually by do-nothings or those whose only work is yacking on the internet. I hope the few doers we have will keep doing without being discouraged by the criticism.
by brotherskeeper on 06:22 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#3)
I'm not privy to any special information, but RADAR does seem to be methodically working on, in order, documentation, followed by organization, followed by activism. Seems to me like the way someone with integrity would respond.
by MR on 09:21 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#4)
Why don't you write to them and ask. They have a link for email to them. So far I've not missed a single call for FAXes they've requested. I think RADAR is doing a heck of a job for what they have and what they're up against. Thanks RADAR for all you do. I really, really appreciate you and what you're doing to try to change VAWA.
by Gregory on 10:32 PM May 1st, 2006 EST (#5)
"I think RADAR is doing a heck of a job for what they have and what they're up against. Thanks RADAR for all you do."--MR
I agree. Thanks RADAR and keep up the good work. I've sent FAX messages to US senators and I've written my congressman in response to your alerts. I appreciate what you do in organizing and informing. It can only help our cause.
by mcc99 on 12:09 PM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#6)
Geez, with an attitude like that toward MR activist organizations, NOW doesn't need to lift a finger to undermine our efforts. Looks some some of us will take care of that for them!
Try to remember, please, whose team you're on, and before you attack an MR group like that without knowing any background on it, get the facts about them straight first, and think carefully before typing out a post like the one you wrote. It does our cause no good to have sniping from within based largely on a lack of knowledge.
by Luek on 01:27 PM May 2nd, 2006 EST (#7)
RADAR is doing an excellent job for MR's in my opinion.
Just what have YOU done to advance men's civil rights today?
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