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While I am suspicious of any claim regarding the wage gap, at least the first item is accurately referenced from the cencus data:
In 2004, women's median annual earnings were only $.76 for every $1.00 earned by men.
Women's earnings as a percentage of men's earnings: 76.2
by Davidadelong on 10:32 AM April 26th, 2006 EST (#2)
Without the information neccessary for an individual to discern the reasons why these numbers appear, ie. life choices, pregnancy leave, leaving work to be a house keeper, etc. no one should view these tables as nothing less than an attempt at brainwashing through a slick presentation of propaganda. (We the down trodden rise up and whine in one voice to gain not equality, no sisters, we will gain superiority!) Quite frankly I have heard enough of that crap! EQUAL RIGHTS for EVERYONE, period! I just wish that there would be an epiphany en mass, and Men and Women would look at each other and realize that we have both been played, then we could direct all of our anger at the vehicle that designed our current situation, and really do something positive for Human Kind! "It is a good day to die!"
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