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by Marc A. on 04:12 PM April 14th, 2006 EST (#1)
Dear Editor,
Someone should remind Ellen Goodman that 76% of women favored sending troops to the males-per-gallon Gulf War. ("A Less Than Manly Scam," 4/14/06.) Maybe she should be talking to those poor, innocent canaries in the coal mine rather than scapegoating "old manhood" for war.
by Roy on 08:14 PM April 14th, 2006 EST (#2)
Somewhere I just read that Ellen Goodman turned 60.
Her latest piece is actually pretty balanced compared to a lot of her screed.
The sad thing is that even as she approaches the supposed age of wisdom, she's still stuck in Victim Mode .... kinda like a driver in neutral gear trying to run a red light.
All rubber squealing and smoke with no particular effect.
As an ostensibly honest journalist, she might at least consider updating her paper's bio photo.
by amperro on 01:02 AM April 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
This woman once wrote an article more or less defending paternity fraud.
by Demonspawn on 09:58 AM April 15th, 2006 EST (#4)
There is a reason that women don't rule the world. See, if women were to hold all possitions of power around the planet, I could already see the outcome. These women would gather for the various meetings and conferences, and due to the proximity, their phermones would interact. Soon enough, we would have what happens in many college dorms - the woman's periods syncronise. After a few months, the world would be destroyed in a nuke PMS bitch-fest.
And that, my friends, is why men control possitions of power. It is for the good of the world!
by Roy on 01:35 PM April 15th, 2006 EST (#5)
Don't forget it's the Evil Patriarchy in the guise of evolutionary biology that causes this desperate synchronization of psychological dysfunction among females.
Who was it who coined the joke -- "I would never trust any mammal that can bleed for seven days and not die?"
Not funny?
by khankrumthebulgar on 05:53 AM April 18th, 2006 EST (#6)
Maggie Thatcher Falklands war, Indira Ghandi destruction of the Sikh Golden Temple in Punjab, clashes with Pakistan, Golda Meir war with Egypt, Syria, Jordan. No Women will never make war with other Nations. More BS from the FemNags and more lies. Feminism=Intellectual Dishonesty and deception.
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