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Might I suggest everyone goes out to purchase a copy of Christina Hoff Sommers "The War Against Boys" and put it back on the seller list. I am sure those who already possess a copy, can think of two or three people they would like to give a copy to. If a book is selling, the media will pick up on this !
by Concerned Teen on 04:34 PM April 15th, 2006 EST (#2)
That’s a good start. However, in order to effectively combat sexism in schools, we need to attack it from all fronts. We need to raise awareness of this crisis in students. We need to start MR organizations in high schools, and we need to give students the tools to see through the feminist propaganda that they are bombarded with every day. By pushing for gender equality from within, coupled with efforts from Men's Rights advocates outside of the education system, I believe we can succeed.
by khankrumthebulgar on 11:37 AM April 16th, 2006 EST (#3)
We in the US must go to War with the Gender Equity Movement. Wellsley College's Womens Center, American Association of University Women, NOW, and the Feminist Majority. We are manufacturing a permanent Criminal Subculture in the US. And dumbing down our children so they cannot think for themselves. We are mass drugging our Boys in a Nazi like experiment. I am not exaggerating when I say we should try Feminists for Crimes Against Humanity, and execute them.
by Concerned Teen on 06:53 PM April 17th, 2006 EST (#4)
Although I do not question your enthusiasm, I'm not so sure that putting Feminist on trial for crimes against humanity and executing them is a reasonable goal. In order to maintain the movement's credibility, we have to be rational, logical, and pragmatic. Im not so sure that executing people is the way in which we should go about doing that.
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