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by Davidadelong on 07:07 PM April 10th, 2006 EST (#1)
I found it most profound that the teacher admitted that she had to control her reactions to the Boys behavior. I also find it interesting that these groups were in the same room, but seperated into gender groups. The Boys were a little more noisy, physically active, but produced the same results as the Girls. It seems that common sense isn't dead yet! This seems to be a very healthy model for our education system. When the groups are done at the end of the day group results could be compared and discussed. Sensitivity training for both Boys and Girls on how to live with each other. More good news! I just hope it keeps comming....
by n.j. on 09:33 PM April 10th, 2006 EST (#2)
The results at least in this isolated experiment might be good, but as a matter of fact, men and women will have to learn working with each other in later life anyway.
Personally, I would have been upset about this kind of segregation as a student. And it also supports gender stereotypes. To me, it does look kind of reactionist and I would rather think about better ways of co-education.
by Roy on 07:38 PM April 11th, 2006 EST (#3)
Maybe you can appreciate the irony here --- the basic idea of the "social construction of reality," which feminists have appropriated for their own ideological (gender-fascist) goals ... is now coming back to haunt them. (BTW, this theory was invented by men.... Berger and Luckman 1967...)
It's already the case that girls and boys inhabit different cultural "worlds" in school.
For most boys now, a female teacher is the norm for K-12.
A boy can go all the way through a successful high school graduation and maybe if he's lucky have one or three male teachers. (Quite possibly none.)
So, if we accept the feminist theory of gender power and patriarchy --- "sex as class domination..."
what does a boy learn from 12 years of obvious legally mandated institutional MATRIARCHY?
An open-ended question for all the excellent open minds here at MANN!
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