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No justice for rape victims, apparently
posted by Matt on 10:42 PM March 29th, 2006
False Accusations Tirryb writes "BBC News reports here that apparently there is almost no justice for victims of rape, with less than 1 in 20 accused of rape being convicted and with those horrible men still able to defend themselves in court and 'get away with it'.

Of course all the usual excuses are trotted out - institutional sexism (she flirted so she deserved it), old fashioned judges, men bamboozling the jury with expert witnesses, etc. And not even a mention of the possibility of a growth in false accusations.

Then right at the end, the shock figure - only 15% of rapes ever get reported. Yeah, right."

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How can they know? (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 07:05 AM March 30th, 2006 EST (#1)
Only 15% of rapes ever get reported? How can they know that? They are claiming to have knowledge of crimes which, by definition, no-one knows about. This is absurd. These figures are just made-up.

A lot of the time we are offered as evidence radical feminist 'studies' which cast the definition of rape so wide as to be almost meaningless. In these studies, in many cases, the rape 'victims' themselves don't even consider that they had been raped until the rad-fem interviewer told them so.

The spurious results are then used to whip up more anti-male hatred in the popular media.

Once feminists own up about false accusations, and stop telling lies about rape, I'll think about taking their opinions more seriously. Until then, I consider them a danger to society.

"Those who promise us paradise on earth have never produced anything but hell." Karl Popper
Re:How can they know? (Score:1)
by TachyonMale on 01:16 PM April 9th, 2006 EST (#3)
I agree.

If 85% of rapes are not reported, then no-one knows how many are reported. Could be 15%, as suggested, or 90%, or 2%.

It looks like the good old feminists are making up some statistics again (ie, the now defunct 75 cents per dollar figure).
Laughable, but dangerous (Score:1)
by robrob on 10:14 AM March 30th, 2006 EST (#2)
This story has had wide airing in the UK today.

Amongst other reasons given for the difficulty in "securing" more rape convictions is the fact that "the female may have been drinking"(?) and a pervasive "anti-female" culture exists in the courts. (That'll be the culture that sentences men more heavily than women for the same crimes then??)

If it wasn't so dangerous, it would be laughable.
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