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by RandomMan on 04:53 PM March 27th, 2006 EST (#1)
...and now the precious little things won't even need to have sex with us to procreate and sue us for their exclusive little privileges. Of course, given that it's now popular for young women to have had more dicks in them than a train station urinal, I'm not exactly crushed. I may be straight, but the little skanks coming out of the system today make me want to vomit. On the bright side of artificial wombs, at least some woman's "choices" to murder your child, use crack, drink, smoke and her variously acquired STD's wouldn't affect your child in an artificial womb, and she'd have a hell of a time getting someone to let her "abort" it when it wasn't a part of "her body", so maybe it's not such a bad thing after all.
If there is no viable male contraceptive to be had SOON (i.e. one that reduces sperm production to ZERO), then get snipped, wait for a clear test result and never, ever let anyone record your DNA profile. It's the only way to be safe. Consider that a woman could theoretically pull your sperm from a garment you had worn recently and (eventually) impregate an artificial womb. She could then, according to today's case law, sue YOU for the costs for the next two decades, the way things currently stand, even if she never even becomes "pregnant"!
On the other hand, the notion that women have something of value that men don't in terms of reproduction just went flying out the window, as did the idea that only women would eventually be able to reproduce asexually (i.e. merging the genetic material from two eggs - the genetic material from two sperm would do the job just as nicely). Besides, who would they sue to support their choices, their parents?
So, does someone want to tell me why society treats these spoiled princesses as gold, all while treating men as disposable? Let me suggest a new meme to reflect the results of feminism, a little gem to replace "sugar and spice" and all that bullshit: women are TAKERS, men are GIVERS. It starts with conception, and continues for the balance of our natural lives.
by Davidadelong on 11:18 PM March 27th, 2006 EST (#2)
So, in the future they will be able to manufacture slaves without Parents genetically designed to be nothing but workers like in the movie Alien Nation. Nothing but freakazoids to serve, with the only real births coming from the elite. Sound far fetched, the way things are going I really don't think so. We have to do something Folks before it is to late. "It is a good day to die!"
by Thundercloud on 12:04 PM March 29th, 2006 EST (#3)
...Why do I get the feeling something terrible is about to happen, in our country? I wonder if anyone in Canada, Great Britain, Australia and other western nations are getting the same feeling?
Why do I get the feeling an awful battle is about to begin.
I'm not some sort of Indian medicine man or 'Seer'. I just have a bad feeling.
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 05:58 PM March 29th, 2006 EST (#5)
Because it is TC. One does not need to be a seer in order to feel what the shrinks call the zietgeist (sp)? of society. Karl Jung did much research on the collective conscienceness. The NSA and the Army of this country has done much research on "mind reading" and control. It only stands to reason if one is sensitive that they should be able to "feel" the bad wind a commin Brother, and it is a commin. "It is a good day to die!"
by Petros on 10:26 AM March 31st, 2006 EST (#6)
I have the same feeling, TC. Partly because it seems the only way to put our society back on the right track would be some major upheaval.
I really respect what alot of the MRAs are trying to do but sometimes get the feeling that they are just tinkering with the feminist paradigm, rather than fundamentally changing it.
In my view, nothing short of overthrowing the entire system will suffice.
by Andrew74 on 12:46 PM March 29th, 2006 EST (#4)
Great to see your still here Thundercloud I always liked your postings. What happened to the chat on here? To many idiots and they had to get rid of it?
by TachyonMale on 05:53 PM April 9th, 2006 EST (#7)
There used to be chat?
Damn I missed it (I'm new).
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