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by Davidadelong on 05:22 PM March 23rd, 2006 EST (#1)
Very good article, but they left out the fact that it is also our current training for Male Children. Male Children that are raised to be in touch with their emotions and realize that they are Human as well as Male usually don't have the same work until you drop attitude about life. But, even on this site there are many Men who feel that is what it is to be a Man because of their training. Good points though, and from a Man and Woman team as well.
by thinker on 08:09 AM March 24th, 2006 EST (#2)
The article was positive allright...
But using evolution to explain behaviour of men (or women) is rubbish.
These idiots masquerading as experts should be shut away somewhere so that their disgusting ramblings do not harm ordinary people's thinking.
We are not animals. Not being too concerned about your own health may also indicate that you are not very self-obssessed.
But this beautiful and quite unique human trait escapes these idiots.This will give rise to the idea that women are more selfish and narcistic than men. Though true almost everyone is blind to this fact.
And also,the life-expectancy gap has increased after the advent of feminism. There is so much money invested by government for women's welfare that it should not be too hard to understand the health disparities.
Give men's welfare such importance and such disparities would vanish.
So, not really a good article. It does not know the actual reasons for disparity in men's health.
We need some dedicated person in the field of men's health to explain the reasons of health disparity.
But being politically incorrect is a no-no if you want to be a media behemoth.
Anyway, some progress....but nothing too great.
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