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by Luek on 05:15 PM March 21st, 2006 EST (#1)
She got away with it! Gee, what a surprise....NOT!
The "fix" was obviously in. I wonder if she will now marry her defense lawyer?
by Roy on 05:16 PM March 21st, 2006 EST (#2)
In the article as linked above, LeFave is laying (pun-intended) the groundwork for her inevitable upcoming media tour as the poster-girl for "Bipolar Disorder." (Also called Manic-Depressive syndrome.)
At a news conference in Tampa, Lafave said she resents being called a sexual predator, then announced that she has bipolar disorder, and her attorney said she is getting treatment.
"I want the world to see that bipolar is real," Lafave said. "Not one time has the media brought up the subject of my bipolar. I challenge you to read a book or an article on bipolar illness."
Symptoms of bipolar (DSM-IV defs)include --
* Impulsive, inappropriate behaviors.
* Increased sexuality
(6) increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
(7) excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential
for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual
indiscretions, or foolish business investments)
This chick has a great creative lawyer, and no doubt a tabloid offer, feelers out for a book deal, and a TV movie in the offing.
Nah. Just normal female amorality enhanced by the usual toxic narcissism.
by Davidadelong on 05:25 PM March 21st, 2006 EST (#3)
It is also interesting to note that there has been an increase of diagnosing People with bipolar condition in the last ten years, more Men than ever from what I have read.. As well as a plethora of different drugs to treat this "condition". I remember learning about what used to be considered bipolar condition, seems that they have lowered the standards for convenience.
by locksley2k on 07:10 PM March 21st, 2006 EST (#4)
This had nothing to do with a fix and she didn't totaly getaway with it.. Although she didn't get any real jail time because the victim wouldn't testify, she is still under house arrest in the first county she commited the crime besides having to register as a sex offender. Also all profit from her crime will go to the victim. So let her get a book deal, TV movie or whatever. It's in the article, didn't anybody read it?
The good news is the judge in the second county expressed the severity of her actions and wouldn't accept a plea. This is a positive sign for male victims of rape.
by Roy on 07:39 PM March 21st, 2006 EST (#5)
(locksley2k) -- "Also all profit from her crime will go to the victim. So let her get a book deal, TV movie or whatever. It's in the article, didn't anybody read it?"
I think you may be onto something potentially revolutionary for MRA's.
If the general punishment for female pedophiles in law can mandate donating all their "profits" from their sexual predation to their male victims --
then boys everywhere have a potential bonanza just waiting to be enjoyed.
It's a simple 3-step plan:
1) Screw your teacher (90% of K-12 teachers have vaginas...)
2) Claim you were raped.
3) Cash your monthly residual checks from your rapist's media deals.
I think it's still called "a good child support agreement."
by Davidadelong on 08:05 PM March 21st, 2006 EST (#6)
The Judge that spoke out against the deal made some good points on why he wouldn't take the deal. But, it really doesn't make any difference if the DAs office is being controlled. The Judge's that want to equalize the law won't get the chance. But at least the Judge in this case spoke out. Let's see, she got a house arrest sentence in one county for having sex with a fourteen year old, know any Men that got off that easy? Also, she is now speaking out about bipolar condition, yes just like someone else said, the poster child. Any bets she gets her house arrest reduced after some PR work and a certificate from a toad in the mental health field saying that she is under control? Talk about double standards! I have known Men that have actually had a bipolar condition. The only problem with them is that they would work themselves to death while they were on the up side, and get really depressed and lazy when on the down side. I guess here again training may have something to do with it as Women are taught to blame someone else for their behavior, and Men are taught to take responsibility. There was a country song that had a line in it referring to a divorce that said "She got the gold mine, and I got the shaft!" How true, but it starts at birth!
by Davidadelong on 10:39 AM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#7)
Saw her on the news, as she repeated what her lawyer told her to, there was no emotion what so ever, totally flat affect. Already she is saying that she is under control and doing well with her condition. Her eye lids fluttered at what some might say telling times during her statement. The lawyer sat there smiling the whole time. Another dog and pony show at the expense of "justice"! She should be in prison having to fend off advances of the dominant lesbians that would surely find her worthy of their attentions. Isn't that what they threaten Men with that have sex with young Girls? But of course it isn't lesbians for the Guys!
by Thundercloud on 01:28 PM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#8)
*sigh* What can I say here that hasn't been said a thousand times on this 'site alone?
"If she were a man..."
You know the rest.
"Hoka hey!"
by pondguy on 05:20 PM March 23rd, 2006 EST (#9)
Oh I wish I still had a link to that article. There was a article about a man who had sex with a 14 year old. I think he was sentenced to 10 years.
I think we've beaten the whole 'unequal punishment' thing to death...our legal system is sexist, we know that. Its time for change.
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