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by Daoistfire on 03:20 AM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#1)
Just as usual, they brainwash little kid, and screaming like a amplifier without doing anything good to the world.
What is real equality??
by RandomMan on 10:07 AM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#2)
Course Title: Women's Herstory 101
Module 1 Early Women:
Women entrap men into impregnating them and supporting their brood
Module 2 Early Women 2 - Women in Ancient and Medieval Societies:
In early agrarian and trading societies, women shame men into working, fighting and dying in warfare to provide more safety and wealth for women
Men are blamed for all warfare, despite the fact that female monarchs and rulers throughout history have waged some of the the most bloody, belligerent and protracted warfare in herstory
Module 3 Feminism 1 - Women in Industrialized Society:
Women demand all of men's gender privileges and over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, transfer almost all of their former social and criminal responsibilities to men using shame, sex, guilt and chivalry as weapons
Module 4 Feminism 2 - Marxism:
Women utilize the Marxist model and principles of class hatred and class warfare to win more privilege for themselves, while avoiding all social and legal responsibility
Module 5 Feminism 3 - Feminist Propaganda:
"man" and "male" are made into ethnic "slurs", and popular misandry is created as an all-encompassing social and cultural meme. Women are depicted as victims, regardless of objective reality, statistically valid evidence to the contrary and whatever gains or privileges women make in society at men's expense
The SCUM Manifesto becomes an immensely popular work, justifying patricide as a response to women's "unfulfillment"
Betty Friedan, an active leader of the American Communist Party, writes the popular "Feminine Mystique", claiming to be an oppressed housewife with no political aspirations
HIStory is rewritten as needed to depict human development through the ages as a continuous period of exploitation and oppression of women by men
Module 5 Feminism 4: Feminist Juristprudence and Justice:
Women re-introduce slavery and debtor's prisons for men while ensuring that they suffer little or no consequences for outright criminal acts themselves
Women avoid compulsory military service and all conscription (with very few exceptions)
Sex becomes a weapon, and women claim the exclusive right to make choices regarding paternity, abortion and children, and ensure government and legal support for this position
Men who are raped or who never consented to intercourse are forced to pay support for women and their offspring, and women freely interfere with men's rights to their children, including a child's knowledge of the identity of its true parents, which is clear violation of international law regarding basic human rights
Feminists depict men as abusers and women as victims in all situations, and use this highly succesful propaganda campaign to re-write family, civil and criminal law through collaborating, chivalrous politicians who fear the loss of the "female vote"
Module 6 Feminism 5 - The Feminist Domestic Violence Industry:
Women create a system which rips apart families and consistently transfers wealth, resources and children to women from men while leaving men with all financial, social and legal responsibilities
Women repeal the Magna Carta and the 1689 English Bill of Rights, but only for men
Women introduce presumptive maternal custody, automatic guilt for men, laws to "shield" women from responsibility for their grotesque sexual conduct, and normalize the archetypical "slut" as an "empowered" woman
Module 7 Women's Status in the 21st Century:
The life expectancy gap has widened to 7-8 years in favour of women in less than a century, ensuring a consistent transfer of wealth from men to women throughout the western world
Women retain exclusive rights to complain about a lack of funding for women's health care, and popular fundraising and "awareness" events are held to fund breast cancer research, despite the fact that men are 1.5 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than women are to develop breast cancer and clear evidence that both mortality and morbidity are significantly higher for prostate cancer than breast cancer
"Women's health issues" continue to receive 6-10 times the funding dedicated to men's health issues despite the life expectancy gap
Essentially all mental health and social work programs are focused on women and children, despite the fact that men commit suicide at 4-6 times the rate of women
Women continue to hold the right to complain about being discriminatorily underpaid for "work of equal value", when their work is consistenly shown not to be of equal value, and clear evidence that women who make the same choices as men in terms of career, risks and family make more than men who make identical choices
Despite studies indicating that women commit as many acts of domestic violence as men, and far more child abuse, billions of tax dollars (70% paid by men) are funnelled to the feminist DV industry, which denies any assistance to abused men or children
Women have "more than equal" access to education, employment, legal resources and victim assistance programs. Women can obtain abortions, no-fault divorces and legally-sanctioned discriminatory advancement in society, education and employment while men remain in the "glass cellar" and are subject to imprisonment without trial for being "annoying", thus ending men's rights and choices where a woman's begin
Women face 1/6th the criminal liability men face for committing the same acts
Young black women and other minority women have enjoyed some $50 billion in funding for programs which have helped them "advance" themselves, at the same time that yound black men are as likely to be incarcerated as they are to be employed
Women who offend society consistently receive treatment, while men who offend consistently receive incarceration
Men are 95% of workplace fatalities, the overwhelming majority of prisoners, the victims of 90% of violence in society and nearly half a million of them are imprisoned for non-payment of civil debts to women without charge, trial or right of appeal
Popular misandry permeates all levels of society, culture, politics, government and laws
Men's rights activists are dismissed as "pussies" or "whiners", and active sabotage is used to frame and destroy and effective men's or father's rights campaigns or organizations
Women contine to claim "victim" and "minority" status, despite clear advantages in every part of life and society, and a numeric majority in all cultures
Government agencies to ensure the "Status of Women" are created throughout the world, while no such agencies are available to men
Please feel free to print this on "brightly colored" paper and plaster it all over your local school, college or university in honor of "Women's Herstory Month", with your compliments to Kim Gandy and NOW, of course.
Oh, and can I have my vagina cookie without the hair, please?
by Roy on 11:47 PM March 22nd, 2006 EST (#3)
Incredibly inspired writing and it needs to be distributed far and wide!
Is it OK to copy it to other forums, send it to my state's officials, and plaster it all over via electronic and print subversion on DV feminazi counseling offices, women's legal advocacy bureaus, and mass media outlets?
I just have to inquire ---
by RandomMan on 04:52 PM March 23rd, 2006 EST (#4)
You don't want to know 'bout that final module. Think legalized (I mean fully, not just a slap on the wrist) patricide, gender-based taxation, genetic modification of male embryos, you know, the sort of things the feminists are just salivating for. Even then, women on the street will still believe that "they have it worse" or society is "unfair to women", and will demand extra taxpayer-funded whatever.
I stopped listening to testicle-impaired humans (unless they became that way by accident or choice), a VERY long time ago. Right around the time they stopped making any sense and began spewing man-hating gibberish when spoken to. Unlike women, however, I preach non-violence and renounce hate of any "class", unless that class is delivered by a women's studies department. How fucking self-involved do you have to be to have a course where you spend years studying yourself? Are they really that blind and naive? Besides, how does it go over in a job interview? "What did you study Mz. Dykey?". Answer: "um, uh, me?" I'll bet that results in plenty of lucrative job offers ;)
Hell, I renounce the idea of treating human beings as "classes" altogether - after feminism, which is of course its derivative, Marxism is the most self-defeating, hateful pile of bullshit ever to be extruded by a human being. Feminists find me to be plenty of fun at parties. When I was an academic, I'd pretend to play along just so they'd invite me to their latest hate-in and I could piss all over it (metaphorically, of course). (Well, most of the time).
You can do anything you please with anything I write, as long as it's within the law and non-violent, it's OK with me. Just don't send me your legal bills - I take no responsibility for anything anyone ever does, even if they blame me, what with me being a liberated man and all. Just following in feminism's footsteps and asserting my equal right to full irresponsibility under the law.
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