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by Davidadelong on 11:44 AM March 19th, 2006 EST (#1)
That is an interesting suggestion. The article was ineresting as well. Would the purpose of routing testosterone be for the implementation of control? Why does it need to be rerouted to begin with? Why can't Men just be who they are? Some Men have more testoserone than others genetically, should we make everyone the same? Shouldn't Men be treated with the same respect as Women within a free society? Have not Men and their testosterone done many positive things through out history, and continue to do so today? Perhaps I missed your point? I do get dense from time to time. In so far as the behavior of an individual is concerned with regard to the law that is supposed to protect us all, I don't believe that a persons hormones should be considered. Self control by the individual is the Persons responsibility, and should be taught to everyone regardless of their hormones, either Male or Female. It is because of the knowledge that the "social scientists" have about our hormones and behavior that we are so manipulated today. Just a thought...
by Roy on 11:46 AM March 19th, 2006 EST (#2)
This piece takes more than a quick glance to digest, but it's really worth a close read.
Excerpts --
"Without testosterone, humans would always revert to the default sex, which is female. The Book of Genesis is therefore exactly wrong. It isn't women who are made out of men. It is men who are made out of women. Testosterone, to stretch the metaphor, is Eve's rib."
"Since it is unethical to experiment with human embryos by altering hormonal balances, much of the evidence for this idea is based on research conducted on animals.
A Stanford research group, for example, as reported in Deborah Blum's book "Sex on the Brain," injected newborn female rats with testosterone.
Not only did the female rats develop penises from their clitorises, but they also appeared fully aware of how to use them, trying to have sex with other females with merry abandon. Male rats who had their testosterone blocked after birth, on the other hand, saw their penises wither or disappear entirely and presented themselves to the female rats in a passive, receptive way."
"Men who inject excessive amounts may see their own production collapse and experience shrinkage of their testicles and liver damage."
"Working women have higher levels of testosterone than women who stay at home, and the daughters of working women have higher levels of testosterone than the daughters of housewives.
A 1996 study found that in lesbian couples in which one partner assumes the male, or "butch," role and another assumes the female, or "femme," role, the "butch" woman has higher levels of testosterone than the "femme" woman."
"Diversity need not mean the equalization of difference. In fact, true diversity requires the acceptance of difference. A world without the unruly, vulnerable, pioneering force of testosterone would be a fairer and calmer, but far grayer and duller, place. It is certainly somewhere I would never want to live."
Ironically, this article was written by a gay man who started testosterone therapy to suppress his long-term H.I.V. prospects.
by Davidadelong on 11:55 AM March 19th, 2006 EST (#3)
I caught the irony as well. Viva La Difference! The only reason the "social scientists" and the government/corporations want everyone to be the same is for control, it makes it easier to control the masses. Funny thing though, anthropoligists studies conclude that through out studies of modern society that Men are fairer in business practices than Women. Which would debunk the theory that without testosterone we would live any better, actually we would probably be worse off.
by Roy on 12:11 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#4)
All the studies I've seen suggest that women hate to have a female boss.
That also suggests a number of possibilities --
* Women do not trust other women.
* Women know they can manipulate a man far easier than another woman.
* Women-over-women hierarchies are dysfunctional and women understand that.
* Women are even more ruthlessly competitive than men ... only against other women.
* Women are socialized to be crazy stupid bitches who use every passive-aggressive means at their disposal to fight their covert wars.
(ODD GIRL OUT -- Rachel Simmon's book and also a moovee out on DVD!)
* Men take women WAY too seriously!
by Davidadelong on 06:25 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#5)
Men take women WAY too seriously! I have to agree with that, but the system has given them unearned credibility, and they are acting accordingly.
by Roy on 09:13 PM March 19th, 2006 EST (#6)
Well, in order to put women in proper perspective, you have to be able to give them up entirely for a few years.
Voluntary celibacy is not fatal, nor does it lead to premature mortality.
I encourage every MRA to try a one-year dating stike, just for practice.
The best part of this discipline is that women are both attracted and terrified of a man who cannot be coerced, manipulated, or cuckholded....
And, they can't resist what terrifies them! ;-)
by Davidadelong on 10:51 AM March 20th, 2006 EST (#8)
You forgot to mention that many communities are very organized. The womyn in those communities don't like a Man that doesn't have a leash. Thinking for yourself is bad enough, but when one quits playing "the game" one becomes a target. But, similar to the proverbial spiritual journey that many have taken removing ones self from "the game" for a few years has many benifits for self discovery and enlightenment. For one the redirection of our strongest instinctual drive to other areas of our lives. Do Men ever wonder why some Women are trained to use sex as a weapon? Show me a workaholic, and I will show you a Man that isn't allowed to be comfortable in his own home. The same is true for most alcoholics, they just give up though. Just a thought....
by Roy on 11:52 PM March 20th, 2006 EST (#11)
"As it happened, in addition to being a great musician Charlie Parker was also a heroin addict. Although his best solos came when he was off drugs, it became fashionable among a whole generation of jazz musicians to use heroin, and they used it because they were attempting to emulate their idol.
The aspiration was understandable and even admirable: they wanted to participate in the kind of transcendent experience they'd seen someone else enjoy. But the results were disaterous for many talented people.
For them, heroin proved to be an inadequate, destructive, and false answer to the central purpose of their lives, which was to become great musicians. They hoped to find a shortcut to paradise, but it proved to be a very wrong turn.
This is an absolutely crucial point about addiction, whether it involves drugs, food, alcohol, sex,tobacco, gambling, television, or any of the thousands of other tempations that every day present themselves in our lives.
Addiction begins by looking for the right thing in the wrong place...
addiction is nothing other than a severely degraded substitute for the true experience of joy."
(Deepak Chopra, 1997)
I was going to tie this into feminism and male subservience to the exalted golden goddess, but it just seems too obviously redundant....
> And, they can't resist what terrifies them! ;-)
Actually, this gets at something only touched on in the article which I wanted to point out, namely that the logic behind taking girls to horror movies is that by stimulating their adrenal glands you get them to make some testosterone, etc., etc...
I'm sure horror movies were invented way before the science of T was worked out, so this is an empirical discovery or something chanced upon, which makes perfect sense after the hormonal details are worked out.
If you don't have a silly movie handy you can stimulate the andrenalin gland in other ways...
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/* Not All Men Are Fools -- Some Are Martian Bachelors
Yes, I thought the author took as gospel a little too much many of the cliches about testosterone. There are plenty of men with lots of testosterone who have never gotten into a bar brawl.
But what you're getting at is the connection between T and beneficial leadership (to the family, kin, the tribe, whatever), which isn't given much consideration these days.
I always thought the reason women were generally so lousy at leading is because they're wired to be moms -- essentially dictators / absolute rulers / tyrants. In short, women tend to be both totalitarian and oftentimes seemingly capricious, which just encourages rebellion, monkey-wrenching and the like. Male leadership is typically entirely different.
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/* Not All Men Are Fools -- Some Are Martian Bachelors
by Raymond Cuttill on 05:15 AM March 20th, 2006 EST (#7)
I am not testosterone. I am a man. Examples abound: I’ve seen programmes that report that there are more gun deaths per capita in the USA than elsewhere and that violence worldwide is on the increase but the programme goes on to talk about the efforts of testosterone. Paedophiles who are castrated or chemically castrated (therefore no testosterone) can still molest children, because it’s often about anger, not testosterone. Women have less testosterone than men still murder and their violence is on the increase. Does this mean testosterone is on the increase?
Testosterone is as much concerned with success and protection as with violence.
Perhaps we should talk about oestrogen laden atmosphere when we see a bunch of women gossiping or when they’re telling how superior they are and see if they like it. If you want to stop violence look at the moral environment you’re bringing children up in, rather than whether they have testosterone.
Amen to that Raymond...we men laugh, cry, bleed, and feel just like everyone else!
Cut out this BS about testosterone and oestrogen!
Emmanuel Matteer Jr. *****MASCULISM IS A BLACK MALE'S BEST FRIEND!!!!!*****
by Davidadelong on 01:53 PM March 20th, 2006 EST (#10)
No Raymond, you are a Human Being, supposedly a Citizen of this country, a Man, in that order, and under the tenants of our beginnings as a nation are supposed to have inalienble rights. Wonder where things went wrong?
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