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by Davidadelong on 07:45 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#1)
OK, I know I have said this before, but. The two party system in our country is a joke. They play off each other, and laugh all the way to the bank, on our sweat and blood. I used to vote republican, as I deluded myself into believing that they actually supported the Constitution, but alas to either party that is nothing but a piece of paper to be used when convenient. Smoke and mirrors, with a dog and pony show. The most expensive con game going, and we pay for it. I long for the day when they prepare a big show, and no one shows up except the actors. Just a though....
by Roy on 12:42 AM March 18th, 2006 EST (#2)
Well, you can't argue with cynical logic, but what if we ARE the BIG SHOW, and no actors are required?
(i.e --- we are all already just props and shills?)
Feminism is a circus distraction to take men's attention away from the real vampires...
elected (95% male) viruses who sit in office and prey upon working women and men and feel no accountability.
VAWA was passed by 100% male "representatives!"
Was it Bob Marley who sang--- "It takes a revolution... to make a solution?"
I could be wrong.
by Davidadelong on 10:11 AM March 18th, 2006 EST (#3)
I don't believe you are wrong, and neither do many others. People in general are tired of being lied to. It has been theorized that we carry the pain of our ancestors, hidden memories if you will that actually influence how we receive information. I think our cup of misery is overflowing. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". People that want positive change are nothing less than Patriots in the true sense of the meaning of the word. Anyway I have never been an armchair resistor. I have actively resisted oppression in my life since I was a kid. It hasn't been pretty. But I have always been civil in my actions, non violent as I actually abhore violence. But some could say that the opposition has already crossed the non violent line a long time ago, so it could be argued that actual violence is fair game. Interesting arena of thought anyhow, because to espouse actual violence against the system is to cross that imaginary line that they use to put People away for life one way or the other, either for an imaginary crime, or after they have framed the person so as to dope them and rot their brains with drugs for being dangerous to society. Unless of course one actually works for the system as an instigator trying to get others to incriminate themselves. Now that was some philosophication, eh what! "It is a good day to die!"
-masquerading as a two-party system. Both parties get their money from the same source and that is about all that really matters in putting on The Big Show. They've also pretty well rigged things so that no one can bust up their little lucrative party.
Have you ever noticed how easily some congressmen switch parties to be on the side of the majority? Senator Nighthorse-Campbell did that here in Colorado: elected as a D, he switched to the R's with hardly more than a shrug when they gained the majority in the mid-90's; he said he could be more effective that way, which actually sold well enough to get him re-elected. But most people with political convictions would flip around to the other side as most of us would consider casually having a sex-change operation. I'm sure there are other examples.
Bumper Sticker: I don't vote, it just encourages `em. -------------------------------------------------- ----------
/* Not All Men Are Fools -- Some Are Martian Bachelors
> But this much seems clear: Democrats gain when
> women stay single, Republicans benefit when they
> marry.
With declining marriage rates and a supposed glut of available single women caused by an alleged shortage of men, the D's should be way, way out in front by now. But they're not.
So somewhere there's a flaw in the line of reasoning.
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/* Not All Men Are Fools -- Some Are Martian Bachelors
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