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by Thundercloud on 03:12 PM March 15th, 2006 EST (#1)
I was wondering when some one would do this.
Good for you, Doug. I hope you win this case, big time.
Of course at the end of the article there is the usual excuse maker (A wussie-poopie male) who tries to explain away the discrepancies between male and female students by saying they "don't discriminate" despite the all the evidence that they DO. The hall pass fiasco is just ONE example among many.
What would happen if only Black kids had to have a hall pass but White kids didn't?
Do I really need to answer that question?
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 07:39 PM March 15th, 2006 EST (#2)
I am glad to see this posted again! The ending statement by one of the deans of the school is somewhat telling about the attitude of the school. He says that they want everyone to be as successful as they "can be". Perhaps that is why they discriminate against the Boys, they know that they are going to be more oppressed than the Girls. More toads hurting whole generations just so that they can get a check. I wonder what ever happened to these peoples Humanity? Oh, that is the first thing that gets lost one when gives all for a career isn't it? "It is a good day to die!" I for one would like to be updated on this case, as it is interesting, and important.
by Uberganger on 08:44 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#6)
I for one would like to be updated on this case, as it is interesting, and important. Yes, it will be interesting to passively sit by and watch what happens. What a shame there is no proper men's movement that would be able to support and promote the important efforts these individuals are making. . I remember back when some guy stole some ceramic penises from an anti-DV display a few years ago. It got a lot of media attention, but ultimately led nowhere because there was nothing and nobody to back it up or use it as a springboard to something more. Realising that it was a wasted opportunity, somebody on this site said "we must be ready for the next time". Well, what do you know? Here is that very 'next time' (there have probably been others before, but let's not embarrass ourselves too much). So, is the men's (lack of) movement all ready to spring into action on this one? Guys? All organised this time? This court case will go nowhere. The education system will 'prove' that it doesn't discriminate against boys. Various useful idiots will come out with remarks such as "girls are just smarter than boys" or "boys spend too much time playing video games, while girls are studying hard". It will then become that much harder to challenge the education system again. It's almost impossible for somebody to win something like this with no visible or popular support, and it's sad to say but true that so-called MRAs will not be providing either of those. Gee, I guess we'll just have to wait until the next next time. Unless anyone has a better idea?
by Davidadelong on 10:53 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#7)
I had thought about trying to start an organization called R.A.G.E. years ago. Rights Are Good for Everybody! It would not discourage the thinking Women, and it depicts the general attitude of People that are being screwed by their government. I am currently having certain legal problems whereby I do not have the money, nor would it be wise for me at this time. In the mean time letters sent do have some impact. Maybe someone will post an address where we can send letters. Or, maybe you could organize a camp in at the school by posting a time and date on this site, contact the media before hand, and see what happens? Who knows, you might get your wish!
by thatold55 on 07:44 PM March 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
In the hyper-egalitarian world we are creating, it does not matter that the school system does not actively discriminate against boys. All that matters is that boys on average have poorer outcomes than girls. The school system has two choices, allocate more funds targeted exclusively at elevating the average performance of the boys, or start beating down the girls until their average performance begins to resemble the boys. This is the solution government schools are opting for in regards to race, now it is time to do the same in regards to sex.
Shameful in both cases, isn't it?
by Concerned Teen on 08:57 PM March 15th, 2006 EST (#4)
I am a freshman at a San Diego High School, and allow me to state that sexism is rampant to say the least. To combat this, I have started a Male Rights orginization, much to the criticism of my teachers. I can only hope that my children don't have to go through the same thing.
by Thundercloud on 12:49 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#9)
Trust me, 'Concerned Teen', if your teachers are criticizing you for starting a Male Rights Organization you are doing the RIGHT thing.
Let me ask, are most of your teachers FEMALE?
"Hoka hey!"
by Hunchback on 09:50 PM March 15th, 2006 EST (#5)
In the hyper-egalitarian world we are creating, it does not matter that the school system does not actively discriminate against boys. All that matters is that boys on average have poorer outcomes than girls. The school system has two choices, allocate more funds targeted exclusively at elevating the average performance of the boys, or start beating down the girls until their average performance begins to resemble the boys.
The elephant in the room is that yes, schools are actively discriminating against boys. Both of my sons can attest to that. One teacher who polled her class got the response from both boys AND girls that she favored the girls more. The vote wasn't even close, and this was a teacher who considered herself egalitarian. Grrrl power is evident everywhere one looks in the modern public school, feeding off the myth that girls were ever academically disadvantaged. A fresh generation of female teachers with feminist indoctrination and woman studies, convinced that all females from 1 to 100 are chafing under the yoke of the patriarchy, are consciously elevating girls and—one at least hopes subconsciously—suppressing boys. Many are deliberate and methodological.
Should we allocate more funds targeted at boys? Damn skippy! For decades we've had programs to encourage girls, ads in the media to foment girl power, Title IX, and studies up the wazoo. Ironically, even back in the 70s when the hullabaloo began about girls lagging in math and science, they were leading in everything else by a larger margin. So naturally they promoted the girls. What was once a lead is now a rout, with no end in sight due to the new crop of politicized teachers. To this very day, while politicians and educators are wringing their hands over the implosion of males in academia, they are still accelerating the creation of more educational props for know, to "level the playing field."
And this runaway grrl power has a socioeconomically disparate impact. The lower you are on the socioeconomic scale the longer the shadow grrrl power throws.
Why? Simply because the poorer one is the more one depends on the programs that the schools have declared GIRL ONLY. E.g., if girls don't have to pay for science camp but boys do, this profoundly affects poor boys but not their sisters. Nor their middle class peers. And certainly not the wealthy. (The science camp example is a true one.) Not only this, but in poverty, living on the edge, any program may make the difference between success and failure. And now some educators are accepting the myth that girls naturally do better than boys in school. Gee, this can go right beside the old chestnut that girls mature faster.
Carol Gilligan, AAUW, and the rest of the feminist machine are getting precisely the result for which they were aiming; their only failure is that middle class boys are failing at the rate of their poorer brothers.
The hell with them B...(scratch: ITCHES). UP WITH BOYS!
by Davidadelong on 11:55 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#8)
It is amazing what the proper training and brainwashing can do, huh Hunchback? Protect your Children, and hopefully teach them to think for themselves.........
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